Page 18 - Issue12-English
P. 18

      |P A G E    17                                I Is ss su ue e   1 12 2- October 2019

                                 Silenced                                                     Our Old

                                 Moments                                                          Notes

                         HadeerAshraf, Fourth Year, Economics                        Mayar Tarek, Fourth Level, Political Science

    We  have  always  reached  this  stage  of  repeated  silence,  without   And I keep looking through my old notebooks wishing to restore at least
    focusing  of  the  time,  stopping the  mobility  and  wondering,  what  is   a  tiny  part  of  that  past  which  refuses  to  come  back,  that  past  I  still
    allof  these  collapse?  Do  we  have  a  choice  like  surrender?  At  those   remember details of it as if it happened yesterday, and even remembering
    moments you  will remember a few  words passing, those which you   them more than my present. Actually I can't tell, is it growing up which
    have  heard  many  times  until  you  are  bored,  but  now  you  are  fully   makes us run away to hide behind our childhood again, or cruelty of life?
    aware of them.
                                                                But in my old notebooks there are thousand stories that I wish to live
     Life may not give us a moment for feeling those things, but we all go   now at least one of them, I wish to get that chance to turn time back; to
    through them. Those moments of great gratitude to someone might be   keep those details and be able to live them. But I don’t know if this is
    relative, friend, or even a stranger, but they have left a very important   really going to happen?Maybe because I realized the thing, I'll try to fix
    mark on you, which support you in moments that you feel broken, tell   what messed up, and I'll try to make use of what I let go and made it fade
    you  that  you  are  still alive,  and  their  voice  becomes  more  vigorous   away with my own will. Maybe because I didn’t know then that this was
    than  the  sound  of  your  soul  that  your  ability  to  hear  it  have  been   going to happen, I didn’t make use of every single moment as if it was the
    distorted inside of you.                                   last.
      So they were support you and their voice chasing you against your   But what I found out after growing up as they call is that we don't know
    will was a necessity, so  you  feel helpless and wondering repeatedly   that  this is  the time  and  we'll never  know;  we'll never  know  unless  all
    what they want, they see that you have the right to keep silent and stay   these  details  pass  through  our  hands,  and  time  passes  also  to  find
    away when you want to, but you have no right to abandon them for   ourselves  grown  up  like  decades.  Then  we'll  look  through  our  old
    longer, after attaching them with you, whether you are afraid of them   notebooks trying to restore what we lost, trying to go back in a road that
    or  against  them,  they  are  the  ones  who  awaken  you  from  your   has no return at all. There are still details at the present waiting for us to
    inattention to your grief, as if they are grab you from the black hole   live, there are still pictures waiting for us to take, and there is still a live
    inside you, hopping you will return to them, and here you are felling   waiting for us to live. But it's life; it'll keep taking us back to that quiet
    gratitude  for  them  that  is  mixed  with  inability  of  return  the  favor,   corner at which we keep all our old memories. And we'll keep refuge to it
    They just want you to rise again the old one of you, probably it’s a   from  time  to  time;  we'll refuge  to  it  when  life  becomes  cruel  on  us  to
    torch inside you, they have felt the responsibility towards you and still   remember that it wasn't so before, and we'll refuge to it when the ones we
    believe in you in that time when you even can’t do that.   love leave us to remember that they never did so before, and we'll refuge
                                                               to it when we face harshness and sleeping refuses to come closer to our
      Perhaps there is no need to explain that feeling from them, but it is a   eyes for days to remember how life was quiet and sleeping never left our
    genuine sense and a reflection of what you were before. You may be   side..
    unable to thank them, but you have the burden of fulfil their hopes –
    although I refuse to surrender to the right of yourself - some people   We'll still refuge to this quiet corner to restore our childhood strength; the
    have the burden of not surrender to the right of these individuals, you   one  from  which  we  always  ran  away  when  we  were  young  because  we
    should reach to what you were wished one day. If it is not for yourself   wanted to grow up so fast. And we never knew that this would be growing
    then for them, you should not make them feel failure they have the   up, and that a day will come in which our memories will be the place from
                                                               which we restore our strength to continue. And this'll still be our quiet corner
    right to be thanked in a proper way so there is no need for you to be   which gives us comfort. And we'll always go back to look through our old
    far all this time, the world wouldn’t change by your silence and will   notebooks from time to time to have another chance to live their details; in an
    never stand in a solace for your sadness. So you now know what you   old picture, or maybe a letter the time decided to fade its writer's ink away..
    must do and the most prober way to return their favor.

       |P A G E  17                                 I Is ss su ue e   1 12 2- October 2019                        ELITE
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