Page 29 - Issue 66
P. 29

Volume 1                              ELITE                                          ISSUE 66

               It is “The Rat Race”, where most                  “We  have  nothing  to  do”,  a  mindset

               of  people  are  climbing  career                 that has been programmed into us by
               ladders,       within        a      fierce        the  capitalism  practices  imposed  by

               environment  of  high  competition,               major entities, which turned us from a
               to  achieve  their  own  personal                 potential  active  educated  influential

               selfish     goals,     starting     from          individual  in  the  society  to  an
               collecting  money,  to  achieving  a              apathetic  worker  drones  who  accept

               certain  social  status,  regardless  of          the  status  quo.  Those  practices
               actually having a positive influence              guarantee that even if people become
               on their surroundings.                            aware  of  what  needs  to  be  changed

                                                                 and  there  exists  a  problem,  they  will
               In this race meeting someone who                  have no idea how to change it.

               does their job because it is for the
               good of the society or because they               It is crucial to know that the “we have

               truly  love  it  has  become  a  rare             nothing to do” mindset will never lead
               occurance. Also, people in this rat               us to a better future for us and for the

               race  tend  to  be  unwilling  to  quit           upcoming generations, and we need to
               this  trap,  mainly  due  to  feeling             believe  that,  throughout  the  history,
               incapable  of  having  a  true  imapct            the  drivers  of  change  have  always

               to end this endless cycle.                        been  through  mass  movements,  and
                                                                 through        believing        in      one’s

               The  reason  why  people  are                     responsibility  to  be  part  of  the
               reluctant to escape this trap is the              generation that forces change.

               capitalist      system        that      is
               monoplized by giant corporations,

               which has conditioned us to believe
               that  we  are  solitary  creatures
               looking out only for ourselves and

               only through individual actions we
               can     decide     our    fate,    which

               eventually  led  us  to  lose  our
               collective power.

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