Page 28 - Issue 66
P. 28
Volume 1 ELITE ISSUE 66
Within the current societal and over their head and food on their table,
economic pressures, specially in low with no privilege to advocate for any
and middle-income countries like issues or for those who are in need.
Egypt, it is no surprise to see more
people being forced into a whirlwind of What might be surprising is to see the
work, just for the sake of survival and privileged ones going into the same trap
securing their basic human needs, of working for the sake of their personal
starting from food, to affording shelter benefit, regardless of whether this work
and healthcare. Despite of the meaning contributes to the good of the society.
of work they do, they keep selling This has led work to be devoid of its
hours of their lives for whatever wage main purpose, as now people work for
they can find simply to cover the the endless pursuit of money, wealth, and
skyrocketing costs of living. Most of social status, rather than contributing to
this segment do not even have the the good of the society, enhancing
luxury to take time off to find another human life and well-being, and forcing
more meaningful job, because they are positive change in the society.
in need for a wage that keeps a roof