Page 21 - Issue-65
P. 21
Vol 1 - issue 65 ELITE
What now?
According to the draft law, Article of said law ), then does this lengthened
306(A) of the penal code will be prison sentence deter him from
amended to increase penalties for sexual committing the crime?
assault. While no one can deny the Even if he were to commit it and
importance of facing this crime with serve his sentence and then return to
serious laws, one cannot help but think society again, would these 2 or even 4
how effective this punishment will be in years of incarceration remodel him into
the fight against sexual harassment. a changed human or will his association
Increasing the severity of punishment with other inmates, possibly sharing his
by imposing longer prison sentences views, only strengthen his violent nature?
often provides a false sense of security. Obviously, this analysis is applicable
While the idea of harsher penalties to all sorts of crime. The solution does
might seem like an effective deterrent, it not lie in either increasing prison
can be counterproductive. Lengthy sentences or abolishing prisons - instead
prison terms may only motivate we must use them selectively and with a
criminals to evade capture more clear understanding of their purpose and
desperately, thus undermining their what they can realistically achieve.
intended deterrent effect. Research and Concurrently, the criminal justice system
real-world data suggest that the must assess and exhaust all other options
certainty of being caught plays a far when constructing their crime control
more significant role in deterring and reduction strategy before seeking
criminal behavior than the severity of imprisonment as an answer.
the punishment. If individuals believe Now when you pass those dark dingy
they will inevitably be apprehended for buildings, remember that the
their crimes, the likelihood of government’s protection of you by
committing those crimes diminishes. incarcerating those violent transgressors
This concept is rooted in deterrence will only last a while and that we must
theory, which posits that the fear of rise together as one nation to think of
certain and swift punishment is a more more sustainable solutions that take into
powerful disincentive than the fear of consideration the safety, dignity, and
severe punishment that is less likely to be future of all those involved.
Surely, if there was a severe
punishment (the increase in penalties for
sexual assault)but the offender relied on
not getting caught (whether this is due to
the victim not reporting based on fear or
due to issues in the practical application
Sept. 2024, p.21