Page 4 - issue 29 En
P. 4
universities of Cairo, Ain Shams and Alexandria, so from the previous legitimacy and he wanted to
the legacy of this movement was present, and the leave more space for freedom of expression,
movement was led by students with many different and the largest area was the university, given
directions and students who did not have a certain its historical memory and youth vitality and his
direction, but the left character was clear. So I met a quest for change. Therefore, this development
family who had this trend. Its name was the family of occurred in student political work.
Abdul Hakam Al-Jarahi. He was one of the students In your opinion, how does a political science
who were martyred in the demonstrations in the year major constitute a scholarly personality?
35 that came out demanding the evacuation, the In my opinion, personality formation appears
constitution, and the end of the British presence. Three more in the basic sciences, the impact on
of the students taking place in this movement personality is greater, the impact of
martyred, including Abdul Hakam Al-Jarrahi, so the specialization in social sciences on personality
family was named after him. And we had activities is less, first because social sciences are related
through seminars and activities with students from to life, secondly, specializing in the study of
other colleges who share our same attitudes. And it social sciences does not require an intimate
was in our stage the beginning of the emergence of relationship with it, but basic sciences
Islamic groups. And it appeared in the Faculty of Establish an intimate relationship with it
Economics of the Al-Iman family, which is a Salafi through experiments and create a specific
family, and we entered into a clash with these groups. environment such as biology and physics,
Their ideas were strange to us and to society because which is an environment in which the student
our society was open. There was no religious lives and is linked to this environment day
fanaticism or pedantism. after day, and this does not happen in the field
And we started publishing wall magazines, and the of social sciences. And when the student is
academic activity was going well, and I formed a close related to a major in social sciences, it is often
relationship with some professors such as Dr. Ali Al- with the aim of having a specific vision that he
Din Hilal and Dr. Ibrahim Saqr, professor of wants to clarify or deepen, but its effect on his
international relations, and he had a famous phrase: (I personality is to a small degree.
am a student of international relations). This stage was For whom is Dr. Wahid Abdel Meguid
a vital stage, and the advantage was that the number of grateful?
students in the college was few, so there was an I am personally grateful to the efforts of my
opportunity for interaction and discussion, and the teacher, Dr. Ali El-Din Helal, my relationship
education was rich. with him began in the second year of the
How do you explain the paradox in the college, and he was about to return to Egypt
development of student activity under a after he obtained his doctorate in Canada in the
dictatorship period ? year 73, his return to the college contributed to
an important development in it, he was very
The period that was largely dictatorship began to active and vital and close to Students and
break after the 67 war, it was extended from 52 to 67, interacted with them. And through the research
and the slogan was that no voice could rise above the seminar, he began to be interested in my work
sound of the battle, the 67 war changed many things, and studies, and he asked me to help him write
and many demonstrations took place, the dictatorship a book on politics and governance in Egypt,
was still trying to preserve its existence but it was and he had formed a team of his students to
difficult to survive. The political movement gradually help him through collecting information, and
increased and reached its climax at the beginning of this was the first study based on the political
the seventies, and President Anwar Sadat was seeking system with a scientific
to create his own legitimacy different