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retribution on the judgment day (in the three religions and basically I am the work comes.On the other hand, the continuation of power for both parties
speaking about Islam) lies upon this power difference: Allah would punish and would create a case of "permanence" without reaching any end. This is really
reward while Man and "Jinn" would be punished and rewarded. So, Allah has exhausting.
the most ability of making pain. In summary, political science is based in its origins upon "power difference"
without looking much at the nature of this power. This is in order the man
From this continuous feeling of subjugation to a supernatural cosmic power, would be capable of taming others' affairs. Mostly, this power is "making pain"
people would have the sense that it is not surprising to subjugate to each other whether the physical or the abstract. So long as there is a "power difference and
so long as the Earth is being built upon the law of "power difference". The idea making pain", satisfaction comes true. And it is not necessarily that this
of having "a victorious and a defeated" becomes completely satisfying to difference would be in favor of the evil man alone, but also of the good man.
everyone either in sports, war or human relations. Even in the dramatic works The good man also can make pain for the evil. But in the case of equalizing all
and plays, one of them (good or evil) should oppress the other. And once the people in the creation of pain, this is the real hell and a continuation of an ever-
action of "making pain from one to the other" is realized, the end of ending conflict which would consume all parties ever after.
Nourhan Elmenyaway, Fourth Level, Political Science writes:
When Democracy Time Comes
Why are we deprived from the right to live despite the fact the very beginning till the end; this movie will make you
that it's given from god to us naturally? Why do we suffer live in the moments of revolution as it were your reality.
from chaos, violence and wars in the world that we aren‟t
entitled to live in forever? I had these questions in my mind You will get confused from the huge number of the
when I watched1987 movie which tackles the circumstances violent scenes but if you watched any documentary video
that erupted before revolution in South Korea that established about the real events of the revolution; you would
the democratic regime there. discover that reality is more harsh and violent so if you
couldn‟t tolerate as a viewer these bloody scenes so what
The movie revolves around the events that occurred after about the nation that suffered from this violence that
murder of the student Kim Jung in Seoul national university in occurred in reality?
14 January due to torture of police. Protests erupted in South
Korea after Gwangju massacre that killed more than 606 In the end, I would like to express my appreciation to
students; most of the students were the main actor in these movies; these kinds of movies make me feel that I
democratic evolution in Korea that‟s why they paid the cost of am living the history of another country with another
their lives. They dreamed for a better life, development of the culture that totally differs from mine.
economy and improvement of the society after the failure of This kind of movies makes me believe that we are
the government in achieving all of these.
similar to each other facing the same problems and our
The movie gives a glimpse for the viewer to join in the need to find the solutions as we have the same goals and
journey of Korean freedom; so it will easily attract you from hope despite our difference.
These movies remind me of our humanity.
Yasmeen Alaa-ElDin, Fourth Year, Political Science writes:
Freud’s Multidimensional Man
in which the patient talks about past experiences and this awareness is not limited to the patient, but the awareness
impressions and strives to recognize his wishes and of the doctor himself, accept the processes of thought and as
emotions, the doctor directing the processes of thinking and well as subconscious thinking, because consciousness
reminder of the patient to be attention to certain ways and essentially denies the unconscious aspect of the human self.
then to provide explanations and observations in the
direction of reactions. The doctor explains and analyzes what Hence, sexual motives are the main factor in Freud's
the patient suffers from, but this psychological process isn't psychoanalysis, but not merely sexual motives - either in the
easy.At the beginning one gets much further if one allows broad or narrow sense - as some claim that Freud came to
himself to be analyzed by a competent analyst, observes the psychoanalytical analysis based primarily on a human
effect of the analysis on his own ego, and at the same time motive at all stages of his life to develop human personality,
makes use of the opportunity to become familiar with the From here we can explain more deeply what Freud meant in
finer details of the technique of procedure. this regard the principal motivating forces in the mental
realm, and as such they „energies‟ the mind in all of its
There is a second difficulty in your relation to functions. There are, he held, an indefinitely large number of
psychoanalysis for which I cannot hold the science itself such instincts, but these can be reduced to a small number of
In Sigmund Freud's various responsible, because this activity is very concerned with basic ones, which he grouped into two broad generic
lectures as an introduction to the chemistry and physic and to conceive them biologically, but categories, Eros (the life instinct), which covers all the self-
field of psychoanalysis tell us in this activity deprives it of the natural and philosophy of the preserving and erotic instincts, and Thanatos (the death
a simple way to explain it that is practice of psychoanalysis accurately. Thus results in a instinct), which covers all the instincts towards aggression,
the exchange of words between
the patient and the doctor, different description of mental disorders and the essence of self-destruction, and cruelty. Thus it is a mistake to interpret
psychology is not only medical but based on awareness, Freud as asserting that all human actions spring from >>
this awareness is not limited to the patient, but the
.ELITE. awareness of the doctor himself, accept the processes of
ISSUE 10, August 2019 6
thought and as well as subconscious thinking, because
consciousness essentially denies the unconscious aspect of