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B   A    H   E   Y      E  L  D    I  N      A  Y   M    A   N

                     THE CIVIL WARS : HOW EGYPT EVADED THE
                            DANGER OF INTERNAL DESTRUCTION

             The civil war is an internal conflict between the st  ate and
                                                               in   turn   represent   a   clear   danger   on   Egypt's   borders  .
             official   or   non-official   bodies   or   representatives   w  ithin
                                                               After   looking   at   Libya's   situation  in  the   shadow   of    the
             the   state   itself,   so   civil   wars   differ   from   internat  ional
                                                               civil war,
             wars   that   arise   externally   between   states   and   each
                                                                  most   Arab   countries   have   not   been   able   to   emerge
             other  ’s.   By   rolling   into   the   definition   of   civil   war   by
                                                               from   this   kind   of   destructive   crisis,   unfortunately     we
             political   researchers,   we   see   that   this   type   of   war     has
                                                               find   other   examples,   such   as   Syria   and   Yemen,
             many   dimensions,   and   from   a   personal   point   of   view   i  s
             never   less   dangerous   than  external  wars.   Civil   wars     are
                                                               especially  those  countries  that  were  directly   affec  ted  by
             similar   to   the   inner-body   viruses   which   destroy   bod  y
                                                               the   Arab   Spring,   But   the  heart   of   the   Arab   countrie  s,
             cells.   The   civil   wars   have   many   motives   that   fall   w  ithin
                                                               Egypt,   was   certainly   on   the   verge   of   a   civil   war   tha  t
             their  dimensions   and  levels,  as  there  are   groups  tha  t   are
                                                               would   have   turned   over   all   domestic   and   even   global
             aiming to independence from the first evil of a par  ticular
                                                               political   balances.   The   door   was   opened   to   semi-
             rule or settlement, demanding their human and econo  mic
                                                               colonial influence and hopes, and all indications wer  e to
                                                               meet the aspirations of Western output powers.
             There are revolutionary or pre-revolutionary groups   that
             tend   to   trigger   the   revolution   or   to   cultivate   a   sen  se   of
                                                               As   we   investigate  the  results  of  this  crisis,  we  fi  nd   that
             anger   within   citizens   in   order   to   change   a   particul  ar
                                                               For   example,   the  number   of  victims   of   the  civil  war    in
             social  condition.  There   are  also  civil  wars  that  ari  se  from
                                                               Lebanon   alone   equals   the  number  of  victims  of  all   o  ur
             ethnic  differences   or   on   the   basis   of   demographics,   such
                                                               wars with Israel, which is 200,000 .The first three   failed
             as religious and social characteristics. This is oft  en a very
                                                               states,   are   the   Sudan,   Iraq,   and   Somalia.   In   the   UN
             sensitive   cause   and   it   is   difficult   to   reach   a   solu  tion   for
                                                               report,   the   number   of   Iraqi   refugees   as   result   of   t  he
             both sides.
                                                               sectarian   violence   of   500,000.   Despite   all   that,   rea  lity
             On   the   other   hand,   some  wars   are   triggered   by   confli  ct  presents   to   us  the   fact   that   Egypt   has   a  national  un  ity
             between   supporters   and   opponents   of   a   particular
                                                               that is unbreakable.
             regime,   such   as   those   in   Libya,   which   is   the   most
             prominent examples of modern-day
                                                                  The   harmony   of   Egypt's   people   at   all   levels   protec  ts
             civil  wars.   It   is   also   the   most   relevant   example  to     Egypt
                                                               them   from   the  dangers   and   removes   the   warnings   of   a
             as   its   immediate   our   neighborhood   Libya   suffered   so
                                                               devastating  civil   war,   which   the   terrorist   Brotherhoo  d
             much   after   the   death   of   its   former   leader,   Muammar
                                                               would   have   created  on.  another  level,  the  internatio  nal
             Qaddafi,   in   October   2011.   Above   all,   the   new   Nation  al
                                                               community   and   the   world   order   would   not   have
             Council   was   under   pressure   because   of   the   attacks   o  f
             Islamist   militias   on   America   in   2012.Especially   afte  r   the
                                                               allowed   Egypt   to   be   destabilized   because   of   its
             outbreak of these groups in the heart of Benghazi and   the
                                                               important   strategic   and   its   privileged   geographical
             rest  of  the   Libyan  state.    As  a  result,  a  coalition   has  been
                                                               location.   In   the   history   of   Egypt,   we   have   never
             formed  led   by  Haftar   to   counter  the  evil   acts   of  te  rrorist
                                                               experienced   any   civil  wars.   Of  course  there   were  man  y
             militias   in   Libya,  on   the  other  hand,   the   armed  ter  rorist
                                                               wars   and   bloodshed,   but   never   two   sides   of   the   same
             groups   have   established   the   Ansar   al-Sharia   coalitio  n
                                                               Egyptian people collided with each other.
             and both alliances have control over parts of Libya.    Both
             of   these   units   have   already   formed   their   own   politi  cal
             and   economic   systems.   Both   have   their   own   goals   and  But this does not prevent the Egyptian institutions   from
             motives,   for   example,   Ansar   al-Sharia   and   those
                                                               reviewing   themselves,   recognizing   their   mistakes  in     the
             responsible for the 2012 U.S offensive, have used th  e state
                                                               political   and   legal   level   (in   terms   of   religious
             as   a   focal   point   for   coordinating   terrorist   and   vio  lent
                                                               awareness),   and   not   engaging  in  side   political   conf  licts
             operations,   with   the   aim   of   complicating   efforts   to
                                                               and   focusing   on   the   greatest   danger.   The   state   must
             establish a national government in Libya.
                                                               also   clean   up   all   the   roots   of   the   terrorist   groups     and
                                                               review government offices in particular.   ·
             Many colonial external powers share these motives, whi  ch
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