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                                                                                     NUMÉRO 11, NOVEMBRE 2020

                                First summer break as a university


                             Rana Doss

        Summer break has always been the most exciting time    out   of   7   interns   in   the   company   I   was   the   only   pre-
        of the year for me. Who doesn't love summer? It's t  he  senior   student.   Although   I   worked   as   efficiently   as
        definition   of   fun,   relaxation,   travel   and   most  the   other   interns,   everyone   was   asking   me   "why?"
        importantly   freedom;      freedom   from   duties,   from  Why   are   you   in   such   a   hurry?   You're   only   a   first-
        work, from stress. At least it was so until this su  mmer,  year student.
        the  first  as  a  university  student.  New  concepts  sta  rt  to
        emerge   out   of   nowhere.   You   find   your   colleagues  And   this  is  when  I  realized   that  the   society   can  ru  sh
        writing   their   resumes   or   "CVs",   seniors   informing  you   into   doing   things   you   never   planned   on   doing.
        you   about   the   discussable   necessity   of   applying   for  The   constant   sense   of   competition   become
        internships,  and   people   talking   about   the  importanc  e  dangerously  and  uncontrollably  consuming.   Not  that
        of   gaining   real   professional   experience   starting   fr  om  I'm  saying  that  applying  for  an  internship  after  yo  ur
        now.                                                   first   year   in   College   is   wrong   or   undesirable.
                                                               Contrarily,   it   was   extremely   informative   and
        I  personally   was   overwhelmed  by  both,  the  direct  an  d  beneficial,   I   may   even   write   about   it   later   in   deta  il.
        indirect  pressure  that   were  being  built  all  around   me.  However,   I   truly   don't   believe   that   students   should
        This is when reality hit me, our goal as undergradu  ate  feel   stressed   or   insecure   if   they   can't   find   an
        students   was   no   longer   to   prepare   the   most  internship   after   their   first   year   in   college,   and   m  ost
        astonishing  trips,   but   CVs.   I   found  myself  wanting   to  importantly,   they   definitely   shouldn't   feel   peer
        be   an   intern   "anywhere"   so   that   I   write   it   in   my  pressured or forced into applying for an internship   if
        resume   and   post   about   it   on   Facebook.   Months   of  they   were   not   planning   on   doing   it.   Instead,   maybe
        application,  stress  and   even  fear   passed  devouring   all  an   online   course   or   two   can   be   enough,   maybe
        the fun that a summer is supposed to provide.          working   on   a   talent   they   have,   in   fact,   I   am   sure
                                                               there  are  hundreds  of   different  ways  to   benefit  fro  m
        I   finally   got   accepted   as   an   intern   in   a   developmen  t  summer break.
        consultancy   in   September.   I   still   can't   understand
        why   but   I   was   super   proud   of   myself.   On   my   first  Briefly,   I   personally   think   that   it   is   crucial   that     we
        work-day, I found out that,                            follow   our   own   plans   and   dreams,   not   the   ones   that
                                                               our   society   is   implying.   You   decide   how   You   spend
                                                               Your summer break.

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