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      |P A G E  2                                   I Is ss su ue e   1 12 2- October 2019
    Ambassador Amir Kamal Dessouky, the diplomat, the academic and the republican order of merit laureate

                                           in a Special Interview with ELITE:

              In The Heedless World of Trump
                 Extremists Took Over in Power

         Big and medium powers seek partnerships everywhere in the globe, so Egypt has to utilize its
                                     capacities in building its own partnerships

    Cairo  :  Caroline  Sherif,  Farah  Ezzeldin,  Dina  Ehab  and   After that, Dr. Amir spoke about the period when he graduated explaining

   Mostafa Sayed , written by : Nermine Tawfik and Translated by   that he  was  enrolled  in  the  Armed  Forces  in time  of  war  as  a  Reserve
   Youmna Sayyed.                                             Officer,  then he received  the  Ministry  of  Manpower’s  letter  in 1975 to

    An  interesting  interview  that  gathered  ELITE’s  team  with  the   work as an Economic Researcher in the Egyptian Commercial Service. He
   diplomat and the academic, Ambassador Dr. Amir Kamal Dessouky,   received his job after finishing his period in the Armed Forces in 1977.

   one  of  the  faculty’s  outstanding  graduates,  from  the  batches  of   Then, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced its need for a group of
   pioneers. He has served as an Ambassador and a General Consul for   diplomats, Dr. Amir succeeded in the Ministry’s exam and from that time,

   Egypt  in  many  countries  including  India,  Sri  Lanka,  Australia,   he worked in the diplomatic sector. Also, he preserved on the academic
    Palestine and Sudan.We talked with him about his memories in the   path, so he took his master’s degree and then, received a PhD.
   Faculty, his work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and his opinion
    on  the  current  events.  In  addition,  he  presented  a  brief  about  his   For his work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Amir said that his
   experiences for the Faculty’s students to benefit from them.    first mission was in India in which he was available for four years since
                                                              1980 and  finished his  work  there  in  1985  after a  short  period  from  the
    In the beginning, we talked about the reasons behind his enrolment   famous  event  related  to  the  assassination  of  Indira  Gandhi  in  October
    in the Faculty, he said that he had enrolled in the faculty in 1969 and   1984, specially that there were some disturbances in India. After that, Dr.

   graduated  in  1973  from  the  Political  Science  Department.  He  was   Amir worked as an Ambassador for Egypt in Sri Lanka and Australia and
   taught by major Political Science Professors in Egypt like; Dr.Khairy   he had a role in activating the commercial representation between Egypt
   Eissa, Dr. Abdelmalek Ouda and Dr.Houreya Megahed. At that time,   and those countries, exploiting his experience in this field. He served in
   Dr.  Ahmed  Youssef  Ahmed  and  Dr.  Kamal  El  Menoufy  were  his   many important countries; one of which is Palestine where he worked for
   Teaching  Assistants.  His  relationship  with  them  was  excellent  and   the  Egyptian  Commercial  Service  in  Palestine  during  President  Yasser
   parental. He mentioned that this period was so rich.       Arafat’s (Abu Ammar) presidency period in an accurate stage from the
    He  added  that  when  he  was  in  the  period  of  General  Secondary   Palestinian history.
   Education, he was enrolled in the literary section. Dr. Amir’s father
   was a Professor in Zagazig University, he advised Dr. Amir to excel   Dr.  Amir  worked  with  supreme  diplomats  and  benefited  from  them
   in the literary section better than failing in the science section. From   pointing  to  Amr  Moussa,  Nabil  El  Araby  and  Mostafa  El  Feky
   the  beginning,  Dr.  Amir  was  pursuing  to  enroll  in  the  Faculty  of   demonstrating  that  serving  in  the  Ministry  of Foreign  Affairs  needs
   Economics  and  Political  Science  because  the  Faculty  is  for  the   persistence,  perseverance,  endurance  and  patience.  Besides,  he
   outstanding students, the high scores and the elite students, but he did   recommended  learning  languages  for  those  who  want  to  enroll  in  the
   not like mathematics, so he preferred the Political Science section to   Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirming that there are no challenges that
   the Economics and Statistics sections. Dr. Amir assured that there was   do not have a solution, but the issue depends on the skills of the diplomat.
   a very strong reason that made him take his decision and enroll in the
   Faculty; which was Gamal Abd El Nasser’s daughter; Hoda Abd El   ELITE‟s  team  asked  him  about  his  relationship  with  his  wife  and
   Nasser  and  her  enrolment  in  the  Faculty  which  resulted  in  his   family, he replied that his wife is an Academic inZagazig University and
   admiration for the Faculty.                                specialized in methodologies of teaching the English language--

       |P A G E  2                                  I Is ss su ue e   1 12 2- October 2019                        ELITE
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