Page 21 - Issue-En-44
P. 21


        Issue 44

      June  2022

                                       Female Divorcees in Rural Areas:

                                     The Stigma and Shattered Dreams

                                           Gehad Yehia, Fourth Level, Political Science

                            There is no woman on earth who does not wish to give  matter on the share hanger.
                            leadership to a man, and closes her eyes to let him go on  Which share do you mean? The share that broke them, or
                            with her life in peace. And we know that the purpose of  the  habits  and  customs  that  made  life  more  and  more
                            marriage is love, to find a tender heart no matter how  The  problem  is  not  only  with  the  marriage  of  minors,
                            narrow the earth is to you, the idea in itself is fair, you  which is common in those areas, but the biggest disaster
                            will  find  someone  to  share  food  and  be  comfortable  lies in the forced marriage, as if it were a commodity that
                            with in conversation, mind next to mind, and heart tied  the guardian must sell to whoever gave the highest profit
                            to a heart, a hand that heals and a heart that yearns, a  for  the  sold  merchandise,  as  soon  as  he  saw  in  the
                            soul  and  soul  that  claims  Rest  assured,  a  person  who  applicant  some  of  the  specifications  that  he  held  in  his
                            feels sociable, knows that he is important and the other  imagination that it achieves the supreme perfection of this
                            believes that he is the most important...     person  ,  he  agreed  to  complete  the  deal  without  paying
                            This  is  what  we  became  familiar  with  about  marriage  attention  to  what  this  young  woman  would  suffer  with
                                                                          something in which her will had no role, and she finds that
                            unless  your  birthplace  lies  in  some  villages  in  rural  she  is  in  front  of  family  injustice  and  societal  scrutiny
                            Egypt,  which  made  marriage  a  mere  fulfillment  of  without any fairness except in the last years when the law
                            desire,  a  violation  of  innocent  childhood,  and  a  grave  began to criminalize these acts.
                            injustice  to  underage  girls  who  were  unable  to  live  It  ends  up  like  a  bottle  lying  on  the  side  of  the  road,
                            comfortably.  To  find  herself  after  she  was  young  and  thrown  by  passers-by,  and  society  looks  at  it  with  an
                            deserves  nothing  but  pampering,  she  became  arbitrary and low look, as if it was she who chose this title
                            responsible for providing care and motherhood for a girl  and  stuck  it  to  herself,  and  it  was  not  the  circumstances
                            a few years younger than her, living next to an arrogant  that forced her to this misery, to live the rest of her life and
                            man with all his requirements in food and clothing only.  pay the price of a mistake that she has no guilt in .
                                                                          Let  us  realize  that  marriage  must  be  based  on  the  right
                            And that cycle continues until the noose tightens on that  choice,  and  the  most  important  thing  is  the  idea  of
                            married girl and finds herself falling under the pressure  acceptance preceded by affection and mercy in which the
                            of divorce and the word stuck to her as if she was the  two  coexist,  and  there  is  nothing  wrong,  dear  reader,  to
                            culprit and not the victim                    leave  even  a  small  distance  for  love,  and  I  do  not  mean
                            The  public  calls  her  divorcee,  as  if  she  chose  that  love  in  its  satirical  cinematic  form,  in  which  they  are
          20                painful  end  with  her  own  hands.  And  after  all  this  looking for stories that are only suitable for drama, Two
                            brokenness  occurred  in  the  soul  of  a  girl  who  has   lovers are always laughing.... A life without monument or
                              nothing  to  do  with  the  matter  except  that  she  is  a  trouble,  and  intense  immersion  in  the  pleasures  of  this
                                                                          world,  for  love  is  higher  than  the  mere  instinct  in  the
                            woman who must listen and obey, we find them hanging  presence  of  a  partner,  and  purer  than  the  mere  desire  to
                            the                                           satisfy  the  instinct..  This  is  marriage,  gentleness  and
                                                                          gentleness, love, strength, bond, and faith in a spirit that
                                                                          used you to complete the world together...
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