Page 8 - issue9en
P. 8
Engy Khaled
Human Capital In Africa:
Political Science Teaching
Opportunities and Assistant writes:
On The
Challenges Machiaveliian
Farida Bendary
PhD researcher-Faculty of Higher African Studies - Secretary No wise man in the political thought was able to
General of the Scientific Society of African Affairs gain higher reputation than Nicola Machiavelli and his
Human capital, like any other type of We do not forget that it was African book, "The Prince". May be this was because of his
capital, accelerates the increase in human capital that pushed Western marvelous theory which is: "Among the intensity of the
political conflict from which Italy was suffering during
investments in human beings, both economies from the postcolonial era of that epoch, the prince should advance the interest upon
quantitatively and qualitatively, to promote slavery to progress and industrial values in the light of 'End justifies means'". Actually,
justice and economic growth. The human development. There is no doubt that the this theory extends even to more ideas, however, the
capital index quantifies the contribution of human capital indicators of Africa are in a "Machiavellian Dilemma" was one of the most
health and education to the level of the next deplorable state, where human resources in important ideas generated from his theory: which would
generation oflabor force productivity. Africa have not been conducive to a better win in this eternal conflict: the interest or the values?
life for the majority of African citizens.
There is universal recognition that the Although the political reality compels into believing that
the "interest" would overcome at the end, this dilemma
Although we have seen countries that
innovative requirements of global are making progress, such as Ethiopia and is resolved in favor of values in the religious balances.
developments and the competitiveness of Rwanda, and this proves that By paying a look into Prof.Dr. Mohammed Soffar's
countries will be dictated by the quality of transformative changes can be made that article, (Fi Bab Al I’tbar w Al-Maw’ezah : Al-Humar w
human capital stock in each country and will positively affect future African Al-Tha’lab w Al-Asad (Lit. a Chapter on Lesson
across different continents. In other words, it generations, the sub-Saharan countries Learning and Advice : The Donkey, The Fox and The
is human capital that will create the have experienced major setbacks in human Lion),the holy Qur'an and its several verses upon reward
conditions for technological and economic development, due to a range of challenges and punishment, as well as the prophetic statements
progress. Countries with high investments in such as HIV / Thus, the average life support the values. This is as if the god's message is
institutions and processes that create human expectancy index fell to 0.35, the lack of "Whatever you watch in this 'life': the victory of
capital development will advance their access to limited educational institutions injustice and the fall of fairness, the cycle did not reach
competitiveness while those that fail to invest due to insufficient available institutions its end. The end, for him, lies in the day of judgment".
their human capital will remain competitive. and education support mechanisms, and As I have read before, the honesty of any religious call
The development of Asian countries such as political coups and military dictatorships is signified through the existence of realistic clues that
Singapore and Korea has been driven by a have resulted in a major destruction of emphasize its correctness and tear up the doubts. And I
focus on investments in high-quality social structures in the displacement of have seen in reality what supports the truth that: values
technological innovation along with the human capital and Immigration and are more permanent than interests, more victorious, as
development of the human capital required asylum, which leads them to take the path they rise out of Allah himself, that immortal living
entity. Furthermore, whoever bows to him and to his
for these investments. of violence and become targetsthat
recruitment by terrorist groups. teachings, would get much good in this life (through
The African continent has a competitive nice reputation and convenience of the consciousness),
advantage in owning human capital. Over the The African Union's Agenda2063 has in addition to the afterlife (the continued paradise). On
next 50 years, Africa's largest single asset not ignored this African human resource. the contrary, those following the devil‟s steps, their life
(which may constitute the Achilles' heel) will One of the seven aspirations of Africa is is a hardship. Applying to the life of those politicians
who get their hilarious wealth from the suspected trades
be its young population. While Africa's "Africa is the people-led development and work, it is full of fear, turbulence, blackmailing and
population is expected to reach 2.7 billion in and depends on the potential of the exploitation no matter what else appeared to us.
2060 (about one-third of the world's African people, especially its women and
youth, and cares for children." This
population), it will be responsible for 28% of aspiration is aimed at empowering and This vision was not cited in the religious writings
the world's youth (or 1.2 billion) in the 15-29 supporting young people and children, and alone, but there are many wise men' stories which
age group. promoting a revolution in African skills. assume this vision as the stories of wise Aesop and his
In many African countries that are The agenda places a high priority on the story recited by Dr. Soffar in his very article. It tells the
described as fragile states, young people creation of well-educated African citizens tale of a donkey which allies with a wolf to protect each
under 25 represent about 60%, and under 15 benefiting from the skills, science, other against the threats of the lion. This is before the
years, 43%. This large population represents technology, and innovation revolution, wolf breaks his promise and cooperates with the lion to
an investment opportunity and platform for accompanied by the full delivery of good deceive the donkey. After the donkey falls as a prey to
human capital and economic development in health care. This carries the potential to his trust in the wolf, the lion hurries to attack the wolf
Africa. There is therefore an urgent need to shift the risk of demographic growth and feeding upon it. Even if this story sounds idealistic, and
pursue policies and strategies to address this disease burden to a demographic dividend the political reality shows the victory of the wolf and the
lion at the end, I am still in high faith that this…
issue and to transform threats and risks into leading to economic transformation of the Continued in> p6
opportunities. continent. //earthly life stops at the point of Aesop's story in
which the wolf betrayed the donkey and broke his
.ELITE. ISSUE 9, JULY 2019 7
promise with it in order to ally with the stronger: the
lion. This means we still have plenty of time for looking
at which penalty the wolf would receive in this life and