Page 13 - Issue12-English
P. 13
|P A G E 12 I Is ss su ue e 1 12 2- October 2019
Plato’s Thoughts Kendakah&
on Pleasure and Nubian
Truth Women
Ramez Ibrahim Hadeer Hassan
Political Science Assistant lecturer Political Science TeachingAssistant
Kendakah" refers to the Nubian ladies in general, to denote
In his endeavor to define justice, Plato, the revered respect, sophistication and reverence. In this article, we will refer
thinker and the pioneer of Ancient Greek political theory, to the cultural specificity of the Nubian woman, which appeared in
her clothes, jewelry, and crafts that decorate her home.Nubian
noticed a close relationship between estislah-al-nafs (self- House is characterized by beauty, cleanliness, bright colors and
improvement) and political reform. Plato lived hard times inscriptions that symbolize the Egyptian civilization in all its ages.
owing to the execution of his tutor, Socrates, and the When you enter any house from the inside, you will find the
touches of Nubian women there. Intense hygiene is the first
humiliating defeat of Athens received at the hands of address in all homes, followed by attention to some of the heritage
Sparta. details that appeared in wicker baskets, beads works, and mats of
wool, which adorn the floors in very creative colors, along with
mural paintings on the wall to embody the Nubians' daily lives.
Plato distinguished between genuine and fake pleasures.
Real pleasures are pure and not followed by pain(e.g. The most distinctive feature of Nubian women is their fashion,
logical thinking and having an active smelling sense). Fake which reflects a deep Nubian culture. The beginning will be with
(Gergar) one of the most important heritage of Nubian women.
pleasures, on the other hand, such as excessive sex and (ger-Jo-R), is the origin of Gergar as a word, which means what
food, lead to self-indulgence, bad calculations and hasty appears through it, "transparent". This name was a Nubian
decisions. translation of an older word, Sha-eve-nu, which meant the same
meaning as "transparent" in ancient Egypt. The (Gergar) is a long
simple dress in the form of long-sleeved wide beyond the hands
To achieve political reform,education must be given ends with frilly tips and up to the ankles from the front and length
high priority to mold citizens' souls. In Plato's utopia, increases from the back until it touches the ground. It is said that it
every individual is primarily pre-occupied with his own was designed in this way to observe the footprints of a woman as
she walks, to prevent anyone from following her, and to indicate
affairs. The Stoics echoed the same meaning several the modesty.
decades later. Our great thinker helped in shedding the In addition, There is a (Shojah) which was similar to the
light on the role of psychological factors in molding uniforms of Roman emperors, as the tie is held over the left
citizens' souls and achieving political reform. According to shoulder, Its length is more than 11 meters which is of course
excessive but there is wisdom behind it. As one of the common
Plato, despotism, one of the central themes in his theory, is customs among Nubian women is the participation of others in
divided into two dimensions. The despot's soul is not stable their special occasions whether weddings or deaths, this sometimes
because he's chased almost all the time by nightmares and requires travel long distances, which may cause death. So, Shouja
is used "as a shroud."Jewelry is of great importance in the life of
obsessed with controlling others. Nubian women. It isn’t just pieces of gold or silver, but pieces tell
the history of development and creativity. In this context, we will
This personality type, if given the opportunity to govern refer to some kinds of these pieces.
the city-state, will tarnish peoples' morale. Demagoguery, There is a (Shawshaw) ornament, which is made of silver to hang on
an art used for political agitation, is practiced to the sides of the head. also, there is a (Silver Rahman), a gold ornament
manipulate emotions and leads to costly wars.Thanks to for the head, worn with another head ornament called (Alrasan), which is
a chain hanging by 12 small conical units resembling a lotus flower, and at
Harold Laswell, the psychological tradition was revived in the bottom two adjacent crescent, each topped by a small star. Although
the 20 century. Laswell's ideas should be put in the wider Nubian women retain the authentic qualities of Egyptian women, we find
that Nubian culture has refined it with many of its own qualities, which
political context in which he has lived. enabled it to play an active role in Nubian society, contrary to what many
believe to be marginalized by adherence to Nubian customs and traditions.
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