Page 23 - Issue-En-44
P. 23
Issue 44
June 2022
norhan osama-level 4-economics
What are believes? , and how it will be
formed? , the belief is what held in the heart time - and a third is a false and productive
and the organs applied to it , it is a deep belief such as people with a disorder A
perception that rooted in behaviors , The narcissist , They have a false bulge about
word “behavior” includes urgency, external themselves, but it is beneficial, forth one a
behavior and actions. From the point of view sincere and productive belief such as the
of the behavioral school, they see that the belief in the existence of Allah
child is born like a blank sheet of paper, then There are broken ideas that may reach the
is is written on him by the surrounding level of belief, and discussing those ideas
environment, so the environment shapes and sometimes, such as discussing beliefs, such
directs the formulation of belief , A person as the belief of some girls in their ugliness
must have beliefs about self, life, others, the and the difficulty of changing that.
universe and God Almighty, a belief in all Two psychologists contributed to explaining
four domains, physical, psychological, the method of forming beliefs according to
spiritual and mental. Discussing and their own view, George Kelly sees that each
changing these beliefs in adulthood requires person raises or are raised by titles and
a violent shake and real effort, even if that banners on himself while he is young and
person is clairvoyant and aware that this contains a summary of his experiences,
belief is inoperative and misguided, and the where the person's experience in childhood
beliefs are four types that first one is places a personal constant or a personal
dishonest and disruptive and is called address , he defines himself spiritually,
misguidance, such as the claim of some physically, and psychologically through it,
people of prophethood or that they are the as if a person is good or not good, honest or
22 awaited Mahdi, second a belief that may be dishonest , The personal concept here also
true but is disruptive of production, such as may be true or false, or it may be disabled
the belief of the Jews that they are the or functional, he will act according to this
chosen people of God - but this belief was belief even if he cannot define and feel it, it
true at one time is honesty that he carries inside him,