Page 7 - Issue 68
P. 7
as they try to find solutions to existing In general, any economic problem is
problems, and therefore have an associated with the need to amend existing
important role in strengthening laws or to develop new ones, which is the
democracy and promoting good practices core function of the two chambers. I would
such as the peaceful rotation of power. like to note that any law being discussed
Therefore, parties must build structures seeks to achieve economic development
and programs that enable them to spread both directly and indirectly. In the end,
and mobilize. Indeed, there are examples these laws aim at building a good citizen. In
of such powerful parties as Homat El that framework, the human building
Watan, Mostakbal Watan, El Shaab El strategy was launched under the auspices of
Gomhoory, and El Wafd. Their efforts to the Ministry of Endowments, this is in
raise awareness and strengthen internal addition to the human rights strategy and
cohesion come as they prepare for the the strategy of Egypt 2030.
upcoming legislative elections. There are
also numerous examples of many other Q8 : With the existence of constitutional
parties on the ground, more than eighty provisions that mandate the representation
parties, so I think that the entry of these of youth and women in the Legislature,
small parties into coalitions enables them what measures can the parties adopt to
to unite the fronts and thus compete ensure that these quotas are achieved, in
effectively with the rest of the parties in addition to enabling these groups to
the electoral process. effectively influence the formulation of
Q6 : What are the expected challenges for
small parties in forming such effective The responsibility of training these groups
coalitions? How can they overcome these lies with the political parties through the
obstacles to ensure better representation? training and Education Secretariat located
within each party in order to enable them
I believe that the main problem is the to practice political work and assume
lack of flexibility in changing leadership various positions both inside and outside
in case of mergers. To overcome this the parties. With regard to the
problem, it must be known that the empowerment of women, for example,
permanence of the situation is impossible there is a strategy for the empowerment of
and that the rotation of power, whether women, which was issued by the National
inside the party or outside it, is Council for women to empower them
inevitable. Therefore, making economically, politically, and legally and to
concessions in this regard is necessary to protect them from violence. This all comes
organize Egyptian political life especially in line with the required percentage of
during this time. representation in the House of
Representatives, which is 25 % for women
Q7: According to your point of view, and 25 % for youth, as well as 10 % for
what role can the legislative branch (the women in the Senate, as stated in the
House of Representatives and the Constitutional Amendments of 2019.
Senate) play in solving economic