Page 66 - issue-25-fr
P. 66


                                                                                     NUMÉRO 11, NOVEMBRE 2020

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                               Alone  but  not  lonely:  the  importance  of

                               going out alone to search for true self

                                                                                Bahey  El Din Ayman

       This   morning,   I   finished   reading   a   fair   amount   of   pages   from   my   current   favorite   book  My   desire   to   share   my  pleasure   for   reading   a   book   is   a   completely   a   natural   human
                                                             instinct, it's normal to search for a common ground between others to build relationships
       written by the journalist "Lucette Lagnado", which is considered a recite of true events of the
                                                             and  acquire  the  mutual  approval  that   we   need.  Because  not  many  people  appreciate   the
       lifestyle  of   a  Jewish  family  in   Egypt  between  the  1940s  and  1950s.   These  events  also  tell  a
                                                             beautiful   lifestyle   of   Cairo   between   the   1940s   and   1950s,   or   not   many   people   are
       detailed story of the habits and aspects of the Egyptian society, and also narrate the details of
                                                             interested  in  facts   about   the  Jewish   society   during   this   time,  that  ’ s   why  it  ’s   normal  to
       the  Jewish  community  during  the  time   of   its  residency  in   Egypt.  After  reading,  I  felt  a  type
                                                             feel  a  tickle  of  happiness  if  I  encountered  someone  who  has  common  interests  with  me,
       of   dark   happiness,   actually   a   type   of   excitement   that   needs   to   get   out   and   reach   out   to
                                                             like it  ’ s hard to find someone who is passionate about writing like me, or someone who
       connect  or  to  be  shared  with  another  soul.  This   type  of   positive  feelings  might  be   a  mixture
                                                             loves   hip-hop   music,   or  serial  killers  TV   shows,  and  I   suppose  that  you   too   have  rare
       between  my  passion  for  reading  and  my  will  to  share  the   beauty   of  this  book  with   a  person
                                                             interests   which   are   hard   to   share   with   others.   Like   painting,   or   political   analysis,   or
       who  is  truly  passionate  about   this  kind  of  detail.  I  absorbed   this  feeling  and   possessed  it   to
                                                             Paulo  Coelho  novels  or  even  the  despise  for  a  certain  kind  of   humans...etc.  That  ’s  why
       only  myself.  Then  I  put  out  my  smile  with  a  pencil  and  paper,  and  I  started  writing  inspired
                                                             you are attracted spontaneously to the people who share with you the same interests, and
       by   these  morning  thoughts  mixed  with  the  smell  of   my   favorite   type  of   coffee  (mocha).   I
                                                             this   represents   the   basis   of   the   social   construction   with   all   its   degrees,   from
       genuinely   enjoy   my   own   company,   I  find   my   true   happiness   in   my  privacy.  Because   the
                                                             acquaintances   to   marriage.   Common   grounds   are   not   limited   to   just   interests   and
       authentic   self  is   the   lone   self   and   I   will   die   in   the   hell   for   this.   Mostly,   I  don  ’t   like   my
                                                             hobbies, but also personalities and human qualities, but it  ’ s even more complex and it  ’ s
       writings  to   be  dominated  by  selfishness  or  oneness  that  may  be  inspiring  for  some.  But   this  so hard to predict the links between its elements. For example, an introvert might prefer
       time, the shade of personal experience might cover this article, not with the intention of self-  finding   an   extrovert,   and   another  introvert   might   be  blown   away   from  the   same   first
       motivation  or  coaching  gibberish,  but  with  the  intention  of   authentic   thoughts  or  a  personal  extrovert.(   On   a   side   note,   extroversion   and   ntroversion   are  not   considered  as   whole
                                                             identities,  like  I  don  ’t  walk  the   streets  holding  a   card  stating  that  I  am   an  introvert.  But
       philosophy.   The   reader   might  deduct   –if  he  had   an   accurate  psychological   analysis   on   the
