Page 8 - Issue 66
P. 8
Volume 1 ELITE ISSUE 66
She began with a verse from the Quran, Afterwards, the President of Cairo
“Those who believe and do good deeds will University, Mohamed Sami Abdel Sadiq,
not lose the reward of those who do good delivered an inspiring address,
deeds.” This was followed by a beautiful highlighting the timing of the
metaphor comparing the college to a tree accreditation ceremony, which coincided
with wide branches and leaves, symbolizing with the anniversary of the October War
the faculty’s growth, its far-reaching Victory. He drew a parallel between the
influence, and its determination to spread determination and strategic planning
knowledge globally. that led to the war’s victory and the
persistence and meticulous preparation
that enabled the faculty to achieve
international accreditation.
She spoke about the college’s achievements
that have already been accomplished,
including ISO certification and various local
accreditations, as well as securing second
place in the Government Excellence Award President Abdel Sadiq proudly referred
in 2022. Dr. Hanan elaborated on the to the Faculty of Economics and
rigorous process of obtaining the Political Science as "the pearl of Cairo
international accreditation, detailing the University,". President Abdel Sadiq also
cooperation and dedication of everyone acknowledged the exceptional work that
involved in the college. The accreditation went into preparing the accreditation file,
process, she noted, was a collective effort extending thanks to Mahmoud Al-Saeed
that saw contributions from professors, staff, and all the deans of the college for their
and students alike.She dedicated this success roles in bringing the accreditation
to the president of Cairo University Dr. process to fruition. He announced that a
Mohamed Sami Abdelsadiq, she also workshop would be organized to
extended her thanks to the former president showcase the faculty’s journey to other
Dr. Mohamed ElKhosht for facilitating the faculties, inspiring further achievements
process and offering help, and to the current within Cairo University. To
vice president of Cairo University and the commemorate the occasion, Dr. Hanan
former dean of FEPS Dr. Mahmoud Alsaid presented President Abdel Sadiq with a
for taking the first steps towards souvenir bearing the faculty’s logo and
accreditation. accreditation symbol.