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    We must be attentive to the importance of art and culture   Divisions  in  one‟s  character.  This  all  was
   to  achieve  respectable scientific  product  and  credibility  in   present in a climate of treason and conspiracy
   expression.                                   and  is  influenced  by  the  policy  of  the  one
   And regarding the role of consumerism in society which   rather than the whole.This created a noticeable
    I discussed in his research, he pointed out that:  usually   crisis where community and individual attacks
   the  consumption  behavior  between  different  classes  is   on  the  law  took  place  after  the  climate  of
    similar, in the past the difference between the rich and poor   tyranny,  especially  the  challenge  of  law,
   was clear, yet this is no longer the case.For my research, I   encroachment on agricultural lands, thefts and
    gathered a sample of people's sightings in one of the famous   crimes, and the change in societal thought must
   supermarket  chains  to  observe  their  consumer  behavior.  I   be coupled with changes and meta-reforms to
    asked about policies of seduction of consumption, as well as   make the desired development happen.
   the  negative  view  on  the  consumer  behavior  of  Egyptian
                                                   And  from  His  point  of  view  in  the
    women. To add on, in one of my researches, I offered a look   document  issued  after  25  January,  and
   on how borrowing was considered a disgrace in the past, but   participated  in  it  about  "how  the  police
    now  it  has  become  normalized  with  everyone  carrying  a   serve  the  people",  he  said  first  in  all
   credit card as an essential element in their wallet. As for the   documents,  The  police  in  all  the  countries  of

    most prominent research on heritage, Prof. Saeed stressed   the world is a security agency that guarantees
   that  Heritage  is  an  essential  element  in  the  interaction   both legal and international human rights. The
   between  the  social  classes  .the  poor  have  the  ability  to   Interior  Ministry  after  the  January  revolution
   produce  and  exchange  their  heritage  because  it  is  an   reinstated its old slogan "Police at the service   Looking at terrorism and the ways to
   important capital in their lives that provides them with the   of  the  People"  as  a  way  to  improve  the   confront it, he said: terrorism is a dilemma
   reasons for life and survival in a world of scarcity.                                 and a crisis facing the whole world, not only
                                                 relationship  after  the  complications  which   Egypt,   but   our   country   is   facing
    . Heritage has a link to a specific space and time which   occurred.  We  asked  about  the  standards  that   extraordinary   extremism   directly   and
   cannot  be  disregarded.  Also,  each  class  has  a  specific   translate  this  slogan,  the  principles  that  serve   indirectly  and  needs  great  cultural  action to
   perspective in terms of this heritage, which they know how   on  this  matter  and  we  merged  it  into  a   react  and  confront  this  danger.Also,
   to add to and how to delete from to match their perspective.   document. Afterwards the Ministry of Interior   confrontation  must  be  parallel  with  the
   Different classes have different behaviors when interacting   issued -at that moment -a document to specify   security and military role, it is necessary to
   with their heritage, and there is no one class which produces   the conduct of policeman. In addition, I was at   translate  cultural  programmes  to  confront
   or  is  attached  completely  to  the  heritage.  This  is  because   the time working as an advisor at Center  for   intellectual  extremism  and  intolerance,  and
   heritage is a part of life and its meaning is mostly intangible   information and supporting decision-making. It   then  comes  the  role  of  culture  and  its
   such  as  the  customs  and  traditions,  the  way  of  dressing,   was incumbent upon us at the Center to assist   significant  part  in  achieving  broad-based
   eating and cursing, this is all part of our heritage.   the police in developing its system of work by   development.
