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    Board Chairman:                                                                                          Coverge for the
                                                                                                                Staff and
    Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El Said                                                                                   Students’
     Editor in Chief:                                                                                            Iftar(s)
    Ramy Magdy Ahmed               Elite

     Issued by the Faculty of                   FEPS, where elites are made..
      Economics and Political
     Science, Cairo University                     Volume 1 Issue 8 June 2019
                                                 Designed By: Ramy Magdy Ahmed

   Our Alumnus The Former Minister of Planning Prof. Dr. Othman Mohamed Othman in a Special Interview with ELITE:

         “When January protests erupted, we couldn’t see

              what’s wrong with our flourishing economic

                                       indicators back then”

     During his last                                                                                         We don’t
     years in power,                                                                                       suffer income
      Mubarak was
     not a desirable                                                                                        distribution
      figure for the                                                                                       problems but
     Americans due                                                                                            poverty
     to his avoiding                                                                                          problem
     any engagement                                                                                           resulting
        with the                                                                                            from rising
     Iranian Conflict                                                                                       expectations
                                                                                                              since the
                           Our editors (from left): Farah Ezzeldin, Ramy Magdy (beside Dr. Othman) and Abdelrahman Elhadidi   1952
     Cairo  :  Ramy  Magdy,  Farah  Ezzeldin,   Some  of  his  colleagues  were  AbdelkaderShoaib  FEPS  when  Othman  was  at  the  bachelor's
   Abdelrahman   ElHadidi  and   Nermine   and Osama GhazaliHarb and Dr. Ahmed Yousef.  level.  He  asked  Moheiddin  to  see  him  and
     Tawfik                               Othman  thought  it  was  a  good  decision  and  met him  at his home.  And actually  he  told
     Dr.  Othman  Mohamed  Othman  is  one  of  graduated  in  the  Class  of  1969  then  he  was  him  that  Muhammad  HassaneinHeikal  and
     the most prominent Egyptian economists. He is  appointed as a teaching assistant, and remained in  HatemSadiq  were  founding  the  Center  for
   one  of  the  graduates  of  the  first  batches/  the academic work till getting his Phd. He stressed  Palestinian  and  Zionist  Political  Studies  in
     squads  of  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and   that  the  first  years  of  his  studies  were  the  best  Al-Ahram  asked  Othman  to  join  the
   Political Science. He combined the work in the   years  in  his  life  as  he  received  economics  and  economic  unit  in  the  new  center.  This  job
     academic  field  with  the  administrative   politics by senior professors and pioneers such as  helped him persuade his wife‟s family; Ms.
   positions until he became Minister of Planning
     and Economic Development.So we went to his   Boutros  Ghali,  Ra'at  al-Mahjoub  and  KhairiIssa,  Huda  to  accept  him  as  a  husband  to  their
   current headquarters in the Planning Institute,   and  he  condemns  the  great  virtue  of  these  daughter.  Also  his  life  style  was  like  the
                                          professors.  For  example,  he  learnt  economic  1960s  generation  who  were  fond  of  the
   and «Elite» made this dialogue with him.
                                          development   from   the   work   of   Dr.  activities of the university; he did not leave
     At the beginning, Dr. Othman talked about  ZakiShafi'iwhich  considered  to  be  the  backbone  the faculty  before 8 pm and spent his time
   the  reasons  for  joining  the  Faculty  of  of economics during the 1960s.      between  seminars  and  activities  of  the
     Economics and Political Science. He said that                                   university  hostels.  At  that  time  the
   until  his  last  high  school  studies,  he  was   One of the hard situations that he faced in the   participation of students in political life was
     thinking  about  being  an  engineer.  While  he  faculty  was  in  one  ofDr.  Abdel  Fattah   very high. During his undergraduate studies,
   was in the middle of the third grade, there was  Qandil‟slectures  who  was  teaching  economic   he joined one  of the socialist organizations
     an  economic  summit  on  Africa  and  the  theory or planning in the third year as there was a
   continent and actually he was very passionate   misunderstanding  of  his  speech.  The  number  of   where  his  teachers  considered  him  one  of
     about  the  activity  and  charisma  of  the   students  at  the  Department  of  Economics  at  the   their colleagues.
   President  Gamal  Abdel  Nasser,  he  followed                                      Then he talked about his ministerial career;
     the  news  of  that  summit  carefully.  In  the   time was only 70 students. He talked with Othman   he  took  three  ministerial  portfolios  which
   Arabic  high  school  exam,  Othman  wrote  a   with a harsh tone twice and expelled him from the   are  planning and international cooperation,
     good  essay  about  the  economic  development.   lecture  and repeated  it  in the  office  of  the  dean.   then  planning  and  local  development,  and
   At  that  time  he  started  to  be  interested  in   Nevertheless,  he  remains  grateful  to  him.He   then  the  Ministry  of  State  for  Economic
                                          praised Dr. AmrMohieldin, may he rest in peace,
   economics and presented his desire to join the                                    Development.  He  clarified  that  there  are
   Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political  Science   that had come from, the Foreign Mission to    necessary political changes taking place in

   instead of engineering, and he did.

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