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ELITE Issue 8, June 2019 | P a g e 5
China’s New
Assertive Behavior: Hannah Arendt:
Between Fear, Soul, Body and
Skepticism, and Mind
Yasmeen Alaa-Eldin
After long decades of accepting the Political Science -Third Level
YOSSRA Chinese consistent discourse of the
TAHA peaceful rise; China’s new assertive Hannah Arendt talked about our bodies as an expression of
Political Science international behavior is provoking a the outward appearance that characterizes our existence in
this world, but there is a deeper life, called "the life of the
Assistant Lecturer lot of emotions.
soul". The truth of our bodies is not the reality of our souls,
although we pretend that the life of mind can explain the
China has been making headlines challenging .China has taken the role of relationship between the true for soul and body by using the
on a daily basis for a while now. the initiator; it started to heavily promote language to express non-appearing activity already consists
International news portals like Reuters, BRI, to open up to foreign investments, in speech and the soundless dialogue of inside us, the
conceptual speech is indeed adequate to the activity of
The BBC,CNN have separate sections to explore new markets in Africa, Asia
on their websites, separate programs, and Europe. China also started to thinking by our mind. But it isn't at all true for the life of the
soul, it's very intensity like expressed in a glance, a sound, a
documentaries and airing times actively challenge the US hegemony not
dedicated solely for China. This Global just in terms of statements and counter gesture, than in speech, it becomes manifest when we speak
about psychic experiences is never the experience itself but
attention is well earned. China is the statements, but it has become a tough
second most powerful economy in the negotiator in terms of trade, and whatever we think about it when we respect upon it, so it can
no more become part and parcel of the world of appearances.
world, it is known as the factory of the strategically; the confidence China
world. It is the largest country in terms displays in standing its ground in the The truth of mental activities reduce the gap between what
we think and what is happening inside us by calling
of population, and recently with its South China sea is unprecedented.
Belt and Road initiative (BRI), her metaphors, and Aristotle told us; that we give distinctions of
symbols that may affect our souls and other symbols of
opening up policy and its massive and This shift in behavior stirred many
exponentially rising investments; emotions among various international spoken words, But these kinds of symbols that express our
souls, is just an intervention of the mind to give names and
China will be under the spot light for players. Initially most of the countries on
some time to come. the BRI routes welcomed the initiative actions similar to what we see, So sometimes there is no
evidence to express our souls, as well as the language lets
China‟s behavior on the and looked at it with great optimism;
international arena witnessed a major many European countries as well down what the explanation on inside us.
shift since the rise of Xi Jinping. He welcomed the new intensive cooperation But we seek to express a clear internal feeling by speech,
became the general secretary of the with the Chinese. This optimism was called by "personal identity" is a combination of the inner
communist party in 2012, then China‟s shifted to skepticism after the hysteric life, including the emotions, a lot of changes and also
president in 2013, and in March 2018 rounds of communications conducted by represent inner organs in our bodies like painful feelings of
his political ideology was added to the the Americans spreading their own fear the heart when we are sad and other feelings that can affect
Chinese constitution and will be taught of this new assertive Chinese behavior. our bodies by interaction between the soul and body, But it is
for students in schools, the limit on the Currently most news headlines are possible to separate the soul from the body when we talk
president‟s political terms were lifted addressing the suspicions about about eternity by removal of what is perishable. Hence we
and the status of Xi Jinping was raised Huawei‟s 5G technologies and how they can explain the things that happen in our bodies by calling is
like no other Chinese leader since could be used by Chinese intelligence for the science of medicine, on another side we notice analytical
Chairman Mao. global surveillance and many European psychology which strives to find out what is going on inside
Before the rise of Xi Jinping, parliaments started questioning the deals us by using "Individual psychology", but it's never be a
China‟s behavior was timid, cautious, conducted with the Chinese and how science because it's the prerogative of fiction, the novel and
slow and very gradual. China avoided they threaten their countries‟ national the drama. And we can illuminate the Biblical" darkness of
the involvement in different political security. the human heart" -of which Augustine said:"Hidden is the
conflicts mainly focusing on its good heart, hidden is the evil heart, an abyss is in the good
economic development; it maintained a China is the new rising power of this heart and in the evil heart "; the heart is a motley-colored the
fine balance in its relationship with the age and there will definitely be no evils and glorious feelings in storehouse. It's not always
United States of America and was agreement among the different manifested in virtual behavior or the explanation of emotions
always consistent in insisting on its international players about the true because it's created by culture to gives us the desire to
position as a peaceful rising intentions of China. China will definitely satisfaction of others, but it can be done through the pretense
developing country. After the rise of make new allies and will definitely also and deception that is psychology's dilemma. So all of this
Xi Jinping, China has become more gain new enemies. Only time will reveal lead us to tell about the self-display and the social existence
daring, assertive, confident, and more how wise this new rising power is. are not the same, And the life of soul is higher than the life of
mind and body.
ELITE Issue 8, June 2019 | P a g e 5