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ELI TE                                                                                    I SSUE  14  ,   DECEMBER   2019                                                                 PAGE    21

                                  THE CONCEPT OF JUSTICE:

                                    A DECEPTIVE SIMPLICITY

            LAYLA GALAL, Political Communication officer in "Su      pport Egypt" Caolition
                                                            as it is  both unfair and impractical to equalize all, in addition to the desire
   Justice, the simplest principle to understand yet t  he hardest to define, as
                                                            to  create   a  motive  that  gives  individuals   a   reason  for  enduring   hard  work
   we   all   know   what   the   word   means   but   no   one   can   set   a   definite
                                                            requirements  imposed  by  socialism,  as  well  to  rise  a   sense  of  competition
   conception   for   it,   whereas   it   commonly   agreed   that   the   fundamental
                                                            among individuals,     thus  a  rewards  system  was  established,   extra  income,
   contrast   in   defining   justice   differs   with   the   purse  d      ideology,   For
                                                            upgrades and promotions were given to  hard  workers.  In  this   way,  Justice
   example,   each   Liberalism   and   Socialism   had   adopted   a      distinctive
                                                            nurtured   to   be   the   equality   of   the   distribution   of   final   resources   while
   view   on   Justice   that   matches   its   own   narrative,   for     instance   Justice
                                                            giving   special   privileges   for   the   top   achievers.   In   the   same   way,   the
   liberally   speaking   is   what   results   from   the   equalit  y   of   the   right      to
                                                            concept  of  justice  changes  and  develops  overtime,  by  the   accumulation  of
   pursue opportunities; all is equal in the pursuit o  f their own goals, while
                                                            real  experiences  and   experiments,  but  it  is  almost  impossible  to  imagine  a
   the   state  protects   and   respects   such  right   for  all   individuals  evenly,   but
                                                            one agreed upon meaning for justice.
   what  then  follows  is   definitely  exclusive  from  the   definition  of   justice;

   in   other   words,   the   rich   is   rich   because   they   deser  ve   and   the   poor   is
                                                            Talking   abstractly   and   generally,   I   admit   the   existence   of   a   solid   bond
   poor  because  they  deserve,  consequently  liberalism   perceives  justice  as
                                                            between power and justice, whoever owns power monopolizes the right to
   a procedural process and not as an outcome or end;   it does not even get
                                                            define  justice,  that  ’s  why   the  definition  varies  in  any   society  in  respect   to
   bothered  by   the  results  or  seeks  to   adjust  them  how  ever   how  wide   the
                                                            the   dominant   segment   that   holds   power   and   control   over   resources,
   gap between the rich and the poor is,
                                                            subsequently   ,   the   definition   in   a   socialist  society   led   by   a   proletariat      is

                                                            not   the   same   as   in   a   capitalist   society   led   by   the   bourgeoisie,   the   same
   Moreover,  it   is   a   sound   interpretation   from  liberal  ism  which   cherishes
                                                            between   a   secular   and   theocratic   societies   ,   whereas   ,it   not   inevitably
   individualism   ,   creativity   and   believes   in   individu  al   inequalities   and
                                                            impractical definition simply because it is imposed by the dominant sector
   differences.      Whereas,   socialism   identifies   justice     as   equality   of   the
                                                            in  the   society;   It   probably   could      be   the   most   relevant   for   the   nature   and
   distribution   of   final   resources   or   the   sum   of   what   produced   by   the
                                                            unique   conditions   of   the  society   considering  that   the  powerful  segment  is
   community,      accordingly   all   get   resources   equally,   therefore   it   is
                                                            who  sets  the   definition  for   itself   according  to   what   it  perceives  to   be   just
   concerned with justice as an outcome and not as a p  rocedural process; it
                                                            or   unjust,   consequently,   the   definition   could   be   satisfying   for   them   but
   does  not   care  who   works  more   than  the  other  or  who   does  not   work   at
                                                            seems   to   be   discriminative   for   the   minority,   and   this   will   take   us   to
   all,    while   this   view  evolved  from   socialism  ’s  belief  that   the   individual
                                                            another debate over the extent within which the minority has a word in the
   is   an   integral   part   of   the   community   and   recognized     only   in   the
                                                            face   of   power,   and   the   extent   within   which   the   powerful   sector   should
   community,  as  well  as  its  stress  on  cherishing  wor  k  and  sacrificing  for
                                                            respect the minority while defining concepts.
   its sake , as what matters in the end is what the c  ommunity produces, so

   there   is  no   rich   and  poor   because   all  are   equal.  Ow  ing   to  the   fact  that
                                                            Furthermore,   talks   about   justice   and   its   conflicting   meanings   will   never
   any   ideology   develops   itself   to   adapt   to   the   realit  y   it   belongs   to   over
                                                            end, particularly since that tackling justice pulls us towards other concepts
   time,   the  concepts   and   its   meanings   change   when   the  ir   significance   or
                                                            that  are   still  debatable   too,   as   argued  by  the  German   philosopher,   Fredric
   relevance   fade,   in   that   sense,   liberalism   developed     its   conception   of
                                                             Hegel, that the world is in a unremitting conflict between idea, as a thesis
   justice,   due  to   the  wide   gap  between   the   rich  and   p  oor  which  dictated
                                                            is  once  found  then  develop  itself    and  mature  to   its  maximum  level  ,  then
   the   search   for   a   cure   to   heal      poverty   resulted   fro  m   the   inequality   of
                                                            an anti-thesis evolves and takes place , while after a long conflict between
   individuals  rationally,  mentally   and  physically,  fo  r   example   Imagine   a
                                                            the   thesis   and   its   anti-version,      a   third   thesis   erupts,   in   result   of   the
   disabled   man   who   is   unable   to      work   for   some   forced     involuntary
                                                            conciliation  and   combination  of  the   two   theses,  so   on  and   so   forth.     T  his
   reasons, who would back him up financially?
                                                            theory is the closest and most relevant to me in conceptualizing words and

                                                            its   meanings   due   to  the   continuous  evolution  that  both   reality   and   power
   The   liberal   answer   is   :   No   one   ,   That  ’s   why   liberalism   resorted   to   a
                                                            considerations   witness,   as   who   used   to   hold   power   in   past   is   no   longer
   redistribution   policy   through   imposing   taxes   on   the     rich   in   order   to
                                                            holding it today, while who wields it today can never guarantee having his
   ensure the minimum level of living standards for th  e poor and disabled,
   Again   it  only   offers   the   minimum  level   as   it   priori  tizes   above   all      the  grip  on   it   in  future,  and   in  the   same   way,  it   is   impossible  to   imagine   any
   individual  differences,      thus   the   concept  of  justic  e   developed  to   be   the  absolute   definition   for   any   concept  in  a   world   full   of   clash   of   ideas   and
   equality   of   the   right      to   pursue   opportunities   but   with   offering   the  alteration  of  power  between  different   hands.  To  finish,  in   order  avoiding
   minimal   level   of   living   standards   for   the   poor   and   underprivileged,  indulging into an infinite loop of interrelated derivations of definitions for
                                                            society to place
                                                                                        ” its own definition.
                                                                        “for a while of time
   privileges to the hard workers and top achievers,

        ELI TE                                                                                 I SSUE  14  ,    DECEMBER  2019                                                              PAGE    21
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