Page 5 - Issue 68
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ELITE                                                                        VOL 1, ISSUE 68

            I spent almost ten years there, starting as a     institutions. Thus, I did not find It difficult
            security    researcher     and    then    being   to  engage  in  practical  political  life.  This

            promoted  until  I  became  the  executive        actually was reflected in my performance in
            director  of  the  center,  deputy  editor-in-    the  Senate,  whether  by  participating  in
            chief  of  the  Gulf  Affairs  magazine,  and     amending      laws    or    contributing     to
            head  of  the  Women's  Studies  Unit.  After     "Ekterahat  B  Raghba",  a  mechanism  by

            that,  I  worked  at  the  Information  and       which  the  Senate  makes  suggestions  on
            Decision Support Center (IDSC) affiliated         various social issues, whether educational,
            with the Cabinet, specifically in the Future      media, or others. All this was in line with
            Studies Unit, in which I participated in the      my  master's  degree  from  the  Institute  of

            establishment  of  Egypt's  Vision  2030  and     Arab Studies and PhD from the Faculty of
            the  sectoral  studies  emanating  from  it  to   Economics and Political Science, as well as
            facilitate its implementation. Also, I issued     a  fellowship  at  the  National  Defense
            a book on the values of Egyptian society.         College.

            After that, I moved to the Political Studies
            Unit  at  the  center  and  then  became          Q3: We would like to congratulate you on
            Responsible for the Early Warning Unit. I         assuming the position of undersecretary of
            spent about 13 years at the center.               the  Foreign,  Arab,  and  African  Affairs

            This  helped  me  gain  many  experiences  in     Committee of the Senate. we would like to
            several fields, either within the framework       know  the  nature  of  its  work  and  its  role,
            of  developing  comprehensive  visions  and       especially  in  light  of  the  changes  taking
            strategies  or  developing  my  ability  to       place in the region.

            predict potential crises before they occur in
            addition  to  the  ability  to  come  up  with    As for the work of the committee, it hosts
            solutions  to  problems.  Then  came  my          intellectuals from various think tanks and
            appointment  to  the  Senate,  which  was  a      research centers, as well as representatives

            different  experience,  according  to  which  I   of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to shed
            moved from research and theoretical work          light on the most important current issues
            to  practical  application.  Fortunately,  my     and  events  and  discuss  them  with  the
            experience  at  IDSC  previously  prepared        members  of  the  committee;  to  submit

            me  for  this;  due  to  the  preparation  of     policy papers to the president of the Senate
            policy  papers  for  the  prime  minister  and    and  then  to  the  concerned  ministries  or
            thus     its    direct     connection       and   directly to the presidency. So, we are aware
            communication with the rest of the state          of everything happening in the region; and

                                                              our work comes as an early warning to the
                                                              decision-maker       to    deal    with     the
                                                              repercussions  of  accelerated  events  in  the

                                                                The  committee  is  also  mainly  concerned
                                                              with  topics  related  to  Egyptian  national
                                                              security  from  the  perspective  of  foreign
                                                              policy. The Arab, African,
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