Page 21 - Issue-40
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           Islam,  the  clarification  of  expression  and poetry  or  prose,  nor  is  it  in  rhymed  or

           speech, and even above it and precede it rhymed  speech.  And  if  it  is  correct  to  say
           by  far  lines.  There  is  no  match  or that it is a new kind that has no equal and
           competition  between  the  eloquence  of no one in the worlds can simulate it.
           the Arabs and the eloquence of the holy His  difference  with  his  predecessors  and

           Quran,  like  the  one  between  the  poets’ his  miracle  is  not  surprising,  which  baffles
           successors  in  Okaz  and  Dhu  al-Majaz. the  mind  and  leads  it  to  submit  without
           Either  of  the  two  teams  will  prevail,  but harmony and reassurance; For example, if
           their  eloquence  is  dominated  without  a we  say  that  God  created  human  beings

           fight.                                            from  clay  and  one  of  them  came  to  be
           In  most  battles,  it  is  an  honor  to  be represented  by  clay  as  human  beings,
           defeated  by  duel,  not  by  submission! would  he  be  able  to  breathe  into  him  a
           However,  those    who  excelled  in  the soul  that  he  does  not  know  how  to  settle

           Qur’an  were  not  satisfied  with  their and  be  deposited?!  Rather,  is  he  able  to
           defeat,  but  it  was  added  to  it  that  their create this clay other than to compose its
           words are closer to a funny material that components  that  he  cannot  create  as
           mocks  itself  rather  than  its  opponent. well?!.

           And Omar’s defeat in front of the Qur’an And look here for the points of agreement,
           is the Qur’an’s victory for Omar! And here for  this  Moses,  pbuh,  was  sent  with  a
           is Al-Waleed Ibn Al-Mughirah, the fiercest unique magic to a people of magicians that
           and most bitter enemy of Islam. He said none  of  them  could  do.  And  Jesus,  pbuh,

           about the Prophet Muhammad, pbuh: His was  sent  with  a  unique  medicine  for  a
           saying  is  sweet,  and  it  destroys  what  is people  that  none  of  them  could  do.
           beneath  it,  and  it  is  above  it  and  is  not However,  their  two  books,  the  Torah  and
           superior to it, and its branch is a sinner, the  Injeel,  contained  a  set  of  laws,

           And  you  are  not  saying  anything  of  this commands  and  prohibitions,  and  their
           except  that  it  is  known  to  be  false. expressions             are    not    miraculous       in
           However,  his  defeat  was  a  pure  defeat, anything.  As  for  the  Prophet  Muhammad,
           And  he  sought  in  his  arrogance,  his peace  and  blessings  be  upon  him,  his

           sword,  and  the  baseness  of  his  people eternal  and  lasting  miracle  was  a  noble
           false  support  and  victory  that  would  not Qur’an preserved by the command of God,
           resolve battle or war! He was followed by whose words or meanings are not altered.
           his  saying:  The  closest  thing  to  saying He  guides  the  people  with  it  and  relieves

           about him is that you say a sorcerer came them of their burden and the shackles that
           to separate a person from his clan.               were  upon  them.  The  mind  is  used  in  its
           And  on  the  mention  of  rhetoric  and contemplation, It is thus not like the magic
           speech,  poetry  is  known  by  halves,  slits, of  Moses  or  the  anointing  of  Jesus,  peace

           rhymes, and systems. Prose is known for be upon them, by which they rendered the
           its  rhyme,  the  durability  of  casting,  the minds of their people incapable, and then
           length of the phrase, and the breadth of they vanished.
           thought, As for the Qur’an, it is not in

                                    Vol.1, Issue 40, February 2022
                                    Vol.1, Issue 40, February 2022
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