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ELITE                                                                                     Issue7: May.2019                                                                                         Page | 2

                                                          FEPS Visits the

                                                                      EU Mission

                                                      Postgrad Vice-Dean, EuroMed Director, ELITE Head and a Class Of Political Science Senior
                                                       Students Formed The FEPS Delegation Visiting The Premises Of The EU Delegation In Cairo

                                                         HE Amb. Ivan Surkoš And Main Mission Staff Presented The Diverse Egypt-EU
                                                                                             Cooperation Aspects
   Press  Officer,  Mr.  Ayman  El-Sherbiny  gives  an                                                                                                              Head of Delegation HE Amb. Ivan Surkoš shedding light on
   Overview on EU-Egypt Cooperation Relations.                                                                                                                      Egypt-EU relations

                                                   From left : ELITE editor Farah Ezzeldin, Post-grad studies Vice-Dean Prof.Dr. Omneia Helmy, EuroMed Program director
                                                   Prof.Dr. Riham Bahi, ELITE Editor in chief Ramy Magdy, and ELITE Editors Mohamed Rostom and Caroline Kamal

                                                   Cairo : Ramy Magdy, Farah Ezzeldin and Caroline Kamal   The  next  session  was  led  by  Mr.  Ayman  El-Sherbiny  –Press
                                                                                                           officer-  summarizing  the  EU-Egypt  cooperation  relations
                                                          A  delegation  from  FEPS  (comprising  FEPS  Vice-dean   smoothly. He stated that Egypt is a key partner with the EU as it
   Erasmus Programme Manager, Ms. Ahlam Farouk     for postgraduate studies and scientific research Prof. Dr. Omenia   is a neighbor for Europe, plus being a perfectly located country.   Deputy  Head  of  Delegation,  Ms.  Sandra  De  Waele
   presents education opportunities & Erasmus      Helmy,  Euro-Mediterranean  Program  director  Prof.Dr.  Riham   The EU-Egyptian partnership is due to the association agreement   gives an overview of the delegation work.
   program.                                        Bahi, ELITE editor in chief Ramy Magdy and a Class of political   which was signed in 2001 and enforced in 2004. The association
                                                   science  senior  students  enrolled into  the  course  on  comparative
                                                   foreign policy; led by Prof.Dr. Ayman Eldessouki) made a visit to   agreement organizes a high-level meeting between the common
                                                                                                           EU  foreign  minister  and  the  Egyptian  foreign  minister.The  EU
                                                   the  premises  of  the  EU  delegation  in  Cairo  The  mission  staff   and Egypt are cooperating also within the investment field, since
                                                   welcomed  FEPS  political  science  students.  The  head  of   the  EU  funds  ongoing projects  in  Egypt  with  1.4  billion  euros,
                                                   delegation  HE  Ambassaor.  Ivan  Surkos,  started  his  talk  with   and  concessional  loans  by  12  billion  euros.  Mr.  Ayman
                                                   welcoming the students. Then, he talked about the role of the EU   mentioned  that  the  EU  developed  through  the  years,  as  it  was
                                                   in  Egypt.  Briefly,  he  mentioned  the  partnership  between  both   firstly announced in 9 may 1950 by Robert Shuman‟s declaration
                                                   sides,  asserting  the  political  and  strategic  aspects,  describing   which called for cooperation between Germany and France in the
                                                   Egypt as the key EU partner in the region.              iron and steel field, thus, they won‟t compete anymore.