                                                 issuing  a  document  clarifying  the  criteria
    As  for  his  rejection  of  theories  that  believe  in  the   against  which  the  police  slogan  can  be   He  concluded  by  talking  about  the
   inheritance of poverty among human beings, I think that   achieved really in the service of the people.   current  political  landscape  and  highlighted
   the  concept  of  the  culture  of  poverty  presented  by  Oscar                     the  transformations  that  have  taken  place:
   Lewis is important in explaining how a poor part of the poor   As for  the  similarity  between  the  Egyptian   Egypt  is  now  undergoing  a  very  significant
   is  re-producing  and  re-producing  their  poverty  over   and  Gulf  communities  in  terms  of  societal   transformation towards the reconstitution of the
   generations  and  can  not  get  rid  of  it.  ,  however,  it  is  not   values,  he  said:  The  Egyptian  society  is  in   new political elite after the stage of the regime
   exclusive  because  poverty  is  the  product  of  many  factors,                     of Hosni Mubarak, which saw the formation of
   economic,  social  and  political  that  shapes  the  structure  of   close proximity to the social  values prevalent   the  elite  in  terms  of  families,  clans,
   inequality in society ,as well as cultural reasons   in  the  Gulf  Society,  this  is  because  there  are   stakeholders,  power  alliances,  which  were  all
                                                 commonalities  between  the  two  societies  and   running the state. Now they have been replaced
    .  For  example,  there  is  a  lady  who  makes  her  children   the  similarities  have  increased  with  the  large   by  mechanisms  which  are  still  under
   despise  expensive  goods  in  order  to  prevent  them  from   emigration  trend  from  Egypt  to  the  Gulf  to   construction.  To  add  on,  there's  now  a
   looking at them or asking to buy them, especially expensive   escape  to  the  labor  market  and  the  high   difference  between  the  ruling  class  and  the
   food and clothing. We find that this is the policy of the poor to   standard  of  living.  The  idea  of  male   political  elite,  the  current  political  system  is
   overcome the consumer blockade or poverty-related need.Some   domination over females is a common culture   keen  to  purify  itself  of  any  impurities  or  elite
   people unfortunately write about the poor from a "peephole", so   in  the  Gulf  and  Egypt,  also  the    culture  of   which had dominated the political or economic
   they write about them from the perspective of the maid in his   consumption.  But  the  Gulf  societies  are   scene previously.
   home or villa, or the keeper of the estate, or the seller who sees   sometimes  different  and  have  a  cultural   Al-Masri  pointed  out  that  the  intellectuals
   him  accidentally  in  the  street  passing  beside  his  car  in  traffic            have  become  a  barrier  against  allowing  the
   lights and squares. But there is a lack of writing which truly   diversity of multiple nationalities. The Gulf has   reach  of  culture  to  the  people  since  because
   describes  the  lives  of  the  poor,  yet  among  the  excellent   also  dominated  the  media significantly,  while   some of them focus on directing the resources
   writing about the poor from a sociological perspective, we   Egypt lagged behind in media dominance.   of  cultural  policy  to  serve  their  interests  in
   have Galal Amin.                                                                      publishing, which prevents the dissemination of
                                                   On  intolerance,  he  pointed  out  that  our
    He also spoke about the needs of young people saying:   cultural  heritage  is  saturated  with  fanaticism   culture  in  a  suitable  manner  to  the  people,
                                                                                         making  intellectuals  a  negative  barrier  to  the
   the  youth‟s  aspirations  are  great  and  suppressed  ambition   and  we  must  recognize  that  and  face  this   ability of cultural institutions to reach people.
   accompanies large scale energies, the first of those being the   negative  aspect  of  our  heritage.  cultural
   youth.This was the main reason and motivation for  young   heritage  promotes  sorts  of  discrimination   . In addition, AlMasry stressed that the various
   people to emerge in the revolution of 25 January 2011 and   between males and females and discrimination   institutions  of  the  state  are  not  separate  from
   was the main contributor of the large numbers that came out   on the basis of color, race, social class, family   society but that they are the result of  society‟s
   then  which  were  protesting  the  existing  situations.  The   origins  and  physical  disability.  We  must   culture.  Previous  experiences  clearly  show  the
   concern  then  was  regarding  the  uncertainty  of  a  better   recognize that the roots of this intolerance exist   ineffectiveness  of  top-down  reform.  I  think
   future. We discovered many barriers in society such as being   in folklore.           Reform of any  institution  should  consider  that
   unable to exercise freedom and pluralism and suffering from                           cultural  reform  is  intertwined  with  official
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