Page 12 - Issue 48
P. 12
Vol.1, Issue 48, October 2022
Celebrating Translation:
A Form of Art
Clarinda cherif, head of translation team
It’s with great pleasure that I announce being part investment. Therefore, a professional translator
of the extraordinary family of ELITE magazine. or an enterprise granting translation services in
In honor of its four-year anniversary, it’s with order to guarantee a better communication is
great joy that I get to share with you my deemed necessary.
experience within the committee of translation. *The experiences I’ve acquired*
The translation team’s importance resides in the Acquiring the capacity to communicate and
writing of political, cultural and scientific articles exchange ideas originating from different
devoted to sharing our original efforts in research backgrounds between two parties. As previously
with other scientists as well as the examination of cited, translation services ensure a better
the research of others. As such, they are critical to understanding of different phenomena. This
the development of modern science given that the reinforces interpersonal relations bettering
work of a scientist depends on that of another. In business relations in order to enlarge the social
order to attain their objective; said articles must network. Aside from the skills acquired on a
aim to inform and not influence. They must literary scale, being part of this prestigious family
remain easily read, meaning clear, precise, and has granted me the capability to speak fluently in
concise. It is more susceptible for an article to be my mother language as well as my target
cited by other scientists if it is informative and *My team*
not vague and egotistical. My team, all within a calm and professional
**The translation committee ** environment, is differentiated by cooperation and
*The universal importance of translation * a spirit so lovable it incites better productivity.
Wherever there’s translation, there’s In addition to emotional intelligence, my team
responsibility. The restriction within solely possesses an exceptional talent: the capacity to
working in French or English could present an offer a clear and organized vision allowing
obstacle to enterprises and political researchers. professional quality.
Translation is thus a necessary and honorable