Page 7 - Issue 66
P. 7

Volume 1                              ELITE                                          ISSUE 66

           On  October  8,  2024,  our  dear  faculty            She       expressed        her       heartfelt
           celebrated  becoming  internationally                 congratulations  to  FEPS  and  Cairo

           accredited by ASIC. A grand ceremony                  University, emphasizing the pride and
           was  held  at  the  Zaki  Shafea  Hall  to            gratitude  felt  by  all  members  of  the

           celebrate  the  college’s  achievement  of            faculty.  Dr.  Nahla  extended  special
           obtaining  International  Institutional               thanks  to  Dr.  Hanan  the  acting  dean

           Academic  Accreditation  from  the                    of      FEPS,         the      international
           prestigious  Accreditation  Service  for              accreditation team members as well as

           International  Schools  (ASIC).  This                 acknowledging Dr. Marwa El-Beltagy,
           accreditation, awarded with excellence,               the  Vice  Dean  for  Postgraduate
           is  a  testament  to  the  relentless  efforts        Studies        for      her       significant

           and dedication of the faculty professors              contributions.  Following  Dr.  Nahla's
           and administrative staff.                             speech,  Dr.  Hanan  Mohamed,  the

           The  celebration  began  with  a  speech              acting  Dean  of  the  Faculty  of
           from Dr. Nahla Mahmoud, head of the                   Economics and Political Science, took
           international accreditation team.                     the stage.

                                                                                                    YEARS ANNIVERSARY
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