Page 10 - Issue12-English
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      |P A G E  9                                   I Is ss su ue e   1 12 2- October 2019

               ELITE‟s Godmother

                                                                                            Translated by: Sama Mamdouh

           ELITE supervisor and High Board Member Prof. Dr. Hanan Mohamed
                               Ali Narrates How the ELITE Dream began

       It  was  a  mere  idea  that  has  been  beautifully  reflected  into  reality,  it  was  born  gloriously  and  still  affirming  its
       position in the court of exalted majesty. It has been a year since Elite magazine-FEPS media outlet- first came out.
        I still recall the meeting that I held with a group of assistant lecturers, teaching assistants in addition to faculty's
       students for the launching of the new faculty website. And after the distribution of tasks, a student has suggested
       adding a periodical review on the website, at this specific moment I recalled the Caravan newspaper of the American
       University, I also remembered my fondness of journalism ever since I can remember, and how my father used to
       urge me to read articles and investigative journalism in different daily newspapers and discuss it with him.

        Here, I suggested that it would be a monthly newspaper in which teaching staff, students and graduates write about
       topics that range from economics, politics, art and literature.  Afterwards, I offered them my perception and it was
       well received. So, I had to choose a president and an editorial board, and I entrusted the faculty students headed by
       Mr. RamyMagdy to take this responsibility due to my trust in their capabilities. And they have achieved success
       beyond  my  expectations,  I'd  find  that  each  issue  of  the  newspaper  is  better  than  the  one  before  and  I  felt  the
       happiness of the team alongside the students because of this fruitful experience.

       So,  congratulations  to  the  newspaper  team  for  publishing  12  issues  considered  as  information  treasure,  and  my
       wishes for more excellence and brilliance.

                                             Happy Anniversary ELITE..

       |P A G E  9                                  I Is ss su ue e   1 12 2- October 2019                        ELITE
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