Page 5 - issue 29 En
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ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

        and  political  approach  Purely  not  based  on    a  in any war is to collect enough information about
        historical  approach.  We  worked  with  him  for  two  the enemy as the first step, so this procedure took
        years, and for me they were a very important period    place. Professor Muhammad Hassanein Heikal was
        of  construction,  and  it  gave  me  an  opportunity  to  the  head  of  Al-Ahram  at  that  time,  and  his
        expand my historical knowledge, and I began to think   relationship was close to Gamal Abdel Nasser, and
        of  this  history  as  a  scientific  and  political  system.  he  suggested  that  this  centre  be  established  and
        And I spent a long time in Dar Al Kutub in Bab Al      specialized  in  studying  Israel  and  the  Palestinian
        Khalq,  and  gathered  new  information  from  it.  And  issue.  Therefore,  he  first  established  the  unity  of
        through this work, he asked me to be with him in this  Palestine and Israel, and this unit was transformed
        centre  (AL-Ahram),  specifically  during  the  second  in the year 1970 to a centre called the Centre for
        foundation stage of the centre, and I worked with him  Palestinian and Zionist Studies. And the first study
        and  started  my  relationship  with  the  centre  at  this  on Israel in the Arab world began from this centre
        time and it has not been cut off until now.            in  conjunction  with  the  Institute  for  Palestine
        You  have  a  rich  journey  of  research  and         Studies  in  Beirut,  and  cooperation  occurred
        journalism  together,  so  let's  ask,  what  is  the  between  them.  Then  the  centre  developed  to
        essential  difference  between  a  journalist  in  Al-  expand the activities of the centre and be a centre
        Ahram newspaper and a researcher at Al-Ahram           for political and strategic studies, to deal with Arab
        Centre?                                                and regional issues, and this historical coincidence
        Of course, there is a big difference. The centre is a  made  it  present  in  a  press  institution,  and  the
        research centre that happens to be located in a press  advantage of this centre is that it allows the readers
        institution and it is a historical coincidence, and it is  of  newspapers  and  magazines  to  see  some  of  the
        the  first  centre  for  strategic  studies  in  the  Middle  analysis produced by the centre.
        East. Its first nucleus was formed in the year 68. And  What do you think of the future of the extreme
        it was established in its first form in the year 70, and  right after Trump's departure?
        it took a new image in the year 75. It is a research   In my opinion, I do not like the term extreme right,
        centre founded on the European and American style      which is an expression that has no real standard. I
        at that time, and the motive for its establishment was  prefer to use the term far right. This right exists in
        to realize the existing authority in Egypt because we  America  even  before  Trump.  Of  course,  the  first
        fought  a  war  with  an  enemy  that  we  did  not  know  defeat of this right was in the fifties, and it is based
        about,  and  the  leadership  was  underestimating  the  on  a  simple  idea  that  is  superior  to  the  White
        war and the enemy alike. There was no knowledge of     House Consequently, he rejected any rights to the
        the  Zionist  entity,  despite  its  experience  and  the  voice and other opinions, with time the trends of
        development of its army. And it goes without saying
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