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..  |P a g e (  ) 7                         issue 11- September 2019                                    ELITE

                               Feminism and Cartoon

                                Yasmeen Yehia, Fourth Year, Political Science                Revised and Translated by : Dina Ehab

     When you google the concept of Feminism, you will find a huge   against her mother desire and her mother started to convince her
   amount of theories and definitions and hence the coming lines will   that the role of the girl in the society is to be married and so on
   not be concerned with the origin of the concept of feminism and   and  her  mother  started  to  interfered  in  her  personal  details,
   its  schools  but  it  will  be  about  the  one  of  the  successful   teaching her the prober way of sitting, speaking and even eating,
   mechanisms  of  the  feminist  thought  that  succeeded  to  spread   which  led the  girl to  go for  magic and converting  her  mother
   widely all over the world. And I will feel doubt if someone says   into bear but again at the end she could rescue her mother and
   that he does not hear about feminism before.                  convert  her  back  to  human-being.  She  could  overcome  the
                                                                 traditional the traditions of her society and refuse marriage from
     There is no doubt that the success feminist thought depended on
   many mechanisms but what is really exciting is that one of these   the three princes that came for her.Despite the difference in the
   mechanisms is Cartoon films. Some  initiates saying that cartoon   stories but both  film  hold the same  ideas as both  films talked
   films  especially  Disney  films  that  faced  many  criticisms  from   about a girl and her surrounding society that tried to convince
   feminists as it is accused of being anti-feminism films and always   her  that  her  role  is  to  be  married  and  this  girl  rebelled  those
                                                                 believes and the restriction of the society; MULAN escaped and
   seeks to show that girls are always looking for marriage there are   dressed like a man and MERIDA went for magic and both girls
   always  the  pretty  cute  princesses  that  are  waiting  their  brave
   handsome princes to rescue them and live happily ever after!!! OK   succeeded in achieving what they want.
   this is somehow right as the cartoon films were at that direction   And now read the final part and I am sure that you will realize
   but suddenly the second wave of Disney films came out and it was   that both were calling for emphasizing the same idea to children
   ant-the old thoughts and came full of many feminist believes. the   that Girls can achieve more and do what they want by rebelling/
   coming lines will include two films that prove my words, the two   refusing  the  traditions  of  the  society  and  its  obstacles  by
   films are “MULAN” and “BRAVE”.                                different ways. You have to be aware that feminism is calling
                                                                 strongly  for  rebelling  against  the  surrounding  reality  and
     For those who have seen the two films will think that they are
   completely different, as “MULAN”was about a normal girl and all   destroying  all  male  obstacles  that  barrier  her  role  in  life  and
   her  relatives  are  busy  preparing  her  marriage  and  looking  for   make her role is just marriage and taking care of children.The
   suitable husband for her. But what actually  happened is that she   danger  or  the  seriousness  of  those  thoughts  that  are  grown  in
                                                                 children‟s  minds  through  these  cartoon  films  is  that  those
   escaped and dressed as a male to join the army instead of her old
   father as she feared about her father if their something bad would   thoughts damage or hit children‟s minds and this is considered
   hurt him in the war. Although she rescued all the army and won   as  the  first  stone  or  obstacle  in  building  minds  and  other
   the war, her leader sentenced her to death when he had discovered   thoughts are depending on that later.
   that she is a girl not a guy but this is not the end as he later on he   So please re-watch the same films watched in our childhood
   had fallen in love with her that lead to forgiving her and as usual   by  another  eye  and  point  of  view  and  share  with  me  your
   he married her at the end. On the other hand “BRAVE”is a about   opinions. Let‟s think about the messages held by other films like
   the rebellious brave princess that refused marriage and this is    “TANGLED” and “FROZEN”.

       .. |P a g e (  7  )                         issue 11- September 2019                                    ELITE
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