Page 3 - Issue 55
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ELITE                                              VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023


                                                 "Elite's Guest"

                   Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Al-Ahram Newspaper, Salah

                                                     Salem (1)

                                Mariam Elsafty, Youssef Grant, and Treaze Hossam

             Political  science  specialists  have  always     1. We are happy to be on the campus of
             frequented the door of journalism on the          Al-Ahram newspaper, and we are honored
             one  hand,  and  we  used  to  go  to             to  invite  you,  and  we  are  more  honored

             journalism specialists in political work on       when we are sure that you are one of the
             the  other,  and  what  you  have  in  your       sons  of  that  great  edifice,  the  Faculty  of
             hands is Mr Salah Salem, Deputy Editor-           Economics  and  Political  Science.  We
             in-Chief  of  Al-Ahram  newspaper,  who           would like to know, why did you choose to

             was  able  to  combine  his  passion  for         join  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and
             political  science,  and  his  passion  for       Political Science?
             writing and journalism until he held that
             prestigious position. When I returned to
                                                               -The truth that it was the desire of my
             search  my  papers  to  record  the  most
                                                               father,  that  simple  farmer  Nasserist
             important  things  that  were  said  in  that
                                                               fond of Gamal Abdel Nasser, and the
             meeting  full  of  details  and  experiences,
                                                               name Salah was not an absurd choice,
             that  saying  sparkled  before  my  eyes:  "I
                                                               but most likely it was associated with
             am  my  pyramid,  before  I  am  anything
                                                               Salah  Salem,  one  of  the  men  of  the
             else" and perhaps this opening will make
             it easier for the reader and follower of the      revolution  of  the  Free  Officers,
             details  of  the  meeting  what  he  should       perhaps if the tree of my family name

             know  to  navigate  the  personality  of  this    Abdel  Nasser,  I  would  have  been
             thinker, writer, journalist and researcher        named Gamal.
             Mr. Salah Salem.
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