                                                           The  ambassador  referred  to  the  common  issues  that   He  added  that  Egypt  and  the  EU  cooperate  in  doing
                                                   came  to  discussion  between  Egypt  and  the  EU  like  climate   diverse  projects  concerned  with  children,  education,  women,
                                                   change,  and  the  issue  of  water  scarcity  facing  Egypt  nowadays   water,  besides  energy.  He  continued  by  explaining  one  of  the
                                                   and  other  issues  that  have  come  as  priorities  on  the  Egyptian   projects between Egypt and the EU which is MATS project as it
                                                   agenda 2030. Mr. Surkos also mentioned the role of the EU in   is an energy project at Borg Al-Arab to desalinate the sea water
                                                   supporting  solar  energy  in  Egypt.  On  the  cultural  level,  he   using  solar  energy.  Mr.  Ayman  said  that  these  projects  are  to
                                                   referred  to  a  lot  of  projects  that  work  on  modernizing  the   assure the relations between both sides are stable in a region full
                                                   Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square as well as the restoration of   of conflicts.
                                                   archeological  sites  like  Al-Maredani  mosque  in  Al-Darb  Al-
                                                   Ahmar,  one  of  the  oldest  mosques  in  Cairo.  The  ambassador   Another  session  was  held  by  Ms.  Ahlam  Farouk  –
                                                   pointed  out  to  the  educational  programs  and  technical trainings   Erasmus  program  manager-  to  explain  Erasmus  projects.  She
                                                   offered  by  the  European  Union  in  partnership  with  several   started  by  explaining  what  is  Erasmus  and  its  origin.  She
                                                   Egyptian  institutions,  headed  by  the  Ministry  of  Higher   mentioned that the EU is the best partner Egypt for the education
                                                   Education.                                              projects.  Ms.  Ahlam  elaborated  the  Erasmus+  project,  claiming
                                                                                                           that it started since 2014 making 7 to 8 separate projects.. After
                                                          Ms.Sandra  de  Waele,  Deputy  Head  of  Mission,
   Information Officer, Ms. Hanna LABDH explains   explained the mechanisms of action within the EU deleagtion, the   that, she clarified the higher education process in Erasmus as they   Trade Officer, Mr. Selim Hisham explains trade &
   dialogue and cooperation in the Euro-                                                                   have international credit mobility that lasts from 3 to 12 months,   economic relations engaging Egypt and the EU.
   Mediterranean region:Union for the Mediterranean   most  important  issues  for  the  European  Union  and  the   Joint  master  degree,  and  Jean  Monnet  activities.  Besides,  she
                                                   mechanisms  of  coordination  within  the  various  institutions
   (UfM)example.                                                                                           explained the process of application.
                                                   concerned with the implementation of the EU-Egypt agreements.
                                                                                                                  Mr.  Ayman  Ayad  –programme  manager-  spoke  about
                                                           Mr. Selim Hisham, Trade Officer, spoke about the trade   the  water  and  water  waste  reforms  cooperation  between  Egypt
                                                   agreements between Egypt and the European Union, which was   and  the  EU,  he  added  that  the  EU  helps  Egypt  in  the  project
                                                   signed in 2001 and entered into force in 2004.Egypt has obtained   management. In addition, he said that the EU organizes and make
                                                   customs exemptions on its agricultural exports to the EU, which   awareness campaigns for saving water.
                                                   has facilitated the export of agricultural commodities to the EU
                                                   easily.  The  volume  of  European  exports  in  Egypt  is  also  very   Finally,  Ms.  Hanna  Labdh  –information  officer-  spoke
                                                   large, amounting to 30% of the total volume of Egyptian exports,   about Union for the Mediterranean (UFM) and explained its role,
                                                   which is not insignificant. He explained also The TDMEP  “the   besides how it  works, talking about Med 4  Jobs  which provide
                                                   program  of  development  of  local  and  commercial  market”   jobs across the countries of the UFM. She also clarified the EEAS
                                                   supported  by  the  EU  and  which  helps    innovation  in    local   traineeship  programme  and  how  to  apply  easily  by  using  the
                                                   markets  and  trade  relations  with  the  EU.Finally,  Mr.  Selim   website when there is an open call. As well as explaining that the
                                                   indicated to the challenges facing the Egyptian industry to reach   traineeship program has two types paid, and not paid. In addition,
                                                   the required quality.                                   the  applicant  must  have  less  than  1  year  work  experience  not
