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ELITE                                                  ISSUE 14, DECEMBER 2019                                             PAGE 18

      As   such,   it   cannot   express   the   needs   or   pains   of   the   society.   However,   “elites  ”,   ironically,   think   they   are   the   leaders   of   the
   society;holdingdebates,   conducting   dialogues,  and  proposing  initiatives   to   the   decision   maker   in   order   to   materialize   the   belief  in  their   social
   and cultural value. A claim that hides a desire to establish social and political influence, be closer to authority, and earn a living. It is important
   to notice that the logic of   “intellectuals leading the society  ” which marked the European enlightenment and theorized by social theorists, as San
   Simon and Emile Durkheim, was a response to a society possessed the socio-economic conditions for modernization, besides social forces that
   widely pushed for radical change. It is thus these conditions and forces driven the intellectual to the leadership position to represent and express
   their   demands   and   aspirations.   On   the   other   hand,   none   of   these   conditions   existed   in   our   societies   at   the   same   degree   or   quality.   So   how
   logically  can   Arab  intellectual   claim   to   be   the   leader   of   the   society!   Not  only   that,   but  also   whenever   forces  of   social  change   begin  to  have
   power,   they   are   ignored   or   devalued.   Because   of   the   intellectual  ’s   awareness   that   these   forces   will   undermine   his   sources   of   influence   and
   prestige,   or  because   the   fear  of   following   the   masses   /  “mob  ”.   This   reveals   that  rupture  between   “elites  ”   and   the   “masses  ”,  and  that   renewed
   failure   to   understand   or   predict   its   “street   politics  ”.   To   sum   up,   as   long   as   the   intellectual   separates   himself   from   the   pulse   of   the   mass
   movement  and  does  not   care  about  people  ’s  pains  and   ideas,  Masses  will  naturally  drop  him   out  of  their  calculations  and   mock  his   ignorance.
    That  is  why   whenever   he  thinks  of  himself  as   excellence   and   superiority   due   to   his  cultural  status,  Masses   always  put   him   at  the  margins  of
   major   transformation  stages.   The   first   step   of   reform  process   is   that   everyone   get  rid   of   the   "apostolic"   perspective   of   change.   As  everyone
   should question the value of what is said and written in light of the street  ’s movement and problems, including the writer of these lines.
      FEPS Incubator, IBDL and AUF held a round table about
            "Vocational Training for students in Companies"

                                                                 Khalaf added that trade will change in its traditional form, and the world mov  es to
  In   the  effort   of  Faculty  of  Economics   and   Political     Science   (FEPS)   to   improve   its   students
                                                                 virtual  platforms  and  E-commerce   will  flourish  in  the   future.  He  also  pointed    out
  qualifications,   FEPS   Business   Incubator  (BI)  held   a    round   table   on   Thursday  October  31,
                                                                 that   citizens'   view   of   vocational   education   must   be   changed,   explaining   that
  2019,  in   cooperation   with  the   University   Agency   of   Francophone  -   “Agence  Universitaire
                                                                 learning  a  craft  may   guarantee  a  better   future  and  a   better  income  for  you  th,  than
  de   la  Francophonie  ”   (AUF)  and   the  International   Business  Leadership  Li  cense   Foundation
                                                                 the   office   jobs,   adding   that   secondary   schools   and   universities   should   provide
  (IBDL),   entitled   "Vocational   Training   for   students   in   Companies".     The   round   table   was
                                                                 career consulting to students, to guide them in the labor market.He mentio  ned that
  attended   by  Dr.   Mahmoud  El-said,  FEPS  Dean,  Khaled   Khalaf,  IBDL  Executive   Director,
                                                                 many  industries  is  going  to   witness  a  big  boom   in   salaries,   Such  as  d  ata  analysis,
  Noha   Sultan,   AUF   Director,   and   Dr.   Reem   Hafez,   AUF   Coordinator   of   the   Vocational
                                                                 agricultural   engineering,   any   job   in   climate   fields,   and   programming   fields,   h  e
  Training Program for Business Leadership, and Heba   Zaki FEPS BI Founder and Executive
                                                                 recommended   students   to   learn   programming   language   as   they   learn   a   fo  reign
  Director,   and   students  and   educators  from  several   u  niversities.The   discussion  was   opened
                                                                 language,  and   in   theoretical  sciences,  psychology   would  witness   a   boom    in   jobs
  by  the  Dean  ’s  speech  in  which  he  thanked  the  attendees  and  prai  sed  the  incubator  ’s  efforts,
  then pointed out that vocational training contribut  es into making students more qualified for  because   modern   societies   witness   a   big   change   that   will   result   in   many
