Page 27 - Issue-27
P. 27



                           Holi                 da         y Rul                    es


                                                                   Salma   Bayoumi  ,  3rd   level  ,  Economics

          Life   is  rebellious  by  its   nature.   It   refuses   to  giv  e
                                                              When   you   are   like   fire   burning   what   you
          you what you want as if this will make it servile.
                                                              reach,You   need   someone   who   sees   your   light
          When   you  think   you   are   getting  what   you   want,
                                                              and  warmth.  No   matter   your  faults  he  only  sees
          you   see   it   fade   and   you   can  ’t   protect   it.   You
                                                              beauty   inside   you.   When   you   are   like   a
          become   her   prisoner   at   this   moment,   when   you
                                                              butterfly,   it   can  ’t   see   the   beauty   of   its   wings,
          are   hopeless   and   weak   you   make   her   stronger
                                                              fascinates   everyone   who   sees   this   beauty   and
          and   more   and   more   cruel.   As   if   nothing
                                                              draws   that   smile   on   his   face   with   all   meanings
          happened   you   are   back   to   the   starting   point
                                                              of   comfort   and   happiness   but   the   butterfly
          again.  Life  makes  you  imagine  you   are  choosing
                                                              doesn  ’t even know,
          and  the   world  is  under  your   control.   In   fact,  you

          have   nothing   even   yourself.   During   those   hard
                                                              You   need   someone   to   tell   you   that   you   are
          moments,   when   you   are   weak,   hopeless   and
                                                              beautiful  and  give  you  hope.  When  you  are  like
          defeated  in   the  first  round.  You   feel  like  you  are
                                                              lightning   that   cracks   the   sky   and   people   are
          lifeless   useless   debris.   You   feel   like   you   are
                                                              terrified   when   they   hear   its   echo.   You   need
          falling   into   a   deep   hole,   but   you   can't   reach   the
                                                              someone   to   see   your   light   sparkling   in   the   sky
          ground   that  ’s   why   your   pain   does   not   end   and
                                                              and   tells   you   that   you   are   not   bad.   When   you
          you   continue   falling.   Then   you   feel   that   you
                                                              need  your   soulmate   who   will   make  you   restore
          need a branch to hold on to end this pain.
                                                              your   life   and   take   from   her   hands   what   you
          You feel that you need a quiet corner to resort to,
                                                              want   with   all  your   strength  to   win   that   battle   to
          so   it   relieves   your   pain,   makes   you   feel   alive
                                                              destroy her pride.
          again, brings your life back to you and gives you

          strength to try again.
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