Page 11 - Issue 48
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                                                                                  Vol.1, Issue 48, October 2022



                                          ELITE's Future Potentials

                                                        hANIA BAHAA, SENIOR EDITOR

              Although the idea of ELITE magazine was born from the in the reports for the magazine and on a personal level.
              heart of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science, it  In  the  past  period,  I  witnessed  the  development  of  ELITE
              has now become a small community full of distinguished  Magazine  and  we  started  covering  many  events,  whether
              editors  from  students  of  the  various  faculties  of  Cairo  entertainment or academic, and we have a page on Facebook
              University,  and  it  has  many  successes  and  experiences  and  Instagram  to  introduce  our  magazine  and  the  latest
                                                              interviews  that  we  are  doing.  This  contributed  a  lot  to  the
              that it is always working to develop, and of course, it has  student's knowledge of the magazine and its activities.
              faced  many  challenges  and  difficulties,  but  with  the  The  magazine  also  gives  the  editors  the  freedom  to  write
              presence of a spirit of an outstanding team, it overcomes articles  that  arouse  the  interest  and  admiration  of  university
              these difficulties, and I am proud to be part of the ELITE students, and one of the advantages of ELITE is that it gives
              community.                                      the  opportunity  for  students  outside  the  magazine  to  write
              I  had  the  honor  of  being  an  editor  in  the  magazine  for  articles and is not limited to the editors of the magazine.
              three  years,  which  are  rich  years  in  acquiring  various  ELITE still has important opportunities for development and
              experiences  and  participating  in  preparing  reports  under  distinction, and the ELITE team must work on writing articles
                                                              that  address  the  interests  of  university  students  and  be  the
              the  leadership  of  Dr.  Caroline  Sherif  (head  of  the  platform that speaks to students and their tongues, to attract
              magazine’s  reporting  team).  There  were  many  reports,  great popularity from students. It can also focus on monthly
              whether  they  were  fieldwork  in  the  college,  outside,  or  articles on sports news and outstanding athletes who represent
              online, and I was honored through these reports and made Egypt, whether they are in football or other sports.
              many  friends  in  the  magazine  and  outside,  and  we  still And  at  the  end,  I  would  like  to  thank  Dr.  Ramy  Magdy
              have good and continuous communication.         (Editor-in-chief  of  ELITE  Magazine)  for  giving  us,  as  new
              One of the most important features of ELITE magazine is  editors,  the  first  steps  of  our  lives,  this  unique  opportunity,
              the  opportunity  to  meet  public  figures,  which  made  us  and  we  thank  him  for  his  constant  support  for  us  and  for
              more  aware  of  practical  life  and  also  benefit  from  the  receiving  any  ideas  for  articles  with  new  and  innovative
              success  stories  of  each  person.  I  had  the  honor  to  I would also like to thank Dr. Mahmoud Al-Said (Dean of the
              interview  many  important  personalities  and  conduct  Faculty of Economics and Political Science) and Dr. Hanan
              interviews with them, such as Dr. Ahmed Ghoneim (CEO  Mohamed  (Vice  Dean  of  the  Faculty  for  Education  and
              of the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization), Prof. Student  Affairs)  for  their  continuous  and  unlimited  support,
              Mona Al-Garf (professor of economics and former head whether  in  providing  us  with  information  or  facilitating
              of  the  Competition  Protection  Authority),  and  many procedures  in  attending  and  covering  seminars  and
              public figures and certainly these interviews were fruitful   conferences or by honoring the magazine by participating in
                                                              writing special articles for the magazine.

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