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P. 72

ÉLITE FRANÇAISE                                                               NUMÉRO 11, NOVEMBRE 2020

                                                cover photo

                                                  article title

                                   author name

                                                                            Written by : Marc Nabil

         I   had   always  felt  alienated,   I   lost  an   sense  of  and   it  ’s   better   to   hide   it   away.   All   these
         security   and   comfort.   I   had   never   felt     feelings   overwhelmed   me   until   this   person
         accepted   for   who   I   am.   Everyone   was        who  took   me   out   of  this   closed   circle  showed
         waiting   for   something   in   return   for   their  up;   a   glimpse   of   hope,   a   relationship   that

         appreciation.                                          healed me and changed my direction.
         This feeling of rejection made me ask myself           I   found   a  friend  who  accepted   me   in  spite  of
         questions  every   day:  am  I   not  good  enough?    ...  and   not   because   of   ...   His   appearance   was
         Why am I rejected?                                     a turning point in my life, I discovered that I

         My   need   for   deep   relationships   had   led   me  can   be   loved   despite   my   weaknesses.   There
                                                                were   no   common   interests   between   us,   but
         to   always   beg   for   care,   attention   and
                                                                he   was   able   to   show   me   unconditional
         appreciation. I had to fake affection in order
                                                                acceptance   and   love,   a   love   that   gives   and
         to   please   everyone   around   me.   I   shaped
                                                                expects   nothing   back.   I   discovered   that   I
         myself   according   to   their   criteria   and   kept
                                                                wasn't as bad as I thought I was.
         my true self hidden.
                                                                Now,   I   am   determined   to   help   rejected
         I   began   to   be   noticed,   but   the   load   on   me
                                                                people,   I   have   been   there   and   I   know   how
         was   getting   heavier,   they   loved   me   with
                                                                difficult   it   is   for   someone   to   be   rejected.   I
         conditions   and   accepted   me   only   because   of
                                                                will offer them all that I had received when I
         common   interests   between   us.   I   kept   trying
                                                                was   rejected,  I   will   accept   them   as   they   are,
         to get out of this closed circle, but I was tired
                                                                respect   their   differences,   forgive   them   for
         of   running.   I   stayed   alone,   far   from   others,
                                                                their    weaknesses      and     love     them
         far from myself.
         How   can   I   love   a   person   who   is   rejected   by
         everyone?   Maybe     they   are   right,   my
         personality is not attractive,
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