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ELITE                                                                                     Issue7: May.2019                                                                                         Page | 3

   T T Th h he e e     G G Gr r ra a ad d du u ua a at t ti i io o on n n     C C Ce e er r re e em m mo o on n ny y y                                                           Our

        FEPS graduates Class of 2018, and celebrates Class of

                                                                                                                                                                      Lady of
        1968’s golden jubilee and Class of 1993’s silver jubilee


                                                                                                                                                                       The French Embassy in Cairo awards

                                                                                                                                                                        Prof. Dr. Nazli Moawad the order of
                                                                                                                                                                           Chavalier d’honoeur the highest
                                                                                                                                                                          distinction in the French republic

   Cairo : Nermine Tawfik and Dina Ehab
                                                       the  college,  which  takes  steady  steps  towards
          On the eleventh of April, the Faculty of     excellence and uniqueness, and she also talked        Cairo : Ramy Magdy
   economics  and  political  science  celebrated  the   about the opportunities offered by the faculty to                                       nd
   graduation  of  class  2018  and  also  the  Golden   its  students  from  scholarship  at  international         On Monday, April 22  the French
   Jubilee of 1968 and the 1993 Silver Jubilee in      universities. The College has also received the       Embassy  in  Cairo  Represented  by  the
   the presence of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Elsaid; the       local  accreditation  twice  and  is  on  its  way  to  head  of  its  mission  His  Excellency                              The National
   dean of the faculty, Prof. Dr. Hanan Mohamed        obtain the international accreditation .              ambassador            Stephane         Roumatier
   Ali;  the  vice  dean  for  education  and  students                                                                                                                      Council for Women
   affairs,  and  Ambassador  Dr.  Adel  Elmeligy;             Then  she  thanked  minister  Moshera  awarded  Prof.  Dr.  Nazli  Moawad,
   president of FEPS Graduates Society.                Khattab for attending the ceremony, mentioning  Professor  Emeritus  of  Political  Science                                 Congratulates
                                                       that  the  first  interview  done  by  “ELITE”        in  our  faculty  the  order  of  Chavalier
          The  ceremony  was  opened  with             newspaper  was  with  her  as  she  is  one  of  the                                                                  Professor Moawad!
   recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, then                                                            d’honoeur.  It  is  worth  mentioning  that
   Ms. Engy Khaled “teaching assistant in political    most prominent graduates of the faculty and she       such an  order  is  considered the highest
   science  department”;  delivered  the  graduates‟   wished success and reconcile to the graduates in      grade  of  honor  awarder  by  the  French
   speech in which she thanked the professors  for     their future lives.
   their contributions to her and all her colleagues           Then,  Ambassador  Adel  El  Meligy,  republic.
   from    the  2018  graduates  during  their  studies,   “President of the Alumni Association”, said that         The ceremony made for Professor
   also she mentioned her experience  and how she      that  combination  of  classes  reflects  the         Moawad  was  held  in  the  French
   achieved  her  excellence,  then  she  thanked  her   communication  that  the  college  is  keen  on
   family especially her father “who died and she      preserving  it  among  its  members  and  has  embassy in Cairo in which Ambassador
   was hoping that her father witness that day” and    invited new graduates to join the association.        Roumatier  commended  the  record  of
   she  advised  the  students  of  the  faculty  to           Dr. Mahmoud Al-Said “ the dean of the  Moawad that was the reason for such an
   continue  to  work  and  diligence,  God  does  not   faculty”, said that on this annual occasion, the    award.
   neglect the reward of good works.                   youth of the College are reneed and that the best

          Prof. Dr. Hanan Mohamed Ali said that        graduates are presented to the community. The                A  group  of  faculty  professors  led
   she was proud to stand that day to celebrate the    slogan  of  the  college  “COMMITMENT,                by  Prof.  Dr.  Mahmoud  Elsaid the  dean                             The National Council for
   graduation of class 2018, the 56th  class  in the   EXCELLENCE,  DISTINCTION”  is  not  just  a           faculty  attended  the  ceremony  sharing
   history  of  the  college,  and  proud  of  honoring   slogan  but  a  reality  embodied  by  this        their delight for such an honor given to                      Women represented by Dr.
                                                    th prestigious  college.  Then  he  thanked  all  who
   the graduates of the 1968 class, that was the 6                                                                                                                         Maya Morsy the president of
   class  in  the  history  of  the  faculty  ,and  class   participated in organizing this ceremony and he  Professor Moawad.                                             the council congratulated Prof.
   1993.                                               honored the graduates of various classes 1968,               On  his  part,  Professor  Elsaid                      Dr. Moawad for this distinction.
                                                       1993 and 2018.
          She added that that day is the day of the                                                          stressed the fact that such an award not
   celebration  of  science,  which  represents  the                                                         only denotes the excellence of professor
   continuation of exerting efforts and giving to                                                                                                                                  On her part, Dr. Morsy
                                                                                                             Moawad,  but  also  the  quality  of  our

                                                                                                             faculty‟s professors.                                         expressed her happiness for
                                                                                                                                                                           such an event denoting that
                                                                                                             On  our  part,  ELITE  Team  wishes  to                       Prof. Dr. Nazli is an excellent

                                                                                                             show their pride for such a merit given                       example for Egyptian Women
                                                                                                             to  one  of  the  faculty‟s  professors  and                  everywhere.
                                                                                                             wishes  for  FEPS  and  Prof.  Moawad  a

                                                                                                             long continued journey of excellence.


     Class2018 Pol.Sc. English

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