Page 27 - Issue-En-44
P. 27


        Issue 44

      June  2022

                              The prime minister has lost the support of   The  Partygate  scandal  In  April  this
                             the  members  of  the  parliament.  He  is  a  year, the prime minister was fined for

                             conservative party leader, yet he did not act  breaking   lockdown      rules,   after
                             in  a  conservative  way;  his  policies  of  tax  attending a gathering on his birthday in
                             rising  instead  of  tax  cutting,  and  the  big  June  2020.  He  also  apologized  for
                             government’s spending made him lose the       going  to  a  "bring  your  own  booze"
                             support of the members of the party he was    party  in  the  Downing  Street  garden
                             leading, as they did not want to witness a    during  the  first  lockdown.  More
                             conservative  government  acting  in  a  not-  widely, the Metropolitan Police issued
                             so-conservative  way.  Not  only  that,  but  126  fines  to  83  people  for  breaking
                             also  the  scandals  that  have  happened  put  lockdown rules in Downing Street and
                             him  under  ultimate  pressure.    “The  Chris
                             Pincher  affair”,  on  Wednesday,  June  29,  Whitehall.  A  report  by  Sue  Gray  -  a
                             the Conservative deputy chief whip, Chris     senior civil servant - described a series
                             Pincher, went to a private members' club in   of  social  events  by  political  staff  that
                             London. He "drank far too much," he said,     broke  lockdown  rules.  Many  of  the
                             and  "embarrassed  himself."  He  was         causes  were  beyond  Boris  Johnson's
                             accused  of  groping  two  men,  which        control.  Russia's  invasion  of  Ukraine,
                             sparked  a  barrage  of  allegations,  some  of  for example, has resulted in increases
                             which dated back years. It triggered a chain  in oil prices and food prices. While the
                             of  events  that  led  to  the  prime  minister's  government has taken some steps, such

                             demise.  Mr.  Johnson  was  aware  of  the    as lowering fuel duty by 5p per liter, it
                             formal  complaint.  The  following  day,  a   also  implemented  a  tax  increase  in
                             former  civil  servant,  Lord  McDonald,      April. National Insurance increased by
                             stated that the prime minister was informed   1.25 pence per pound. The government
                             of  the  complaint  in  person.  Mr.  Johnson  claimed  the  tax  increase  would  fund

           26                then  admitted  to  being  informed  in  2019  health  and  social  care,  and  changes
                             and apologized for appointing Mr. Pincher
                                                                           implemented  this  week  softened  the
                             as deputy chief whip. So he was aware of      blow – but anyone earning more than
                             the mistakes of Chris Pincher, yet he gave    £34,000 per year will still pay more.
                             him a great opportunity.
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