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           family members, and despite the questioning         But the reality has changed now, there is no
           of  this  theory,  it  contains  some  truth  in  its  room for this bitter longing, you can always
           essence,  according  to  a  recent  study           see the one you love and you can also give
           published  by  (the  Social  Psychological  And     him that rose “online” and you can tell him I
           Personality  Science)  Most  estimates  point  to   love you by simply sending a “red heart” or
           the  conclusion  that  two-thirds  of  romantic     even calling him at any time and hearing his

           relationships  begin  as  friendships  and  that    voice And also seeing it anywhere, love has
           real  couples  can  begin  their  romance  as       changed       now      and     has     become
           friends.                                            immeasurable  by  how  much  you  waited
           This  Platonic  theory  is  countered  by  a  more  until  you  see  the  one  you  love,  it  can  be
           modern  theory  called  romantic  love  or  “love   measured  now  by  the  amount  of  your
           at first sight,” that love that embraces the soul   interaction  on  the  pictures  of  the  one  you
           when meeting with whom the heart loves, as          love  on  social  networking  sites  or  the
           if fate had linked this stream of love through a    amount  of  sending  enough  hearts  to  tell
           look, just a look, and it is as an idea or as a     him I love you, these are all ways For love,
           perspective to see love is Quite the opposite       we  cannot  say  that  one  symbolizes  love
           of  Plato's  views,  love  here  is  physical  and  more than the other. Indeed, love changes
           material besides being spiritual, but it is linked  and  develops,  and  its  details  and  tools
           primarily to the body and reality.                  always change as well, but despite all that it
           And love has also developed, even at the level      is  still  successful  to  this  day  in  trapping
           of  the  simplest  details.  Who  among  us  has    millions daily in its damn fun trap.
           not  imagined  this  famous  scene  as  he  is
           coming  to  his  beloved  with  roses,  waiting  to

           watch  happiness  flood  her  face,  and  who
           among us has not created that hidden desire
           to  see  the  one  he  loves  after  a  period  of
           interruption  and  estrangement  to  heal  in  it?
           His soul as soon as he sees this beloved.

                                    Vol.1, Issue 40, February 2022
                                    Vol.1, Issue 40, February 2022
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