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R Re ep po or rt t o on n
Board Chairman: C Cl la as ss s 2 20 01 18 8
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El Said G Gr ra ad du ua at ti io on n
C Ce er re em mo on ny y
Editor in Chief:
Ramy Magdy Ahmed Elite
Issued by the Faculty
FEPS, Where elites are made..
of Economics and
Political Science, Vol. 1 Issue .7 May 2019
Cairo University
Designed By: Ramy Magdy Ahmed
Ambassador Jailan Allam, First Female Egyptian Ambassador at UN , in an exclusive interview with ELITE
Our editors from (left) : Habiba Atef (besides Ambassador Jailan), Dina Ehab and Silvana Sobhy
Cairo: Silvana Sobhy, Habiba Atef and Dina Ambassador Jailan Allam was also nominated to be experience new things and learn from our mistakes.
Ehab the ideal student in 1968. We have to take advantage of technology and set up
Delighted to host her at FEPS, ELITE team has She also recalled one of the sad memories while small and important projects, but most importantly to
taken the opportunity to interview the fair and elegant she was a student. The sad period in the life of her never lose hope.
former Ambassador of Egypt at the UN HE Excellency that she and all the Egyptian people went The ministry of foreign affairs consists of 3 main
Ambassador Jailan Allam. Ambassador Jailan through was the 1967 war. But when we look at this parts as follows: The Diplomatic Members, The
graduated from the Faculty of Economics and war now; she finds that this period was a test of the Administrative Employees, and those working on the
Political Science in 1968. She graduated from a Egyptians' will, and their love for Egypt. Technical Services. Students need to be aware of the
French school and was one of the top students in the The Ambassador spoke about the influence of the challenges they face when it comes to applying to the
Republic. She wanted to join a college where she faculty on her personality and how this led to the diplomatic sector. It requires intensive preparation
could feel privileged. The ambassador‟s father maturity of her personality because she dealt with including exams on several topics as international
wanted her to join the faculty of medicine but she different and great professors. She had a desire to relations, international economics, and others.
refused. This was in the early days of the expand her understanding and desire to know more Moreover, Applicants must be proficient in at least
establishment of the Faculty of Politics and and showed this in her desire to question. two languages beside their mother tongue. The
Economics. When she heard that the daughter of the challenges are not limited to the exams and the
president Gamal Abdel Nasser joined Faculty of Moreover, the ambassador said that her first interviews but they are also extended to what comes
Economics and Political Science; this gave her a appointment to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had a after being accepted and this is represented mainly in
greater motive to join the faulty in 1964, Department great impact on her personality. In late 1974, the terms of social barriers. Men and Women may find
of Economics. Foreign Minister was summoned by Minister Ismail opposition from their families when it comes to
Fahmy. He spoke with her and told her that she constant travelling. Being updated, flexible,
After graduating, she applied to become a Teaching would become the ambassador of the permanent
Assistant at FEPS as per her father‟s will. At the delegation to the United Nations and that she would knowledgeable, being able to work under pressure and
same time, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs become the first Egyptian woman to go as a passionate are the main required traits for a successful
announced a request for a new batch of applicants in representative of the United Nations. The diplomat.
the diplomatic corps. She submitted for the Ambassador went and considered the obstacles that Till 2010, the Egyptian-Foreign relations were
Ministry‟s examination and got the first place in the would face her; the most important ones were her moving in a systematic way. The Egyptian
exam. Hence, she was appointed to the Ministry of family, her husband and her son. government was engaged in relations mainly with
Foreign Affairs and welcomed by the Minister USA and Europe. However, the rise of chaos in the
Mahmoud Riad. She lived in America from 1975 to 1979. During Arab world, along with human rights movements and
this period, she was greatly affected by the new lack of economic progress, changed everything. In
The Ambassador began to speak about her beautiful culture and the new understanding for everything
memories in FEPS. The Dean of the Faculty at that around her. She witnessed many important events 2013, Egypt regained its membership in the African
time was Prof. Dr. Zaki Shafi. Because of the small such as the 100 Kilo talks, Rogers‟s initiatives and Union and began adopting severe measures in the
number, there was a direct relationship between the most important event, the Camp David peace investment and economic sectors in order to achieve
students and professors; especially Professor treaty. This has led to a radical change in her strong and rapid economic growth. However, Egypt is
Fathallah AlKhatib, Professor Refaat AlMahgoub personality. She has begun to look at the problems in still surrounded by several threats due to the internal
and Professor Ahmed AlGhandour. Teachers were a new way, and she has become aware of the true issues in Libya and Syria, the protests in Algeria and
always a source of pride to her and all her colleagues. Sudan, the Palestinian problem, terrorism in Sinai,
value of ethics and the importance of maintaining and the refugees‟ problems. Accordingly, Egypt is
There was a constant desire for excellence among verbal and intellectual actions and thoughts. working in a regional and international stirring
all the students in the college. The students of the From the ambassador's point of view, the biggest context and it must preserve its stability through all of
political science department were always in a strong challenge facing students is unemployment. The this.
and direct relationship with the economic Ambassador advises us not to spend time worrying She ended her talk by saying that despite the cruel
department‟s students. She was a member of both the and fearing this problem, but we must work on the measures imposed by Egypt‟s Economic Reform, The
basketball team and the volleyball team at the problems and think about a way to solve them. We Egyptian Government is constantly working on
university. She was also engaged in group trips, and must build a community that calls for action and supporting its citizens and gladly Egypt‟s hard work is
added that the spirit of teamwork was also one of the working. We must not accept defeat; instead we must paid off where it is now considered a role model to
main things that highlighted her college life. many countries .And that citizens‟ support matters.
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