                                                             they   are   both   just   traits   for   a   much   larger   and   complex   personality,   and   it  ’ s   in
       reason   why   I   decided   to   write   this   kind   of   articles   -which   I   tend   to   self-isolation   or
                                                             continuous development because there are degrees of introversion and there are degrees
       dependence   due   to   a   traumatic   effect   or   a   past   mental   breakdown.   I   can  ’t   object   this
                                                             of   extroversion,   and   there   is   a   medical   degree   that   combines   the   two   traits,   and   it  ’s
       judgment,   I  ’m  like  many  other   youngsters   who  are  in  the  beginning  and   mid  of  20s,   I   have
                                                             worth  mentioning  that   both   traits   are   totally   fine   and   natural   as   long   as   they   are  not
       lost  a   lot  of   bonds  which  I  thought  would  be  immortal,  I  got  attached  to  the  wrong  persons,
                                                             leaning   towards   the   extremes.   ),   a   nice,   calm   person   might   prefer   finding   an
       and I invested a lot of energy in the wrong place. My feelings are still mutable and unsteady
                                                             adventurous,   blunt   person.   All   their   vice   verses   are   also  possible,   it  ’s   a   very   relative
       towards   my  social  circle  and   I   don  ’ t   know  where   it  will   be  heading  after   wise.  (and  if   you
                                                             process and it  ’s the main pile of social construction. From this point, the whole point of
       don  ’t  know,  humans   are  by  nature,  driven  by  their  feelings,  and  as  feelings  are  in  constant
                                                             this article should be rystallized, and it  ’ s just all about self-love and the affection of your
       change,  then  logic  plays  its  role  here  by  taming,  to   an  extent,  our  actions  resulting  from  our
                                                             own company, without feeling lonely. What if I absorbed my joy for reading a book like
       feelings,  but  feelings  still  got   the  upper  hand,  now   back  to  my   miserable  streak),  and   I   got
                                                             did, and didn  ’t find someone who even cares which is the most likely? What if I did the
       disappointed  painfully   to  the  extent  of  being  in  a  physical  pain,  because  of  many  social  and
                                                             opposite  of  what  my  human  nature  implies,  and  headed  towards  isolation?   Like  what  if
       personal  unusual  let  downs.  On  the  other  hand,  I   don  ’ t   hold  any  grudges  toward  any   person
                                                             you  enjoy  the  possession  of  your  interests  and  your  acceptance  for  yourself  without  the
       in my whole existence, but I genuinely appreciate all the people and life lessons which made
                                                             need  for  external  approval?  What  if  you  totally  abandoned  social  media  and  the  need  to
       me   who   I   am   today,   I   consider   myself   a   true   winner   after   all.   Also,   I  ’m   blessed   with   a  get  gratification   from   people   you  probably   don  ’t   even  know,  and  instead  acquire  your
       number  of  friends  who  are  like  family  to  me.   I  can  say  with  ease,  that  I  learned  in  the  last  2  own  approval?   I   could  write  a   lot  about  this   and  its  possibilities  won  ’t  end.  This  article
                                                             may  seem  like  fairy  tales  for  some,  and  especially   hardcore  extroverts,  but  believe  it  or
       years  as  a   college  student  what  I  didn  ’t  academically  learn,  and  I  suppose  you  will   learn  as
                                                             not,  the  hard-core  extroverts  may  have  the  advantage  in  grasping   the  value  of  isolation
       well   if   you   haven't   already   learned.   This   transitional   phase   pushes   you   to   change   your
                                                             and   the  beauty  of  calmness,  and   these  words  may   represent   to  them   a  beautiful  movie
       standards,   or   even  reprogram  your  whole   mind  with   what  fits  with   the  environment.  That  ’ s
                                                             they  wish  to  be  part  of  its  cast.  Wisdom  and  peace  of  mind  lay  between  the  shadows  of
       why despite all the lows and hardships I passed by, I separate between this dark side and my
