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2                                      Vol.1, Issue 22, August 2020                          ELITE

                                                                   Meeting Veteran

                                                                        Media Figure

                                                                   Samiha Dahroug

                                                               not   only   on   the   educational   and   academic   levels.   Many
                                                               foreigners   and   Arab   brothers   have   resorted   to   it   from   many
                                                               countries  and   this  diversity   gave   it  its   brilliance.   This  relation
                                                               has   given   them   referentiality,   inspiration   and   a   role   model   to
                                                               resort   for   in   the   need   and   necessity   which   casted   on   the
                                                               professors’  shoulders  a  huge  responsibility  towards  portraying
                                                               the   needed  efforts   of   this   entity   and  its   inclusions.  They   were
                                                               on   a   high   level   of   knowledge   and   culture,   and   they   have   left
        Cairo: Ramy Magdy, Nourhan Osama, Youstina Ebeid
                                                               their special fingerprint which could never be forgotten.
        One  of   the   connoisseurs   in   the   Egyptian   media   industry  history,
                                                               3-  In  your  opinion,  how  can  the  faculty  articulate  its  students’
        her  artistic  taste  and  sensitivity  attracted  all  those  who  knew  her.
        Since   her   young   age,   everyone   who   saw   her   could   feel   this
                                                               She   answered   that   it   has   a   huge   impact   on   the   students’
        activeness   and  liveliness   aura   in   her   and   believed   in   the  future’s
                                                               characters   articulation.   When   the   students   join   the   faculty
        waving-hand  towards  her.  She  differed  much  than  the  girls  in  her
                                                               since   their   first   year,   they   wish   they   could   wear   the
        city   “Port   Said”,   however  she   didn’t   have   their   wide  houses,   but
                                                               ambassador’s   scarf   and   embody   the   role   of   a   prominent
        she   wanted   to   fly  outside  her  city,   she   is  the   venerable   presenter
                                                               diplomat   or   the   great   economist,   as   well   as   the   jokes   that
        Samiha   Dahroug,   one  of   the   shinning  and   honorable   symbols   of
                                                               contain   calling   each   other   by   the   “ambassador”   title,   in
        the   Faculty   of   Economics   and   Political   Science’s   graduates,   and
                                                               addition   to   her   assertion   on   the   existing   harmony   and   the
        we  had  an  interesting  interview  with  her  about  her  life’s  stations
                                                               mixture   of   thoughts   and   aims   of   the   students   as   they   have
        and what hardship and life’s rigidity she has faced.
                                                               always   been   called   “Crème   de   la   crème”.   The   faculty
        And we asked her some questions:
                                                               weaponizes   its   student   by   knowledge   and   science   to   be   an
                                                               active   citizen.   These   activeness   and   enthusiasm   made   the
        1-   How   did   your   relation   with   the   Faculty   of   Economics   and
                                                               professors pour what they have, they have never grudged what
        Political   Science   start,   and   what   were   your   reasons   behind   your
                                                               they can give.
        She   recalled   her   memories   answering  that   she   didn’t   choose   the
        faculty,   but   the   faculty   chose   her,   as   the   Faculty   of   Economics
                                                               4-   The   presenter   Samiha   Dahroug   has   an   extended   and   rich
        and   Political   Science   was   one   of   the   newest   faculties   on   the
                                                               journey,   could   you   please   state   for   us   its   most   important
        arena,  and  she  joined  it  for  nothing  but  for  her  mother’s  will,  due
        to   her   insightful   future   vision   regarding   the   job   opportunities.
                                                               She   continued   saying   that   her   career   started   during   her   study
        The presenter expressed her preference to join the Faculty of Arts
                                                               because   she   was   given   the   chance   to   be   trained   earlier   in   the
        and   her   willingness   to   become   a   poet,   a   writer,   a   journalist   or   a
                                                               arts   annex   in   “Al-Gomhoreya”   journal.   Then,   she   had   the
        novelist   for   being   a   voracious   reader,   a   good   listener   and   an
                                                               chance  once  again  to  join  the  researchers’  team  for  a  TV  show
        active   member   in   the   school   since   her   childhood   because   she
                                                               –a   competition   show-   between   schools’   kids.   Mama   Samiha
        participated   in   a  very  assiduous  way  in  the   school   broadcast  and
                                                               was   the   presenter,   she   was   the   first   to   introduce   kids’   shows
        student   activities   besides   her   educational   excellence   as   she   was
                                                               on   the   TV.   After   her   graduation,   she   went   for   the   radio
        from the top students in Port Said.
                                                               auditions   and   she   succeeded   and   joined   the   general   program
                                                               for   managing   the   cultural   and   private   programs.   Her   concern
        2-   How   was   your   experience   in   the   faculty?   And   what   are   the
                                                               about   attending  special  and   famous   programs   with   radio   stars
        most significant memories you had in it?
                                                               like   Ali   Fayek,   the   great  writer  Anees  Mansour,   Fekry  Abaza
        She   asserted   on   the   strong   relation   between   all   students   and
                                                               and   others   from   the   great   figures   has   increased.   Then   she
        professors   especially   for   the   limited   numbers   which   opened   the
                                                               moved   to   the   Middle   East   Radio   which   was   completely   full
        door  for  this  closeness  and  strong  bond  as  if  they  are  one  family,
                                                               with   youth.   It   was   the   first   commercial   channel   that   is
        and the reciprocal regard on the social level,
                                                                  dependent on the advertisings, attractive small programs and
                                           Vol.1, Issue 22, August 2020
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