Page 26 - Issue-27
P. 26



                           Holi                 da         y Rul                    es
                                       Half a heart

                                 Mohamed   Elsawy  ,  political   science   2nd  level

                                                               Barira: I no longer have a desire for him.
          How bitter is this world to both the happy and the   wretched? Man
                                                               So  Mugheeth  and  Barira   went  separate  ways.  Mugheeth     went
          can never feel human inside himself until his soul   adjoins another.
                                                               sad   and   broken-hearted,   while   Barira   went   free   and   happy.
          Then   each   soul   would   feel   the   happiness   and   misery   of   one
                                                               Prophet   Muhammad   (Peace   be   upon   Him)   told   his   uncle
          another.  A   couple,   whether  met   or  departed,   their   h  earts   have   to
                                                               Alabbas   (May   Allah   be   pleased   with   him):   Don't   you   feel
          arrange   a   long   meeting   that   can   hardly   be   ended.   Th  eir   hearts
                                                               astonished   by   Mugheeth's   love   for   Barira   and   her   ha  tred   for
          have   to   devise   a   long   talk   that   can   hardly   be   inter  rupted.   Their
                                                               him? Poet Tarafah Ben Alabed Albakery said:
          physical meeting is just a distraction from a yearn  ing for union.
                                                               The   bitterest  love   pain   is   being   so   close   to  a   love  r   hardly   be
          The   two   lovers   pour   their   souls   into   one   another   so     their   souls
                                                               attained   Just   like   a   camel   in   the  desert   nearly   kil  led   by   thirst
          become  unified   in  two  bodies.  Whenever  a   soul   depar  ts  the  other
                                                               while   water   is  over   its   back   The   bitterest   thing   th  at   can   ever
          whether   willfully   or   unwillingly   by   its   death,   sepa  ration   would
                                                               happen   is  that   we   feel   intimacy  with   people  who   do   not   feel
          torment the other as if it is disputed and becomes   neither snatched
                                                               intimate to us; That we love those who do not love   us; That we
          nor settled. It is said that in the era of Prophet   Muhammad (Peace
                                                               seek  communion  with  those  who   do  not  want  our   reuni  on  and
          be   upon   Him),   there   was   a   slave   woman   called   Barira     who   was
                                                               wishes   as   if   there   is   a   long   distance   between   us.   I  t   does   not
          married  to   a   slave  man   called  Mugheeth,   and  both   of     them   were
                                                               matter  whether   we   met   or  not!  What  really  matters   i  s   whether
          slaves   to   a   master   of   the   Ansaar.   After   adopting   Is  lam,   Barira
                                                               we   are   walking   to   each   other   or   one   is   surpassing   w  hile   the
          befriends   Al   Sayyida   Aisha   (May   Allah   be   pleased   wi  th   her),
                                                               other is catching up with him! Unilateral love look  s like a bird
          Prophet   Muhammad's   wife.   She   learned   from   her   Islam  ic
                                                               with  a  broken  wing,  its  second  wing  won't   help  it  k  eep  flying,
          jurisprudence,  especially  laws  of  slavery   that  torm  ented   her   for  a
                                                               and   if   it   tried   to   depend   on   that   sole   wing,   it   wil  l   only   get
          long   time   and   struggled   to   get   rid   of.   For   that   rea  son,   she
                                                               tiredness   and   exhaustion.   Love   makes   miracles,   but   if
          contracted   her   master   to   set   her   free   after   she   pay  s   him   nine
                                                               unilateral,  it   won't  even  do  the   ordinaries.  This  i  s   half  a  heart!
          ounces   of   silver   in   installments,   and   asked   Al   Sayy  ida   Aisha   to
                                                               With   her,   my   heart   laughs   and   cries,   talks   and   keep  s   silent,
          help   her   with   payment.   After   she   gained   her   freedom  ,   Barira
                                                               feels joy and sadness, and with mine, her heart doe  s not raise a
          became   so   happy   visiting   her   home,   family,   and   frie  nds   telling
                                                               finger. This is half a heart! As always, cold-heart  edness comes
          them   about   her   freedom.   Meanwhile,   Mugheeth   was   nei  ther
                                                               from   those   you   enjoy   their   company   and   not   anyone   e  lse's!
          happy   nor   sad,   he   was   tormented   by   his   thoughts   as   Barira
                                                               This   is   half   a   heart!      Wrongdoer   and   wronged!   Betwe  en   the
          became   free   in   whether   to   stay   or   break   up   with   him  ,   as   she  heat   of   fondness   and   the   half-heartedness   of   reunio  n,   this   is
          became a free woman while he was still a slave. Fin  ally, his heart  half  a  heart!  Perhaps  we  even  turned  a  blind  eye  to    their  flaws
          was  devastated  as  Barira   chose  to  break  up  with  him    as  if  the  sun  and   they   do   not   look  at   all  at  our  merits.   As   it   is    better   for   a
                                                               heart  to   beat  with  dignity  than   to   beat  with  blood,    you  have  to
          of   her   freedom   can   never   combine   with   the   darkness   of   his
                                                               know   that   generosity   is   honor   and   dignity   in   every   aspect
          slavery   under   one   shelter.   His   love   for   her   was   not     an   accepted
                                                               except  in   giving   feelings   to  those   who   give  back   no  thing   but
          intercessor,   and   he   became   sadly   hurt.   He   went   to   P  rophet
                                                               humiliation   and   mortification!   As   for   Mugheeth,   he
          Muhammad   (Peace   be   upon   Him)   asking  his  intercessio  n,   so  the
                                                               imprisoned  Barira's  love  at  his  heart.  How  dearly  t  ormented  is
          Prophet agreed to be his intercessor at Barira.
                                                               the jailor while the prisoner is as free as a bird.
          Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him): Would you get   back to
          him as he is your husband and the father of your ch  ildren?
          Barira: Prophet, are You giving me an order?
          Prophet   Muhammad   (Peace   be   upon   Him):   No,   I'm   just   an
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