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P. 28


                                                                                     NUMÉRO 11, NOVEMBRE 2020

                                                cover photo

                                                  article title
                                                WILL TRUMP CONTINUE OR THE

                                          ARMERICANS PEOPLE HAVE A DIFFERENT
                                   author name                   OPINION?

       ogine ibrahim

                                                                and   that  the  first  decision  they  will  take  is  to  overthrow  him  and  restore
       On   the   third   day   of   November,   the   most   prominent   event   expected   by   a
                                                               the   old   American   system.   And   their   policy   will   be   firm   towards   the
       number   of   countries   in   the   new   year   began,   which   is   the   American
                                                               Middle  East,  and  John  Biden  described  us  as  pariahs  and  they  will  make
       presidential   elections   for   the   United   States   2020,   which  is   still   despite   the
                                                               it  difficult  to   sell   the   necessities  to  Saudi  Arabia.  As  for   Bernie  Sanders,
       strength   of   competitors,   the   greatest   power   in   the   world.t   we   cannot
                                                               he   criticized  the  regime  of   President   Abdel  Fattah   Al-Sisi,   saying  that  it
       consider the United States elections that year at all normal, as the year 2020
                                                               violates  human   rights.  So  it   is  expected  that  the  Democrats  will  not  have
       adds to them exceptionalism due to its circumstances and crises  .
                                                               good   effects   on   the   countries   of   the   Middle   East.   As   for   the   strongest
                                                               attack   for   the   Democrats,   he   was   talking   about   Donald   Trump's
       But   if   we   want   to  understand     the   elections   and   the   secrets   behind   them,
                                                               mismanagement   of   the   Corona   crisis,   Biden   said,   "Trump   tried   to
       first  we  must  know  some  information.  The  United  States  has  a  long  election
                                                               prevent funding for disease control and prevention," but this was proven
       history,  the  2020  elections  are   the  59th  elections.  Usually  preceded  by   those
                                                               wrong later.
       elections,   long   electoral   campaigns   that   last   for   18   months,   we   can   easily
       notice   that   the   effectiveness   of   electoral  campaigns   in   the   United   States   is
                                                               As   for   Trump,   he  also   mocks   about   the   Democrats   and   pledges   to  hold
       not   comparable   to   its   effectiveness   in   Egypt,   in   which   the   candidates   try
                                                               them  accountable   if  he   continues  in  the  presidency  and  that   he  is  proud
       with   every   effort   to   win   the   nomination   of   their   parties   and   collect   the
                                                               of   his   economic   achievements   and   stated   that   if   we   exclude   the   blue
       money   needed  for   their   election  campaigns   and  undoubtedly   try   to  attract
                                                               states,  they  will   reach   a  low  level  of  those  infected  with  the  Coronavirus,
       more  Number   of  votes.  As   for  the   conditions  for  candidates,  the  American
                                                               which   is   meant  here   by   the   blue   states,   i.e.   the   states   controlled  by   the
       constitution  recognizes  that   the  candidate  is   not   less   than  35   years  old,  and
       thus   differs   with  the   Egyptian  constitution,  which  states  that   the  candidate  Democrats.  And   during   the  election  campaign  period,   the   White   House
       for the presidency must be at least 40 years old, but they are the same about  announced   a   news   that   shocked   everyone   ''Donald   Trump   had   been
                                                               infected   by   the   Corona   virus''.   whether   that   news   was   true   or   not,   so
       the birthplace or nationality.
                                                               Donald   Trump's   injury   had   a   great   negative   impact   on   his   election
       The   United   States   of   America's   election   system   is   classified   as   one   of   the  campaigns.
       most  complex  systems,  as  it  passes  through  many  stages  and  is  regulated  by
       many  laws.  For  example,  candidates  should  win  in  the    internal  elections  in
                                                               This   competition   makes   us   excited   to  ask  what   would  Donald   Trump's
       their parties first in order to be liquidated. Regarding the current elections,  reaction be if he lost? Will we not see  a peaceful transfer of power in the
       one of the most prominent candidates for the Democratic Party is Joe Biden  largest   and   most   important   democratic   entity   in   the   world?   We   find
       77   General,  former  Obama   Representative   and  Senator  Bernie  Sanders,  as
                                                               many   possibilities,   such   as  that  he  will   make   all   the  legal   objections   and
       for   the   Republican  Party,  its  strongest  candidate  is   Donald   Trump  and  his  fail   all   of  them.   Because   in   this  time     the   new   president   will  control   the
       rival   Bill   Wade   is   a   former   state   president.   .   After   that,   the   two   winning
                                                               army,  the  Ministry   of  Justice  and   all  levels  of  government,  it  is  expected
       candidates  hold  3  debates  before  the  voters  go  to  the  ballot  boxes,  and  after
                                                               that   he   will   be   removed   from   the   White   House   and   we   see   that   John
       that  the  elections  are   subject  to  the  electoral  community  vote  system,   which  Biden is very enthusiastic about this idea.
       consists   of   538  votes.   Not   all   states   have   the   same   percentage   of   votes,   so
       some  of   them   are   important,   some   of  them  are   not   important,   and   finally
                                                               But what if Trump wins? According to the constitution, Trump could not
       the   one   that   gets   270   votes   From   the   votes   of   the   electoral   collector,   he
                                                               extend   his   presidential   term   after   2024,   so   he   declared   that   he   would
       becomes  president  for  four  years,  even   if  he  does   not   win   most  of  the   votes,  amend   this   article   to   be   able   to   stay   in   power   as   long   as   possible.
       and   that   is   the   reason   that   led   to   Hillary   Clinton   losing   the   previous
                                                               Therefore,   many   political   analysts   commented   that   there   was   a   big
       presidential elections.
                                                               scratching   of   the   democratic   life   in   the   United   States,   and   is   that
                                                               possible?   Yes,   it   is.   The   United   States   has   undergone   27   successful
       And   if  we    want   to   analyze  the   atmosphere  of   competition,  we  find   it  very
                                                               constitutional  amendments.  Will  the  United  States  turn  into  a  dictatorial
       severe, as the Democrats declared that Trump is the most corrupt president
                                                               entity?   So   we   are   very   excited   about   Result   Day   to   see   which   of   these
       in the history of the United States
                                                               possibilities will turn into reality?
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