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                                                                                     NUMÉRO 11, NOVEMBRE 2020

                                             From revenge to the

                                          destruction of Mankind

                           Mirna Ossama

                            Gods   and   stories   preoccupied   the   ancient  Ra, being satisfied, asked her to stop, but Hathor,
       Egyptians.   Obsessed   with   legends,   there   are   who  has  become  bloodthirsty  Sekhmet,  refuses  to
       several   including   one   telling   a   symbol   of   anger  leave   the   torture   of  mortal   beings   where  she  has
       and   vengeance   than   punishment,   where   the   sun  found   her   pleasure.   To   stop   her,   Ra   then   orders
       god   Ra,   creator   of   the   universe,   decides   to  that 7,000 jars of beer be mixed with red ocher to
       chastise   the   rebels,   but   how   long   will   his   anger  resemble  blood  and  be  taken  to  Dendera  where  it
       remain!                                                 floods   the   plains.  Towards   dawn,   when   Sekhmet
                                                               awoke   to   continue   her   slaughter,   seeing   this

                                              The   story   begins   after   Ra   created   the  bloodthirsty  drink,  she   drank   it   until   she   passed
       world   and   was   the   king   of   gods   and   mankind.  out.   Having   slept,   Ra   transformed   her   another
       The   humans,   knowing   the   creation   myth   and   time   to   wake   up   the  peaceful   Hathor,   goddess  of
       feeling   that  he   could   no   longer   run   the   affairs  of  gentleness   and   benevolence.   Having   known   what
       the   world,   were   plotting   against   Ra   as   he   had  she did being Sekhmet, she collapsed and fled to
       grown   old.   The   latter,   having   known   their   plans  her   temple   in   Dendera   and   so   that   Ra   could
       to   dethrone   him,   calls   the   gods,   secretly,   to   the  reconcile   and   calm   her,   he   offered   her   the   sun
                                                               disk and put it on her head.
       council   to  ask   for  their  help  in  finding  a   sanction
       for  sinners.  Noun,  "the   primeval  ocean,"  advised
       him to send his eye, Hathor, to strike the humans,            Eventually,   the   day   of   her   re-transformation
       and  Ra   agreed.   Hathor,   the   daughter   of   Ra,   was  into   Hathor   became   a   day   that   the   devotees   of
       the   goddess   of   love,   beauty,   music   and   joy,  Hathor   celebrate   by   drinking  wine  as  marked  on
       transformed  into   Sekhmet,  goddess  of   war   in   the  the   temple   walls.   What   made   historians   think
       form  of   a  lioness  and  released   into  the  world,  she  that   this   myth   was   invented   to   justify   the
       obeyed  her  father  and  covered  the  earth  with  the  excessive   consumption   of   alcohol   in   the   annual
       blood   of   its   prey   and   spread   terror   among   the  celebrations of ancient Egyptian civilization.
       inhabitants of the earth.

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