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                       UNGA President Visits Us
       Mrs.María Fernanda Espinosa, President of the 73 UNGA Session, Gave a Public Lecture on
                                               Multilateralism Challenges                        Cairo: Mayar Tarek  & Habiba Atef


  It  was  a  pleasure  for  Faculty  of  Economics  and   based on diversity and tolerance; those are the same   She  then  welcomed  the  young  audience  and
  Political  Science  to  invite  Ms.  Maria  Fernanda   principles  on  which  the  United  Nations  was   especially young women, mentioning that it was so
  Espinosa, the president of the General Assembly of   founded. He also said that humanity is threatened by   rewarding  to  know  that  there  are  many  female
  the  United  Nations  in  an  event  hosted  by  Cairo   annihilation and he believes the United Nations has   students  in  Cairo  University  than  males;  as  this
  University on Thursday 4th of July, 2019.   a  great  role  to  play  to  limit  the  arms  race  which   speaks well about the Egyptian society, and this is
                                            causes more and more of victims. He also mentioned   also encouraging news that our world is changing
  Dr.  Mahmoud  ElSaid  Dean  of  the  faculty   that  the  name  Espinosa  reminds  him  with  the   to have more women in positions and to empower
  inaugurated the event by presenting Ms. Maria, the   Holland philosopher Spinoza, whose most important   more  women  in  leadership.She  also  said  that  the
  President  of  the  General  Assembly  of  the  United   books  have  a  strong  relationship  with  the  work  of   history  of  Cairo  University  is  an  indicator  of
  Nations,  and  Dr.  Mohamed  Othman  ElKhosht  the   the  United  Nations.  Especially  one  book  which  is   Egypt's long association with pluralism at the local
  President  of  Cairo  University  in  the  event  titled   called "ethics", this book is about pantheism which   and regional levels. And that Cairo is not only the
  "Multilateralism  in  a  Changing  World".  He  was   is mainly focusing on the idea that the unity of the   birthplace of one of the oldest civilizations but also
  pleased  to  have  her  in  Faculty  of  Economics  and   universe doesn't contradict with diversity.  He also   the center of diplomacy in the ancient world. Egypt
  Political Science which is one of the oldest and top   mentioned  that  we  don't  have  to  be  enemies  just   is also a friend of the United Nations from its early
  ranking  schools  in  the  Middle  East.  He  was  also   because we are different, as diversity and plurality   years as a founding member of the restructuring of
  pleasured  to  organize  the  event  jointly  with  the   are natural phenomena which should be respected .  the  institution's  charter.  And  also  in  the  Non-
  Ministry of Foreign Affairs .             Another book by Spinoza is "Theology and politics"   Aligned  Movement  in  1977,  where  Egypt
                                            which is about rejecting terrorism and extremism .   documented a different path during the Cold War;
  Then  he  started  to  introduce  Ms.  Espinosa  to  the                           challenged  the  structural  adjustment  policies  that
  audience  by  saying  that  in  June  5th  2018,  United   And  then  he  mentioned  some  important  ideas   have  lost  credibility  today,  and  helped  shape  the
  Nations  General  Assembly  elected  the  Ecuadorian   which are: the world should accept that democracy   concept of individual-centered development.
                                            doesn't  have  only  one  pattern,  but  many  different
  Foreign  Minister  Ms.  Maria  as  the  chairwoman
  which  makes  her  the  fourth  woman  to  hold  that   ones,  and  each  pattern  should  respect  the  others.   Egypt  has  also  been  elected  as  a  member  of  the
                                            And we refuse to allow the imposition of one pattern
  position  in  the  history  of  United  Nations.She  has   on other countries.     Security  Council  five  times.  And  recently  during
  more than 20 years of experience in multilateralism                                2016-2017, it was also championed for the act on
                                              Also the world can't be ruled by only one political
  and   international   peacemaking,   sustainable   system.He  stressed  that  this  is  what  the  United   counter  terrorism as  well  as  a  stronger and  more
  development,  climate  change  and  multilateral                                   strategic engagement in the African Union .
  cooperation.  She  has  served  as  the  Minister  of   Nations  should  ensure  is  happening,  and  it  also
  Foreign Affairs twice in Ecuador, also as Minister of   should  do  its  role  in  combating  terrorism  and   And then she started to mention briefly some of the
                                            extremism in the world, as they are the reason for
  National Defense and Minister for the Coordination                                 United  Nations  achievements  by  saying  that  in
  of Cultural and National Heritage. In 2008, she was   the armed conflicts in the world nowadays.He also   1945 the founding of the organization had conjured
  the  first  woman  to  become  a  permanent   emphasized  the  role  of  the  United  Nations  in  the   up for a new era for peace and prosperity for all,
                                            comprehensive development process as it guarantees
  representative of Ecuador at the United Nations .in                                based  on  collective  security  and  international
  New  York.  Before  beginning  her  political  and   combating  extremism,  terrorism,  poverty  and  anti-  cooperation.
  diplomatic career, she was an assistant professor at   human rights .
                                              Then Ms. Maria took the floor and started off by
  the  South  American  college  of  social  sciences  in                            Over the past seven decades, the UN has provided
  Ecuador;  she  has  also  published  over  30  academic   thanking  Dr.  Elkhosht  for  the  profound  opening   the  framework  for  international  laws  and  norms
  articles at that time.                    remarks,  and  she  mentioned  that  they  are  in   ranging from human rights, gender equality to the
                                            agreement  with  what  Dr.  Elkhosht  said  about   regulation  of  nuclear,  biological  and  chemical
  Then Dr. Mohamed Othman Elkhost, the president   democracy,  co-existence,  unity,  diversity  and  the   weapons and the adoption of the 2030 agenda for
  of  Cairo  University  welcomed  her  Excellency  in   and  the  enormous  challenges  to  combat  terrorism   Sustainable  Development,  and  Paris  climate
  Cairo University mentioning that it was founded    and  extremism.  She  also  thanked  Dr.  Mahmoud   convention.
                                            Elsaid for his introduction.
 .ELITE.                                           ISSUE 10, August 2019                                                          4
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