Page 7 - issue9en
P. 7
Where Is Iraq
Standing From The
US-Iranian Crisis?
Dr. Hashem Elawady
Directory of the Iraqi African Center for Strategic
develop its internal capabilities at a level that Theatre of the Oppressed
Amid escalating tensions in the Middle East,
with the collapse of Tehran's nuclear agreement balances this behavior, which reduces the MAI YASSER HAMAM
with world powers, and Washington re-imposing seriousness of the conflict on the short term and FEPS2017 Graduate and current
sanctions on Iran, as the crisis between the two allows the exhausted state to maintain its UNHCR Officer
countries is escalating into a volcano of fire contingency plans, in order to face the long-term No one can deny the eternal link between
targeting the countries of the region, Iraq has strategic threat, and support the role of Iraqi politics and art as an expressive tool and a
been wedged between the hammer of US mediation in the crisis. mirror to social and political events.
sanctions against Iran, and anvil of the demands Launching theatre of oppressed by the
of the Iraqi market, which relies heavily on Second track: Economic Alternative. Revolutionary Paolo Augusto Brazilian
Iranian products.
1-To activate the will of the National national in the 21st Century –Take in
As Iraq is the biggest loser as a result of such Authority to achieve "structural economic consideration the political context in Brazil
tensions. At the level of the political process in diversification" by prioritizing government at that time - is to crown the relationship as a
revolutionary theatre to encourage people to
Iraq, it is a process of compromise, as Baghdad investment projects funded by oil revenues to embrace the political discourse of
is trying to come out with a unified opinion that influence growth paths in other sectors to find persecution.
maintains the national security of Iraq, and this new sources of production, incomes and exports.
issue is not easy in the presence of pressure on 2-Speed up the completion and development Paolo considers that every human activity
the three presidencies in Iraq. of infrastructure projects necessary to provide the is political in itself, which is obviously
reflected in his theatre which spreads in the
On the economic level, Iraq has found in appropriate environment for increasing developing countries. He described his
Iranian products a possibility to cover the needs production and private investment and openness theatre as a political theatre is aimed at
of the Iraqi market in the food and energy sector. to the Arab environment, as was the case at the empowering and encouraging individuals to
Iraq imports up to 28 million cubic meters of tripartite meeting (Iraq - Jordan - Egypt), where revolutionize the oppressed. The oppression-
natural gas from Tehran. Iraq signed an agreement to establish a pipeline in their social semantic field- often refers to
for the export of oil from the port of Aqaba for a imbalances of social context and to
In view of the damage that may be caused to length of 1700 km and at a cost of 18 billion authoritarian political practice that cause
Iraq by these sanctions, it has been included in dollars, as well as the construction of an industrial people feelings as oppression and hatred.
the temporary exception in addition to some zone on the border at a depth of 2 km and width 6 This theatre , with its impassioned
countries such as China, Italy, India, South km/ They also discussed the establishment of a approach to cause an actual change, is an
Korea, Turkey and Taiwan; however, there are pipeline for the export of Iraqi oil through the interactive theatre that limits the traditional
the limitations of this exception and the Egyptian ports on the Mediterranean Sea as an theatre style that limits interaction by the
accompanying US statements that Iraq should extension of the Jordanian oil pipeline. public and displays the ideas of its authors
comply with US sanctions and search for sources and actors .,The Theatre of oppressed is
alternative to the needs of the Iraqi market, in To resolve the Iraqi electricity crisis, Iraq based on a short scene that shows incident out
addition to the frequent targeting of oil tankers signed a memorandum of understanding with the of its spectators concern or an event which is
in the region, and the strong and hidden US Company GE to reform the electricity sector, the starting point for the show, when Joker asks
the spectators about their point of view and
insistence on infusing the region into war and after signing a similar agreement with the German how to change the scene for the best of the
instability. Therefore, considering the Company Siemens. According to estimates, the oppressed to encourage to do rather than talk
indications of this regional and international deal could end the country's energy crisis by and activate the inner revolutionary spirit that
scene, the Iraqi government is to adopt the attaining self-sufficiency over a two-year period cause an actual practices in real life.In which
strategy of "strategic hedging" on different at the latest. spectator turns to be spec-actor.
When Paulo described the main core of
tracks: In the end, the strategy of "strategic hedging" Theatre of Oppressed he asks spectators not to
First track: Iraqi Diplomacy is in line with the reality of Iraq, as it seeks to tell what to do while sitting on the audience `s
achieve the greatest benefits through interaction chair but go to stage and show How to do.
Strategic "hedging strategy”;in accordance with the regional environment through economic Theater of Oppressed is used as a therapeutic
with this strategy, Iraq adopts the principle of and cultural institutions and connections, in means to empower the oppressed and to
keeping pace with respect to the behavior of the addition to achieving indirect military balance activate their inner revolutionary spirit and their
United States of America and the behavior of the through the modernization of Iraqi military willingness for change. For example, war
Islamic Republic of Iran, while working to -- capabilities and international security links. victims and women who experienced gender-
based violence.
.ELITE. ISSUE 9, JULY 2019 6