Page 3 - issue 29 En
P. 3
ACPSS Advisor, Dr Wahid Abdel Meguid to ELITE
Since Oslo, the Palestinian Case has been dead
and bets over Biden are exxagerated
Cairo :Ramy Magdy, Bahy Aldin Ayman and Mary Samer
Cairo : Ramy Magdy, Mary Samer and Bahey real and rich, and I interacted with the history
Ayman professor, the history professor, and I used to ask
Elite newspaper had the honor this month to meet Dr. him periodically and he began to care. He used to
Wahid Abdel Meguid, the current advisor and former give me enough time to talk about various topics
director of Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic and then began to discuss with me, in addition to
Studies, and he is one of the graduates of this that since my childhood I loved reading, and he
prestigious faculty in 1977. Dr. Wahid's history is full was very surprised at me. When I finished high
of achievements and inspiring contributions to all, school, I had two paths to choose between, either
especially students of social sciences and those looking
for excellence in the field of research and analysis. He literature or a field related to history due to my
superiority in it. I entered the Faculty of Economics
holds a master's degree in political science in 1986 at
Cairo University and also holds a doctorate in the and Political Sciences on the basis that history is
philosophy of political science in the same university the father of social sciences.
in 1993. Dr. Wahid's contributions to thought and The whole social sciences, history is an essential
politics are many and great, and from his publications: component of it. History of economy, history of
The Palestinian Question from Armed Action to Oslo society, history of political thought. It is the oldest
1994 , The book on terrorism, America and Islam .. of the social sciences, and it now has rules and a
Who puts out the fire? 2002, What Happened to the separate science. And all sciences have remained
January 25 Revolution? 2016, and finally, the book dependent on history as a primary source of
21st Century Democracy 2020. In addition to many knowledge. I reached the college through this
studies and analyzes in monthly and quarterly section, the chapter on history.
magazines such as the Journal of International Politics How were your activities inside the college and
and the Journal of the Arab Future. your relationship with the professors?
How did your relationship with the Faculty of In college, I had two activities. Natural academic
Economics and Political Science start and why did activity, and political activity. I was at this point a
you choose it? leftist. My thinking is still left. I was also a
I chose the faculty of Economics and Political science Marxist, and I entered the college right after the
through the field of history, I was fond of the field of war of 73, after a period in which there was
history since high school and I used to read history, tremendous momentum by students in the
and in pre-university education the education was