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motivations which are sexual in their origin, since those which derive from each individual within society to compromise the different human being for the
Thanatos are not sexually motivated–indeed, Thanatos is the irrational urge to common good among the instinctive powers that used to play an important role
destroy the source of all sexual energy in the annihilation of the self. Having said in transforming sensory goals into social ends based on instincts.All of this in
that, it is undeniably true that Freud gave sexual drives an importance and alliance with each other - must be directed to not clash with one another - to
centrality in human life, human actions, and human behavior which was new (and form the civilization and society in which we live.
to many, shocking), arguing as he does that sexual drives exist and can be All these different ideas presented by Freud in the introduction of
discerned in children from birth. psychoanalysis and other psychology errors that explain us to different
dynamics of human activity, both in the interpretation of different phenomena,
Thus, we can interpret the cultural and social biases of the human by relying on for example, use of slips of the tongue . This shows how Freud view Man‟s
the interpretation of civilization truth arose through the vital force at the expense
of instinctive satisfaction, this process is repeated ina new structural form for multidimensional sophistication unlike earlier monolithic accounts.
Yasmeen Yehia, Fourth Year, Political Science writes:
Marquez and Reality
find that they are related to reality or extinct from him, for Second,we found Marquez embodying the conflict between
example the novel of "The General in his maze" was talking conservatives and liberals, but strangely, he showed the worst
about the last period in the life of "Simon Bolivar ",And the on both sides!! And the reader of the novel will notice that
novel of "love in the time of cholera" taken from the love easily!! will find him showed conservatives falsified the
elections' results, and liberals erupt without a common goal,
story of his parents.
both of them have the willingness to kill in order to achieve
Let us present the example in some detail with his most their political goal and access to power, even explicitly
famous novel, "One Hundred Years of Solitude." If you look at expressed in a sentence of one of the characters ," the only
the topics discussed in this novel, you will find that they difference Between the liberals and the conservatives, is that
discussed a large number of issues, but we will discuss two of the liberals go to the mass of the fifth hour, and the
them,as follows: conservatives go to the eighth mass" .But what would make a
person personalize both sides of the conflict so badly unless he
First: Isolation: What is the secret behind talking about had witnessed the disadvantages of the armed political conflict
isolation?!!Why was McCondo painted as a city isolated from when it spark inside a state??
the world??!! To the extent that it has no religion or authority,
so that things as simple as snow and magnets were great Yes, this is exactly what happened in Colombia, where there
inventions for the people of Macondo, who never left it,And was an armed conflict between the two main political parties
the only way to contact Macondo with the world to find out (conservative and liberals). This conflict was not new when
what was new, were the gypsies who came to it in certain Marquez wrote the novel, but the war between the two parties
One of the most famous and repeated seasons.According to our assumption that the majority of the has long existed. Examples of violent confrontations between
the two parties Thousand Days' War, the war between them
phrases in the media that must have subjects discussed by Marquez related to reality, this novelwas continued after that. Even when the coalition government was
been heard at least once before is "Art written in the mid-sixties.of the last century and in this era the formed in 1964, the conflict continued in Colombia, which
world had a reasonable development in all means of
is the mirror of society", but what if communication, which means there is no real isolation in the made Marquez to embody it in the novel.
the art is embodied in someone! And world !!
this person became a mirror of the Perhaps there was no isolation then in the sense of Macondo, Of course, not everyone agreed on Marquez's way, so many
events he witnessed. This is Gabriel but there was isolation in this era, whether you agree that it criticized him saying that his work is nothing but a narration of
Garcia Marquez (1927-2014), the came as part of the Monroe Doctrine or as a separate policy the surrounding events or his own personal experiences, and
Nobel Prize-winning Colombian pursued by the Americas in this period. This isolation lasted therefore his work should not be considered a true addition to
novelist, whose writings are for long periods of time. The indisputable fact that South literature.
characterized by so-called magical America was isolated in this period was sufficient enough to And here comes your turn reader to decide whether you stand
realism (in which real-world issues are influence Marques to reflect it in this novel.The idea of with these criticism or disagree with them!!
discussed in a fictional way). From isolation was rooted in Marquez to the extent that he called his
here dear reader you have to take the Nobel acceptance speech " Solitude in Latin America ".He Finally, you need to ask yourself the following question: Is
following advice, that you should look stated in his speech that " interpreting our reality from many Marquez the only novelist who derives his works from
patterns, not through us, only makes us feel like outsiders
at the origin of each story you read to From our world, and become less free and more isolated every reality?! Or do you need to search for the origin of every
Marquez because you will certainly time ..” literary and artistic work you read, watch or hear??!
Euthansia! A Word I Have Never Heard Before
Just Like the title said. Euthanasia is a word that I had never heard immense unbearable pain that we find that it's better and more
before simply because it's genuinely a new idea that people merciful to just let them rest in peace. This reason however has
nowadays are divided between encouraging or burying it before our started to vanish. People who are opting for euthanasia claim that
ears get used to it. Let me first start by telling you what this strange- they have the right to end their lives as no one should be forced to
looking word means. According to the English dictionary it live no matter what are the consequences or the conditions.
means the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of As for People who are against it they claim that euthanasia isn't
hopelessly sick or injured individuals (such as persons or domestic about the right to die or the right to live. It's actually about the right
animals) in a relatively painless way or“Merciful Death".It was first to kill and no one should be granted that right. It's against our
Yasmin Mousa used in a medical context by Francis Bacon in the17th century. Nature as humans and against our religions and morals.
Between people who are for euthanasia and people who are against
Before you jump to conclusions ,one needs first to understand what
Fourth Level gave birth to such concept. Why would people want to make the it, did you manage to pick a team?
Economics choice of ending their lives legal and approved by the law and
society?Some cases may be in severe medical status that involves
.ELITE. ISSUE 10, August 2019 7