                                                                                                           more,  besides  the  duration  of  the  traineeship  is  from  4  to  6
                                                          Dr.  Heba  Gaber,  Regional  Research  and  Innovation   months.
                                                   Relations Officer, spoke about EU programs supporting scientific
                                                   research,  spearheaded  by  the  Horizon  2020  program,  which   The main engineers of the trip were Prof. Dr. Ayman El-
                                                   funded  many  Egyptian  scientific  research  bodies  such  as  the   Dessouki  assistant  professor  of  political  science  who  suggested
                                                   Academy  of  Scientific  Research  and  the  University  of  Zewail.   the  visit  and  Ms.  Hanna  Labdh  who  have  taken  El-Dessouki‟s
   ProgramManager, Mr. Ayman Ayad elaborates  the   She pointed out that Egypt alone has participated in 37 projects,   initiative into practical steps. As an idea the visit was a „field trip‟   Research and Innovation Regional Officer, Ms. Heba Gaber
   cooperation  projects  between  Egypt  and  EU  in   but the field of scientific research in Egypt requires further work   learning  methodin  “Comparative  Foreign  Policy”  course.   presents bilateral and regional research and innovation
   water and waste water reforms .                 for  its  development.  According  to  the  latest  estimations  the   Professor Ayman El-Dessouki describes that field trips are a great   relations between Egypt and the EU
                                                   number of the Egyptian researchers is up to 120 thousands which   learning  tool  because  they  do  provide  opportunity  for  self-
                                                   is  a  huge  number  and  requires  more  efforts  in  that  field.  This   experiences and observations and self-long-lasting learning. This
                                                   program organizes many events through which it offers training   will supplement the various theories and concepts acquired in the   ENGINEERS OF THE VISIT
                                                   courses on the writing of scientific research and the formulation.    classroom  for  a  simultaneous  understanding  and  application.
                                                                                                           Field trips are also very helpful to provide a future professional
                                                          On the other side, Ms. Anne Koistinen -Head of political   and vocational direction.
                                                   press  and  information  section-  who  started  working  in  Egypt
                                                   since  2016,  explained  briefly  the  EU  external  action  services   The main objective of the trip, El-Dessouki clears, is to
                                                   (EEAS)which  the  EU  delegation  is  one  of  its  segments.  She   give students further insight into the way in which the European
                                                   added that the EEAS includes the common foreign ministry of EU   Union (EU) is constructed as an international actor. Students will
                                                   that  was  founded  in  2011,  as  well  as,  it  is  now  headed  by  the   closely examine the governance of the EU Common Foreign and
                                                   higher  representative  Federica  Mogherini  till  November  2019.   Security  Policy  (CFSP),  and  the  relations  between  EU  and
                                                   Ms.  Koistinen mentioned that the  greatest highlight  of  the  year   national  foreign  policy  of  Member  States.  More  important,
                                                   was the LAS-EU summit in Sharm Al-Sheikh. She also clarified   student would like to explore the aspects of the EU foreign policy
                                                   the  role  of  the  EU  delegations  as  it  have  140  delegations   toward the Arab world and Egypt.
                                                   implementing  the  EU  global  strategy  with  its  partners.  In
                                                   addition,  the  delegation  acts  as  an  embassy  and  has  its  own        On  her  part  Ms.  Hanna  expressed  that  organizing  the  visit
                                                   diplomatic agenda, represents the union and its policy, manages   represents a part of her vision to make the EU delegation more
                                                   EU  projects,  and  builds  partnerships  between  EU  and  the  host   engaged  with  the  Egyptian  youth.  She  believes  that  a  more
                                                   countries.  Ms.  Koistinen  assured  that  Egypt  is  very  important   influential  role  for  any  diplomatic  mission  cannot  be  attained   Prof. Dr. Ayman El-  Ms. Hanna Labdh
                                                   country regionally and internationally as it is well connected to   adequately  without  engagement  with  the  communities  of  the   Dessouki
   A  crucial  session  given  by  the  head  of  Political,   Africa  and  the  Mediterranean region.  She  ended  her  speech  by   receiving state.                Assistant Professor of        EU Delegation
   Press  and  Information  Section,  Ms.  Anne    clarifying that the EU investment into stability is rooted in human                                               International Relations,     information officer
   Koistinen on EU-Egypt bilateral political relation.   rights and depends on the participation of the people.                                                              FEPS

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