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3                                      Vol.1, Issue 22, August 2020                          ELITE

        creative   ideas   to   catch   the   audience.      Bunch   of   programs   have  the   written   exams   which   were   the   arbitrator   in   the   selection
        been   launched,   the   first   was   “The   hope   -   Al   Amal”   because  process,   it   means   that   the   Economics   and   political   Science
        Egypt    was   newly   witnessing   1976   war,   we   were  in   the   urge   for  students  are  on  a  high  degree  of  the  cultural,  political  and  civil
        the  hope  in  new  coming  bright  days.  One  of  the  special  programs  awareness   that   entitles   them   to   work   in   the   biggest
        that   was  keen  about   the  environment   was   “Fiafi”,   it   is  an   Arabic  international news channels, what already happens.
        word   means   deserts.   Another   one   was   “Creatures   in   danger   –
        Ka’enat   Fe   Khatar”   which   was   concerned   with   the   endangered  5-   For   whom   the   presenter   Samiha   Dahroug   is   grateful   and
        species. Both programs were like the starting point as they gained  owes gratitude and favor?
        many   awards.  Moreover,   their  concern  about   knowledge   pushed  After   God’s   blessings  on   her,   her   mother   comes  in  the   second
        them   to   launch   another   program   was   called   “Two   Thousands   –  place.  She  was  one  of  the  prominent  figures  in  the  Ministry  of
        2000”   to   introduce   what   is   new   in   the   different   science   fields.  education.   She   educated   many   generations   in   Port   Said.   She
        One   of   the   programs   that   she   is  proud   of   presenting   was  “Radio  combined   between   love   and   the   needed   firmness   in   different
        fathers   –   Aba’   El   Radio”   which   was   specialized   in   recording  situations  and  for  her  kids  as  well,  especially  after  her  father’s
        about   the   Egyptian   radio   stars   like   Ahmed   Salim,   the   first   voice  death   –Samiha’s   father-   in   an   early   age,   she   insisted   on   her
        in   the   Egyptian   radio,   and   Mohamed   Fathy   who   was   titled   with  daughter’s   education   continuity   in   Cairo   regardless   of   the
        the radio curlew, and many more.                       rough   circumstances.   Then,   comes   her   husband   Hassan
                                                               Hamed,  the  former  Radio  and  TV  chief  editor,  and  the  former
        One   of   the   crowned   with   love   stations   in   her   life   was   her  Chairman  of  the  Egyptian  Media  Production  City,  he  gave  her
        marriage  to  the  radio  presenter  Hassan  Hamed  and  spending  their  all  the  proper  support  in  all  the  phases  whether  on  the  practical
        life   journey   together.   They   traveled   to   Japan,   Greece,   Lebanon  level   or   the   humanitarian   level,   and   he   provided   the   needed
        and  the  USA  before  returning  back  to  Egypt  after  20  years.  They  environment   for   creativity,   then,   comes   her   professors   in   the
        have  lived  in  Tokyo  for  7  seven  years,  3  of  them  as  presenters  in  faculty   and   school   who   encouraged   and   pushed   her   forward
        the   Japanese   radio   institution,   and   for   the   rest,   she   was   a  and  recognizing  her  as  a  good  gain,  she  is  also  grateful  for  her
        companion  for  her  husband  who  was  the  media  consultant  at  the  colleagues and heads during her career.
        Egyptian   embassy   at   Japan.   When   she   went   back   to   Egypt,   she
        held the responsibility of the radio heritage which included all the  6-    What   are   the  challenges   that   face   the   governmental  media,
        documents   of   the   Egyptian   broadcast   since   its   start   in   1934   as  specifically   with   the   widening  of   the   private   media  as   well   as
        well   as   the  recorded   tapes   and  devices.   She   have   tried  to  collect  the emergence of the social media recently on the domain?
        all the devices and equipment that the Egyptian radio started with  She   stated   that   the   real   and   major   challenge   that   faces   the
        in  order  to  establish  a  museum  for  the  radio  like  this  one  in  New  public   media   is   the   detachment   from   the   usual,   traditional
        York,  but  the  difference  in  setting  priorities  was  a  barrier  against  media   which   lacks   the   essential   glow   to   attract   the   audience
        this  project.  Considering  a  new  step  in  her  life,  she  was  working  and  spectators.   It   is   a  necessity  for  the   public   media   to   be   the
        on   a   momentous   mission   after   assigning   her   to   start   constituting  fastest,   the   reliable   and   the   credible   tool   to   deliver   the
        “The   Nile”   channel   for   news,   the   first   Egyptian   channel   to   be  important news for the audience.
        specialized  in  presenting  news.   This   channel   received   credit   and
        wide   fame,   and   left   its   fingerprint   on   the   Egyptian,   Arab   media
                                                               She  added  that  one  of  the  most  restricting  aspects  that  restricts
        map   and   other   news   channels   as   well,   and   the   credits   go   for   the  the  public  media  is  its  linkage  by  the  audience  interest  and  the
        youth key-staff who were chosen objectively. She also referred to
                                                               public   interest  from   the  state’s   side  while   it  is   not   the  case   for
        the  fact  that  most  of  the  staff  in  the  channel  were  Economics  and  the   private   media   which   works   for   the   owner’s   will.   It   is
        Political Science graduates showing their capability in passing
                                                               necessary to separate between the ownership and the

                                           Vol.1, Issue 22, August 2020
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