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ELITE                                      Issue 8, June 2019                                          | P a g e 6

                                                            Naji Al-Ali: A

                                                      Memory for Palestine

                                                                          Mayar Tarek
                                                               Political Science- Third Level
                     Last semester,  it was my pleasure to conduct a research on Naji Alali, this figure might not be widely known;
                     however, once I saw a documentary about him, I felt this is the topic that deserves to do as many researches as
                     possible about. This might be attributed to my great interest in the Palestinian case and to my endless desire to
                     know more about its details since its beginning in 1948. Moreover, Naji Alali represents a voice that has been
                     long awaited in the Arab world. So, let me, my dear reader, take some of your time to have a closer look at this
                     treasure called Naji Alali.

                     Naji Alali was born in 1937, he left his homeland Palestine when he was 10 because of the Israeli occupation
                     and the first phase of his life took place in Ain Elholwa camp in Lebanon where he spent a long period. His
                     political and national inclinations started to take shape at this period of time. It all started when he was a young
                     man refusing the occupation and denouncing its existence on the pure Palestinian land, and declaring his denial
                     by drawing on the camp walls which led him to be the caricature artist who defended the Palestinian case till
                     his assassination in 1987.
                     Naji Al-Ali worked in many different newspaper stations during the various phases he went through in his life
                     and he left an impact on every platform he worked for, either in Lebanon, Kuwait or even London, his last
                     phase where he was assassinated, and he clearly expressed, by his work, his denial to the occupation. He was
                     always threatened because he strongly criticized the political Arab systems without caring about anything else.
                     Still, he went on despite all the difficulties he faced.
                     If  you  would like to know more about him, you  can type his name in any search engine and all his great
                     caricatures that make a history  will appear to  you,  but the most important work that will appear in all his
                     characters is the 10-year-old young boy "Hanzala", Hanzala is the symbol of the Arabic weakness as he always
                     has his hands tied behind his back, and his face is not show up. It is the symbol of children in shelters since
                     he's barefooted and has many cuts in his clothes. He is the symbol of Naji Alali himself as Hanzala's age is the
                     same as Naji's when he left his home. Naji stated once that Hanzala never grows up and that he remains as he
                     is until he gets back to Palestine and then he will grow up. He once talked about the time that Hanzala's face
                     will  show  up  when  the  Arabs  start  to  restore  their  sense  of  freedom  and  humanity,  and  of  course  when
                     Palestine is restored again. Afterwards, Hanzala became the official signature on his caricatures instead of his
                     name. Another famous caricature you can find in his work is "Fatima", who is the mother, land and home. She
                     is a strong persistent woman regardless of the weaknesses that surround her, she is the woman holding the key
                     of hope to return to Palestine one day, and there are many other characters ...

                     Naji Alali is a symbol of the Palestinian who rejects the disgraceful situations around him and the occupation
                     which confiscated his land and obliged him to get out of it which led him to live all his life homeless. He also
                     rejects the weak political Arab systems that could have changed the current status; however, they are busy
                     doing other things like settling useless issues that leads to more losses to the land. His caricatures were diving
                     deeply into the core of the case, they were hitting with an iron hand any person, regardless of his position, who
                     does not act to bring Palestine back. Naji Alali was a symbol of persistence, resistance and courage. He left an
                     impact on every place he went to ...

                     Dear reader, in addition to all what you read till now, but even if you know Naji Alali only from movies or his works, this
                     tendency to freedom that distinguished him will be transmitted automatically to you, although he spent his life as a prisoner
                     for his homeland occupation, for the weakness of the political Arab systems, and for refraining of many, but this tendency
                     didn't leave him one day. Until the very last moment, he considered himself a free human since he could draw and criticize
                     as he pleases. This freedom is represented by what Nour Elshareif said when he performed the character of Naji Alali in a
                     movie that is named after him: "I swear, I swear that Palestine won't be back without freedom."

                     To the scream of Palestineone day you will return with freedom…

  ELITE HIGH BOARD: Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Elsaid (Chairman)--Prof. Dr. Hanan Mohamed Ali (member)--Prof.Dr. SamyElsayyed (member)--Prof. Dr.
  Mazen Hassan (member)--RamyMagdy Ahmed (editor in chief)
  Editorial Board: Silvana Sobhy—Nahed Taha Elzeiny--Mai Osama Soliman--Lina Hesham—Sara Naserldin --NermineTawfik
  Editors (this issue): Farah Ezzeldin—Abdelrahman ElHadidi—Mayar Tarek—Caroline Kamal—Amr Samy--Dina- Ehab—Esraa Ibrahim-Abdelrahman
  Osama---Yasmine Mousa                              Issue 8, June 2019                                      | P a g e 6
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