  labor   market,   as  some   reports  indicate  that   50%   of   jobs   will   disappear  in   2030.   He  added  psychological   problems   that   need   two   psychological   therapists.The
  that   "Vocational   training   will   help   the   graduates  t  o   overcome   the   challenges   of   the   labor  recommendations  of   that   paper  came  through   a   survey   conducted   b  y  a  thousand
  market,   especially   with  technological  development",    mentioning   that  vocational  training   is
                                                                 employers,   and   ten   thousands   of   students   and   faculties,   and   five   hund  red
  not  necessarily   a  craft,  as  it  is  commonly   known,   b  ut   skills  that  the  student   may  acquire  to  professors.   The   results   indicated   that   students   see   that   their   education   has
  give  him  an  advantage  in  the  labor   market.The  round    table  comes  within  the   project  of   the  deprived them from achieving their job goals, in the other hand employers   believe
  Center  for   Career   Integration,  Innovation   and   entre  preneurship   which   affiliated   to   Careers
                                                                 that   the   new   graduates   are   non-committed,   and   do   not   have   a   discipline  ,   and
  and   Professional   Integration,   Innovation   and   Entrep  reneurship   in   Egypt   -  “Carri  ères   et
                                                                 preferring government jobs than the private sector. Finally, professors saw that the
  Insertion   Professionnelle   Innovation   et   Entrepreneu  riat   en   Egypte  ”   (CIIPEE).   Dr.   Reem
                                                                 success  of   the   labor  market  would  result  in   the  degree   of  flexibility,   ad  aptation,
  Hafez,   AUF   Coordinator   of   the   Vocational   Training   P  rogram   for   entrepreneurship,
                                                                 and  diligence.The  workshop  was   concluded  with  a  speech  by  Dr.   Heba  Z  aki-  the
  represented   the   project's   objective   which   is   linkin  g   learning   outcomes   with   labor   market
                                                                 FEPS BI Founder and Executive Director- in which she mentioned th  e main three
  requirements.   She   noted   that   the   project   adopts   two     approaches,   the   first   is   professional
                                                                 activities   of   the   incubator:   awareness   sessions   and   workshops,   the   Business
  which helps students to integrate into the labor ma  rket, the other approach is entrepreneurial
                                                                 leadership   Consulting   Service,   and   the   incubation   program.   She   said   that   the
  to   raise   awareness   about   the   importance   of   entrepre  neurship.   Hafez   pointed   out   that   the
                                                                 establishment  of   the  incubator  came   as  a  result  of  recommendations   in   her  Ph.D.
  project  comes  with   many  partners  such  as   Alexandria     University,  the  French  University  in
                                                                 thesis for transforming to knowledge economies in Egypt, and poin  ted out that the
  Egypt, companies such as IBDL, and the French Chamb  er of Commerce and Industry.At his
                                                                 incubator   adopted   sustainable   innovation   that   sought   to   achieve   the   goals   of
  representation,   Dr.  Khaled  Khalaf,   IBDL  Executive  D  irector,  presented  a  working  paper  on
                                                                 sustainable development, She added that the incubator seeks to be a pionee  r in the
  future  jobs  in  Egypt  in  which  he  pointed  out  that  c  oncentration  in  future  jobs  has  started  in
                                                                 Middle  East  in   the  field  of   entrepreneurship.She  added  that   the   incubator   adopts
  all  international  institutions  since  2010.  Khalaf  s  aid  that   the  world  will  witness  a   change  in
                                                                 innovative  projects  and  incubator  concentrates   not  only   a  certain  field  o  f  projects
  the   economic   and   financial   powers   and   a   widening   ga  p   between   the   developing   and   the
                                                                 but   also   a   variety   between   education,   health,   recycling   and   gender   equ  ality
  developed   countries,   which   will   have   a   social   effec  t   on   the   disappearance   of   the   middle
                                                                 projects.  Zaki   pointed  out   that  the  round   table  comes  accompanied  with  s  eries   of
  class. He added that technological progress will re  place the human component in many jobs,
                                                                 conferences   and   meetings   that   aim   for   spreading   the   culture   of   Functional
  and  that  several   years  ago,  the  textile  industry  wa  s   a  labor-intensive  industry,   but  now  it   is
                                                                 integration, innovation and entrepreneurship among university students.
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