Page 4 - Issue10
P. 4
“Whoever wishes to be something, will be it as long he prepares
himself with determination”
He benefited a lot from other experiences from exceed 40 thousand pounds as the goal is not the He evaluated the current internal and regional
other faculties like faculty of commerce. This amount of money spent on the campaign but how to situation of Egypt and said that it is very good
successful experience had a great impact on him understand and talk to the people with their language as Egypt has got out two revolutions and it
reaching his current position. And he is so keen on to understand them and also to get in touch with the wasn‟t badly affected and this is due to Allah
the continuity of the models in the Egyptian
blessing our country and the strength of the
people and listen to their criticism.He also opened a
Universities not only Cairo University, mentioning citizen services office and activated the Egyptians and their unity, the awareness of the
the importance of the models in facing the public and communication with the people by opening a social political leaders and the institutions of the
giving confidence to the participants and preparing media page to reach more number of people and state, the citizens understanding of the harsh
him for the market as his dream was to be a member informing them with his services. He writes all his decisions taken as countries cannot be built
in the parliament and he did it by joining the models. achievements on a brochure to spread it easily to the without patience and on the other side the
When we asked him about the best and worst public and he said that he achieved about 98% of his political system should absorb all opinions
situation he faced in the faculty his answer was that campaign as from day one he was clear with the whether they are with or against. Moving to
the best memory is when he won in the elections of people about what he can offer them and achieve as the regional level, we saw all the actions done
the student union and being the president of the such he made water and sewage network in “Mohie by President Elsisi in Africa as after freezing
parliament simulation model and also in his elkablia” region and this project was stopped since the membership of Egypt in the African union,
Egypt became the president of the union and
graduation party when he saw all of his colleagues sixties. also succeeded in organizing AFCON in a
clapping for him for his good reputation, as he said When we asked him if there is a difference between great way proving the success of the state
that positions go but reputation doesn‟t. Moving to
the most difficult situation was when he graduated studying politics and participating it in the real life, institutions and proving that Egypt could again
and left the faculty as he got shocked, as this is the he responded;“Yes, the real life is really different as control all its security and returning back
point that should be stressed on; despite his studying helps us in understanding the concepts but safety and peace. Moving to the economic
capabilities and his relations inside the faculty, the in the real life as you are supposed to have the ability level, Egypt is at the top of the Arab world in
reality of the market shocked him. At first he joined to talk with people with their own language as the the infrastructure projects and also Egypt
an insurance company but he left it, then he worked language of the academic person differ from the became the third country in the world that has
language of a member of the parliament in his
as a researcher at a political research center and at constituency, and these capabilities can be gained by high GDP and this can reflect that our country
that time he could‟ve lost interest and his confidence getting in touch with people so every political is on the right way. He thanked all citizens as
they hold out all difficult economic reform
but he insisted on his goal and submitted his CV to
the support and decision center at the council of science student has not to depend on what he studies steps.
ministers. He advised all students not to give up and in the faculty.” We asked him to evaluate the We asked him about the nature of the relations
always try to gain the suitable job and try to achieve performance of the parliament and he said that the between Egypt and the US especially as he
what they want and this wouldn‟t be true without parliament was elected in a difficult time as it came attended the speech of Obama at Cairo
preparation and high capabilities. after long absence of the legislative branch in Egypt University in 2008, he said that the
He said that the people who inspired him were his nearly 6 year (from2010 to2016), and there was a relationship between the two countries is a
need to issue more bills and take difficult decisions to
parents and his professors specially Dr Mohamed protect our country, even if this would lead to strategic one and couldn‟t be damaged as the
US is considered the largest and strongest
Salman Tayea and all the people in his constituency. criticizing the parliament. He said also that this country in the world and Egypt is the largest
He talked about his journey to the parliament as he parliament is the one which issued the greatest and strongest country in the Middle East. He
said that Alsahel constituency is considered number numbers of bills and he also did not deny some added that America is a country of institutions
1in Cairo so he is member number 1 in the comments on the performance of the parliament but not a country of presidents; hence if the
parliament, also it is known that this constituency has at the same time he saw that the parliament president is Obama, Trump or even Hillary
many strong competitors but he believed that every succeeded by 80 percent and adding that it includes Clinton, there are common interests with
person can do what he wants and human must be try representatives that represent all different classes Egypt and the United States can‟t lose Egypt
and do not be frightened from anything, as such he
(women, youth, Christian, disabled, Egyptians
won among 47 candidates and there were some abroad,…). He greeted the citizens that hold out all as an ally. He ended the interview by advising
the faculty students that they should be more
candidates from the national party. He took the difficult decisions taken by the parliament on the active in the public work, they shouldn‟t
decision of running the elections one month before economic and social level. Also he advised that the depend only on studying and they should
the elections adding that the country gave an parliament needs touse its tools like interrogation, participate and join the simulation models and
opportunity to the youth to participate in politics and briefings, and also increasing he contact with the the student union. They also have to prepare
at the same time people want to see new young ministers, governors with the executive branch to oneself for their wished careers and be updated
representatives. The surprise is that the expenses of speed up the achievements of citizens‟ needs. of the news. This makes a good politician.
his campaign didn‟t
.ELITE. ISSUE 10, August 2019 3