                                                             silence,  and  I  am   not  a  philosopher  nor  an   expert   in  the  history  of  ideas,   but  I  ’ m  pretty
       total   faith   in   the   love   of   isolation,   with   its   wisdom   and   its   beauty.   Before   the   social
                                                             sure   that   the   road   of   self-actualization   is   a   road   which   begins   from   isolation   and
       butterflies   and   the   opposites   on   introversion   oppose   me,   I   have   to   mention   the   idea   of
                                                             wisdom, and if your life purpose is not elf-actualization then I don  ’t know what is, with
       "Hobbes"   which   represents  the  extremist  limit   of   selfishness  as   it   includes   all   degrees   of
                                                             all   my   respect   and   considering   for   relativity.   Because   all   your   achievements   and
       introversion. Hobbes said that every man who does well only does well for himself and with
                                                             aspirations   are   must   milestones   or   tests   for   your   human   potential,   they   represent
       total selfish intent. He also considers giving and goodness as a total free will act. And every
                                                             continuous discoveries for your hidden limits which is part of your self-actualizatio ath.
       voluntary  act  is  for  a  certain  desire.  The  ideas   of   Hobbes  may  be  realistic,  but  the  reality  is
                                                             Normalize   going   out   alone,   visiting   your   favorite   restaurant   alone,   enjoying   your
       relative. I don  ’t encourage extreme and bleak isolation, and I don  ’t point out to blow people
                                                             favorite   dishes  alone,   going   to   the   movies  alone.  Just   treat   yourself   like  you   are  your
       away  from   you.  Because   whether  you   like  it   or  not,   me,   and   you  and  every   human   being
                                                             own  lover  or  best  friend.  Serenity  and   peace  of  mind  are  a  real-life   treasure  that  is  hard
       need  people  in  his  life.  And  here   shines   the  citation  of  Aristotle:  "human  is  a  social  animal
                                                             to  attain   without  being  alone.   I  ’m  a  super  follower   of   football,   like   any  young  follower
       by   nature".   Truth   is   that   people   are   very   beautiful   creatures   who   worth   admiring   and  for  the  most  notorious  sport  in  he   world,  and  it  ’s  easy   for   me  to  get   into  conflicts   and
                                                             hard   tempered   discussions   but   I   just   prefer   to   relax   and   just   admire   the   variety   of
       analyzing.  In  fact,  without  people,   isolation,   or   in  other   words,   enjoying   being  alone,  is  not
                                                             opinions, with my total retention for my own opinion (in most cases ), not with intention
       possible.   People  have   a  direct  effect  in   transforming   the  individual   into  a   better   person,  by
                                                             of   superiority   but   simply   because   I   don  ’ t   care   about   getting   recognition   or   approval
       exploiting  their   own  mistakes  and  learning  from  them,  in  addition  to  their  direct  experience
                                                             from  the  outside,  and  this  does   not  prevent  me   from  modifying  my  opinion)  if   I   had  to
       with you. Because the idea of people or the other (me)s comforts you in your desolation and
                                                             (and  adopting  another  one,  and  I   just  put  into  work  this   mindset  in  every  aspect  of  life.
       stimulates you to love yourself as "Jean-Paul Sartre" said, the other is just another (I) or (me)
                                                             Don  ’ t go for getting external approval; love yourself fully because it  ’ s the truest form of
       which   is   not   me.   Of   course,   this   implies   multiple   meanings   like   that   personal   conscious
                                                             love  you   will  ever   get,  especially  in  your   desolation,  look  o  the   beauty  inside   you,   to
       doesn't exist or that mind or logic are not related to the reality and such but this idea incite in
                                                             find it in others, and in nature.
       you.  Your  love  and  passion   for  your  individuality,  aloneness,  and  the  priority  of  your  peace
       of mind despite every external judgment.
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