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      |P A G E  3                                   I Is ss su ue e   1 12 2- October 2019
    The Palestinian reconciliation is no longer a luxury                     Then,  he  talked  about  Egypt’s  internal  situations
                                                                           demonstrating that the malicious campaigns facing Egypt
    but the only solution for the Palestinians‟ misery                     aim  to  destabilize  the  confidence  in  the  state,  whoever
                                                                           supports them are the ones who could not continue their
                                                                           rule. The reason behind the strong attack from a person
   adding that she was his father’s student,   Right  now,  Dr.  Amir  is  one  of  the   like Erdogan against Egypt is his failure in achieving his
  then  she  received  a  scholarship  in  Nehru   professors  who  are  participating  in   plan  in  the  area  by  his  allies  from  the  Muslim
  University in the Department of Linguistics   discussing  master’s  degrees  and  PhDs,   Brotherhood. Also, he asked the officials to care about the
  during her stay with Dr. Amir in India. At   confirming  that  it  is  an  important   Egyptian citizen’s needs because the citizens had suffered
  that  period,  it  was  a  good  thing as;  many   experience for him. Dr. Amir demonstrated   a  lot  during  the  previous  period.  There  are  dangerous
  students were seeking to take scholarships   that he is so grateful for his father, mother,   issues  facing  Egypt  now  like  the  stumble  of  the
  in Europe, so it opened a new path between   professors and whoever helped him during   negotiations  for  the  Renaissance  Dam  and  Ethiopia’s
  Egypt  and  India,  thanking  his  wife  for   his work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs   attempt to enforce de facto rule. Dr. Amir has assured that
  helping him in all stages of his life, adding   and  on  top  of  them  are  Minister  Amr   the security of the Red Sea area is an essential issue for
  that he has three girls and all of them now   Moussa and Nabil El Araby.    Egypt’s safety.
  are doctors, assuring that he taught them to                               Dr. Amir ended his interview with us with an advice to
  rely  on  themselves  and respecting  their   For  his  evaluation  of  the  current   the  Faculty’s  students  assuring  that  excellence  is
  family.                              international  political  position,  Dr.  Amir   indispensable and whoever wants to continue his career in
                                       illustrated that the world is bumpy and the   the  diplomatic  sector,  or  the  commercial  representation
   For his opinion about the differences in   religious  nature  is the  dominant  character   has  to  prepare himself  well.  Dr.  Amir  says,  “Determine
  the society since he was a student and now,   in the majority of the countries. People are   your  goal,  continue  patiently,  pursue  for  all  aspects,  be
  he said that: time had changed and it was   not   optimistic   about   Trump’s   loyal whatever the hatred of the other parties, work hard,
  more  different  than  right  now,  nowadays   administration,  as  Trump  is  taking  away   love each other and preserve your relationships with each
  there is a lot of pressure and the economic   rights;  Trump  has  moved  the  American   other and with your Faculty  even if after finishing  your
  conditions represent a huge obstacle facing   embassy  to  Occupied  Jerusalem  and   studies.”
  the youth’s dreams. It is also not preferable   agreed  with  Israel  on  the  capture  of  the
  that the girl excels in her career more than   Syrian  Golan.  All  those  situations  have   The ambassador‟s memories
  caring  about  building  her  family.  At  the   encouraged   Netanyahu  to   announce
  same  time,  the  guys  do  not  want  to  take   recently  that  if  he  succeeded  in  the  next
  responsibility,  nor  do  they  support  their   elections,  he  would  impose  Israel’s
  wives’  self-actualization  and  that  resulted   sovereignty  on  some  areas  of  the  Jordan
  to  an  increase  in  the  disintegration  of  the   Valley.
  family. Consequently, Dr. Amir warns each
  family that does not teach their sons to bear   Dr.  Amir  confirmed  that  the  Palestinian
  responsibility.  In  addition,  it  is  very   case is urgent and critical and it is almost
  annoying  that  the  poor  general  social   finished  on  the  hands  of  Hamas,
  behavior is spreading in the community.    consequently  the  one  who  is  responsible
                                       now  for  handling  the  Palestinian  case   His Republican Order of Merit
   ELITE’s team asked Dr. Amir about his   before  Israel  is  Hamas  because  without
  feelings  after  receiving  Order  of  Merit   internal unity, the Palestinian case will not
  from  the  fourth  degree  from  the  Ex-   be  solved  and  Israel  will  still  be  the  one
  President  Mubarak  in  1983,  Dr.  Amir   who is benefiting, pointing out that Hamas
  pointed out that in the same year, his father   has learnt building tunnels from the Jews.
  received  the  Order  of  Merit  for  finishing
  his  work  as  a  Vice  President  in  Zagazig   He  followed  that  the  general  picture  is
  University.It  was  mixed  feelings  between   foggy and it is not known on what it will
  astonishment and having a normal feeling,   settle on, there is no area in the world that
  but  the  most  important  thing  was  his   its issues are moving smoothly. The radical   President Mubarak‟s Visit to his post in
  happiness because he was awarded for his   politicians  are  reigning  in  more  than  a
  efforts  that  were  made  in  the  Ministry  of   country  and  that is  what  we  see  in  India.   India during the NAM summit 1983
  Foreign Affairs.                     There  is  a  rise  of  a  Buddhist  fanatic  and
   As for combining between the diplomatic   the issue of Kashmir is still provoking the
  and academic fields, Dr. Amir replied that   political  and  sectarian  conflict  between
  he has a career path and an academic path.   India and Pakistan.
  He started in an early time to continue his
  graduate  studies,  he  took  his  masters   On the other hand, Dr. Amir said that the
  degree, then he received his PhD from the   big and medium powers are searching for
  Institute  of  African  Research  and  Studies,   partnerships  and  that  is  what  we  see
  whose  name  has  changed  recently  to   happening  between  Russia,  India,  China
  Faculty  of  African Postgraduate  Studies.   and  Japan.  It  is  recommended  that  Egypt
  After finishing his work in the Ministry of   should  benefit  from  its  regional  location
  Foreign Affairs, Dr. Amir was enrolled to   and, also, expand its partnerships.
  teach in Nasser Military Academy.
                                                                                   With PLO‟s late President Yasser Arafat

       |P A G E  3                                  I Is ss su ue e   1 12 2- October 2019                        ELITE
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