Page 15 - Issue12-English
P. 15

      |P A G E    14                                I Is ss su ue e   1 12 2- October 2019

                                   Wage                        On The Decision to

                              Gender Gap                      LowerThe Interest Rate

                                in The US.

                      Salma Bayoumi, 2nd Level, Economics  *Mohamed Fawzi, 3  Level, Economics

      One of the massive problems that face the middle class in the   Interest rate is defined as the cost of borrowing expressed as percentage of the
   United States, which forms nearly half of the American society, is  principal amount. From a consumer’s perspective, an individual may have excess of

   the wage gender gap.For example, if there is a man and a woman  a certain amount and would be willing to lend it to take a rate of return. From a
   working at the same establishment for the same hours and doing the  producer’s perspective, a producer might want capital to start a business, expansion,
                                                         or introduce a new product. This capital would be financed by borrowing and the
   same job, so if the man gets one dollar the woman will get only 80
   cents. In average she gets 80% of a man wage; however the gap is   producer would be charged an interest to serve as the cost of borrowing. Therefore,
                                                         investors or producers are looking for low interest rates. This is exactly what
   wider for women of color.                             happened in Egypt in July where the interest rate plummeted to 14.25%. According
      Men are afraid of being fired and replaced with women because  to economics, this is something good where the cost of borrowing to investors will
   there  is  no  doubt  that  the  owners  of  companies  want  to  reduce   be less.
     expenses,  although  72  million  of  the  American  women  and  their   Low interest rates definitely, would mean a lower cost of borrowing for investors
   families are suffering as they can’t afford their children’s expenses,   certainly. However, it’s worth noting that since the interest rate in Egypt was high so
     or even their own  expenses, because there are many women who  foreign investors and even local find that investment in government bonds and bills
   depend on themselves and they are completely independent.   to be more attractive thaninvestments in production or manufacturing. According
                                                         one of the members of the council of the central bank of Egypt during a
      Now  we  have  to  ask  ourselves  a  question,  is  this   conversation with Al Arabiya news agency, the current total amount of investments
   discrimination  legal?Definitely  not.In  1963,  the  American   from hot money sum up to a total amount of 19 billion dollars out of the total
    Congress passed The Equal Pay Act and it was the first step to   investments in Egypt’s GDP 2019. By lowering the interest rate, foreigners will no
   solve this problem as it provides paying equal wages for both men   longer find the Egyptian market attractive for investment and thus at the closest

    and women who are in the same position at the same company.   chance, foreigners might stop investing in Egypt and invest in other emerging
   This act was not only solving women’s problem but also it was the   markets. Furthermore, Egyptian consumers will no longer find the certificates of
   key of financial security of many American families.   deposits to be satisfactory enough and they might rather choose to invest their
                                                         money in purchasing gold, real estate, or even might cause the dollarization to come
      Unfortunately, this act couldn’t solve the problem as it lacked   back. It was always a problem in Egypt, that citizens find the most suitable
   tools that women  could use if they are facing this problem, and   investment is purchasing US dollars and this might lead to the re-creation of black
   also  lacked  tools  the  executive  authority  could  use  to   markets again. This will depreciate the value of the Egyptian pound. I believe that
   intervene.This  crisis  continued  until  the  American  Congress   the governor of the central bank Mr. Tarek Amer took a long time before taking the
   passed the Paycheck Fairness Act in March 2019. This act was   decision to lower the interest rate because of the above reasons.
   made to strengthen the Equal Pay Act as it provides women with   Comparison between some interest rates of Egypt compared to world
   tools that they can use to take their rights.         Egypt                 Turkey                Argentina
                                                         14.25%                19.75%                58%
      Surprisingly  while  voting  on  this  bill  in  the  Senate;  only  7   Source: Bloomberg
   Republicans were in  favor  of this bill but 187 of them weren’t,
   however all of the Democratic senators voted ay and supported the   I’ve chosen Turkey and Argentina since they are emerging markets just like Egypt.
   bill  until  it  became  a  law.How  could  a  senator  representing  the   According to Bloomberg, Turkey’s interest rate is 19.75% and Argentina’s 58%.
   American  people  who  believe  in  equality  between  men  and   Argentina’s government might be intending to raise it more which makes Argentina
   women  be  against  a  law  that  supports  this  equality!However   currently one of the most attractive markets in the world. I’ve even witnessed some
                                                         investment banks in Egypt that are planning to purchase government bonds and treasury
   people are happy after this law passed, there is no evidence of the   bills in Turkey and Argentina rather than investing in Egypt. To sum up, I don’t think
   resolution of this problem,all they have is such promises.   that we should decrease the interest rate further in Egypt.

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